[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

Yeah, sadly I don't think you can see my char. But I'm currently level 70 (5 lvls away from your exactly PoB level 75 tree).
My uniques are Rainbowstride boots and belt with 2 (energy shield + damage) abyss jewels (I also already have Prism Guardian, but I don't think it is worth to use yet). Others items are rare items with resistances, maximum energy shield and damage, like your budget suggestions from guide. (5 links chest with gems in your suggested order of priority)

I'm trying to buy a a Tinkerskin. Is Tinkerskin worth with CI?
With Tinkerskin I will have almost 4k energy shield, so I think I can go CI + Zealot and complete lab (for ascendancy) + higher maps to get currency.

Another question, which 2 auras should I use with mana reservation? (I think that with CI I can't reserve hp for auras because I will only have 1 hp).

Last edited by JSkynner on Feb 25, 2021, 1:26:55 PM
I found a potential boot alternative that will free up our helm enchant slot for more damage. Hunter boot influence allows for "Projectiles pierce x additional targets" which can replace our "Lightning trap pierces x additional targets" helm enchant, freeing it up for...whatever really. Without the correct enchant on the boots, making this swap results in basically no damage loss, which should then put you ahead with a proper boot enchant. Only downside is some ES loss of course, since the projectile mod is a prefix. I guess you could have another es mod instead of movespeed, but that would be painful lol.

Time to run some lab!

Last edited by VelvetUnicor on Feb 26, 2021, 10:53:39 AM
JSkynner wrote:
Yeah, sadly I don't think you can see my char. But I'm currently level 70 (5 lvls away from your exactly PoB level 75 tree).
My uniques are Rainbowstride boots and belt with 2 (energy shield + damage) abyss jewels (I also already have Prism Guardian, but I don't think it is worth to use yet). Others items are rare items with resistances, maximum energy shield and damage, like your budget suggestions from guide. (5 links chest with gems in your suggested order of priority)

I'm trying to buy a a Tinkerskin. Is Tinkerskin worth with CI?
With Tinkerskin I will have almost 4k energy shield, so I think I can go CI + Zealot and complete lab (for ascendancy) + higher maps to get currency.

Another question, which 2 auras should I use with mana reservation? (I think that with CI I can't reserve hp for auras because I will only have 1 hp).


Tinker and CI doesn't really add up. With tinker you should stay as a life-version trapper:) With CI, you'll buy whatever cheap 5 or 6L you can afford with as high ES as possible(whatever your budget allows) - Sometimes 5L prophecy + buying an unlinked body armor with tons of ES, is cheaper than trying to directly buy a 5L with high ES.

VelvetUnicor wrote:
I found a potential boot alternative that will free up our helm enchant slot for more damage. Hunter boot influence allows for "Projectiles pierce x additional targets" which can replace our "Lightning trap pierces x additional targets" helm enchant, freeing it up for...whatever really. Without the correct enchant on the boots, making this swap results in basically no damage loss, which should then put you ahead with a proper boot enchant. Only downside is some ES loss of course, since the projectile mod is a prefix. I guess you could have another es mod instead of movespeed, but that would be painful lol.

Time to run some lab!

There's definitely a lot of options for variation and to tailor these choices towards preferred playstyle:)
Are you sure the penetration helmet enchant isn't more dmg than the 40% increase? (if you were to get piercing on influenced boots of course)

I personally cannot live without lots of movespeed;P Atm I got 41% boots and if I upgrade them, it'll be to get a pair with the onslaught implicit (expensive!) ... don't mind my crappy luck with add/remove resists lol.

I'm lvl 99 and currently my POB looks like this;

2.1mil DPS per single lightning ball, with just about 10k ES.

Next item upgrade is my helm if I choose to do it (-9 and +lightning dmg to spells, so double influence shaper/crusader)

I'll maybe also upgrade rings, double influ shaper/crusader with spelldmg and lightning dmg to spells and ES% ES#.

I could also go mark of the shaper + elder/shaper or elder/crusader double influ ring to sit around 2.3mil, but I prefer staying somewhat around 10k ES + max block (well atm 74/74 without any rumi's flask).

My wand needs some add/remove crits etc and/or potentially being replaced by another one i'm crafting on atm which will beat this one with about 100k extra dps.

I don't have lightning pen gem in this setup, because I run wave of conviction in a trigger setup. So due to diminishing returns on -lightning ress, I gain more from swapping lightning pen with controlled destruction. This assumes you'll hit your wave of conviction on the boss/target of course, otherwise a lightning pen gem is still stronger.

This all is probably not my "final form" but it's definitely close to min/max'd and makes a joke of all end-game encounters with 10k es, lots of regen, es-on block with 74/74 spell/att block and (3 x 9 x 2.1mil) dmg per mouse button press... just deletes stuff.
P.S. in that regard, i'm testing a lot of interesting Heist gems that can even further buff us... stuff like 40-46% reduced trap spread = more traps being planted directly ontop a boss for maximum damage.. and things like having lightning balls return to you at 20-23% chance... pretty neat stuff (some of you mentioned heist gems, but since I never played the Heist league i'm late to the party testing them).

