Diablo 2 remastered and diablo4 comming

Can't wait!
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tbh I stopped caring about Diablo long ago, not interested sadly.
HoockBr wrote:
I really dont care about diablo 4. But diablo 2 remastered may get me away from poe like forever if they do it right.

If it's actually a remaster it will be identical to the old one. It'll just be a worse version of the same game. They need to do an actual remake, and just refine the old chunky retro graphics.

The art style completely changing and Cain being white were by far the most disappointing things about D3. Cain being white massively more so.

Edit: Seriously, he was so black. It's dumb.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Last edited by LV9999Majin on Oct 24, 2019, 4:16:51 AM
Diablo 2 Remastered will be released in 2020 already

I would buy if they remaster D1 as well. And i agree they should keep everything and just improve and maybe add some twists and extra side quests to expand little bit.

And if they every remaster D3, and rework abit what they messed up. I would insta buy.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Last edited by Farystar on Oct 24, 2019, 5:26:50 AM
Tyralion1488 wrote:

It's the biggest Blizzcon yet so far with Diablo 4, Diablo 2 remastered and Overwatch 2.

I guess i'm too old for this

Obviously not.
Farystar wrote:

And if they every remaster D3, and rework abit what they messed up. I would insta buy.

Lol, that's what Reaper of Souls was, and it was great. Then everyone was a bunch of idiots and made them dumb it down again in 2.1.

I'm pretty sure that's the real reason they dropped last gen console support then, they just kept it as a landmark for when the game was still good.

They are working it back into being a good game again though. Now playing setless is dead on on par with sets, so you can actually build characters and push grifts.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Farystar wrote:

And if they every remaster D3, and rework abit what they messed up. I would insta buy.

Lol, that's what Reaper of Souls was, and it was great. Then everyone was a bunch of idiots and made them dumb it down again in 2.1.

I'm pretty sure that's the real reason they dropped last gen console support then, they just kept it as a landmark for when the game was still good.

They are working it back into being a good game again though. Now playing setless is dead on on par with sets, so you can actually build characters and push grifts.

Only thing i don't like with D3 and similar games is when you hit mobs and they keep flashing when hit and numbers with damage popping up...its stupid and unnecessary. I hope they would remove this.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Farystar wrote:
Farystar wrote:

And if they every remaster D3, and rework abit what they messed up. I would insta buy.

Lol, that's what Reaper of Souls was, and it was great. Then everyone was a bunch of idiots and made them dumb it down again in 2.1.

I'm pretty sure that's the real reason they dropped last gen console support then, they just kept it as a landmark for when the game was still good.

They are working it back into being a good game again though. Now playing setless is dead on on par with sets, so you can actually build characters and push grifts.

Only thing i don't like with D3 and similar games is when you hit mobs and they keep flashing when hit and numbers with damage popping up...its stupid and unnecessary. I hope they would remove this.

Huh. I always thought that damage numbers and crit indicators were extremely helpful in identifying gear/stat/skill tweaks. I really prefer them to not really knowing.

Edit: a test dummy in our PoE hideouts would be amazing.

Maybe 3 types. Trash, yellow, boss/unique. (Maybe shaper a 4th)
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Oct 24, 2019, 9:35:16 AM
diablofdb wrote:
tbh I stopped caring about Diablo long ago, not interested sadly.

Diablo 3? Or Diablo in general? Because I sure hope you don't mean the latter :(
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
Blizzcon is near i have fear they gonna be shit again or hopefully not :D.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3

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