[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

@Azbroolah Ah thanks, didn't noticed that ;)
How does this build survive end game content with only 4k life and no defense mechanic (leech, dodge, etc.)?
How does this build survive end game content with only 4k life and no defense mechanic (leech, dodge, etc.)?

It's a MOM build, so you should have at least 7k ehp with your mana.
Gulch wrote:
How does this build survive end game content with only 4k life and no defense mechanic (leech, dodge, etc.)?

It's a MOM build, so you should have at least 7k ehp with your mana.

Also your totems are your defense. They block a lot of damage. You also have some block and decent regen.
am I doing something wrong? righteous fire keeps popping and burning all my HP
Yes you should use only vaal version RF gem
Last edited by foxooo on Dec 20, 2019, 8:43:36 PM
am I doing something wrong? righteous fire keeps popping and burning all my HP

Yes, you have it linked to Cast When Damage Taken (i assume because of the inc duration gem on your defensive skill).

Make sure your RF level is higher then what CWDT can trigger. So either de-level CWDT, or buy a lvl 21 vaal RF.
Has anyone used the arctic freezing pulse MTX? Does it look good and can we apply it to our skill gem even though it's being used by a totem?

And to confirm, we can't apply totem MTX because we get the skill from our armor right?
Has anyone used the arctic freezing pulse MTX? Does it look good and can we apply it to our skill gem even though it's being used by a totem?

And to confirm, we can't apply totem MTX because we get the skill from our armor right?

Yes for FP, no for totem.
why does your level 20 vaal righteous fire require level 70 when mine requires level 66?

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