So..as this league heads towards the final 30 days and in the interim while we look forward to what comes next, i'll be updating this guide with all my Ritual League progress, videos, kills etc and my additions/changes/skill-tree suggestions etc. :)

and pp.s. A lot of people gave me a follow recently on twitch, so thank you for that. <3

Last edited by oestergreen on Feb 27, 2021, 11:42:58 PM
oestergreen wrote:
There's definitely a lot of options for variation and to tailor these choices towards preferred playstyle:)
Are you sure the penetration helmet enchant isn't more dmg than the 40% increase? (if you were to get piercing on influenced boots of course)

I imagine it would be more dmg to have the pen enchant on the helmet, but I'm all cold damage and it only applies to lightning dmg, so sadly wouldn't work out for me. Your comment did get me to check on the dmg difference between crown of the inward eye vs a "nearby enemies have -9% to x resist" veritania helm, and that nets a roughly 29k dmg increase, and only needs to have ~220 es for me to to break even defense wise. That being said, I'd have to self craft it since nobody is selling such a helm (-9 cold res) with the lightning trap enchant (outside of 50+ex, lol), so we'll see if that ends up happening.

Those are some lovely boots, you must be quite speedy!
Also very jealous of your wand, I haven't even got a +1 yet. Lmk if you move on from your current one and are looking to sell.... ;D

As far as easily capping your block / spell block, divergent tempest shield 20q would offer 4/4 block versus the normal 3/3 block at lvl1 which would cap you off, I think they're kinda expensive though.

I look forward to your guide updates once the league ends. You've been uniquely detailed in your updates, and extremely helpful in your responses to both me and others in the thread. Great stuff.

Edit: Crafted helmet came easier than I thought

Edit 2:
Welp, according to PoB my Crown of the inward eye is actually still better for damage than my crafted helm (by ~17k sirus avg hit), in spite of the reduced res to nearby enemies and +1 to wrath. There must have been something off about my numbers. Transfiguration of Soul is just too stronk. At least it was fun to craft :,)
Last edited by VelvetUnicor on Mar 2, 2021, 12:01:25 AM
Currently I'm lvl 40 and just finished act 4. But I'm really struggling with survivability right now, getting killed constantly in the ascent zone in Act 4 that leads to act 5.

Hoping someone has some tips on what my stats should look like at lvl 40, or what I should be using in terms of items or gem links at that lvl.
Used this Build as Inspiration to modify it and make my own little Version, including CI, and a Full Cluster.


Showcase Playlist:

(This Build is still work in Progress and by no means fully fledged out, there is still a lot of room for improvement, if you have any Ideas feel free to throw em at me.)

PoB: https://pastebin.com/gbcKVAXJ

More in Work.

Thanks for the Inspiration!

Edit: Added Playlist.

Also small Off-Topic Spoiler: I did something for my next Build, I call it "Divergent Berserk Stat-Stick"

Last edited by bustr on Mar 2, 2021, 5:43:46 AM
Would you recommend a level 4 empower over any of our supports?
VelvetUnicor wrote:

I look forward to your guide updates once the league ends. You've been uniquely detailed in your updates, and extremely helpful in your responses to both me and others in the thread. Great stuff.

Edit: Crafted helmet came easier than I thought

Edit 2:
Welp, according to PoB my Crown of the inward eye is actually still better for damage than my crafted helm (by ~17k sirus avg hit), in spite of the reduced res to nearby enemies and +1 to wrath. There must have been something off about my numbers. Transfiguration of Soul is just too stronk. At least it was fun to craft :,)

ty very much:)

I've also crafted a helm aaaaand another new weapon, though god damnit, I have to do r/a chaos a few times i guess, since I seem to only hit cold -,-

also upgraded my belt with a flask modifier:)

And sure, when I hit lightning as extra chaos, i'll sell my current wand to fund some more min/max crafting for the guide:)

Great_Grables wrote:
Would you recommend a level 4 empower over any of our supports?

No m8

bustr wrote:
Used this Build as Inspiration to modify it and make my own little Version, including CI, and a Full Cluster.

(This Build is still work in Progress and by no means fully fledged out, there is still a lot of room for improvement, if you have any Ideas feel free to throw em at me.)

Always interesting to see people developing stuff into what suits them, keep on and let us know how it all works out. :)
Last edited by oestergreen on Mar 3, 2021, 8:21:17 PM
Am i using a wrong pob or why does it show up as 3.11 ?
Kumorei wrote:
Am i using a wrong pob or why does it show up as 3.11 ?

Might just be a left-over tree (in the bottom, you can pick which tree to look at)

I've removed the 3.11 leftover tree's in this pob.

Endgame: https://pastebin.com/7d3SQxmi

I've also created POB's for Extreme min/max endgame, but i'll post those later along with more updates to the guide when we get closer to the new league.

Added a screeny to lvl 1-28 section for people not able to use POB to have a quick idea of what to path towards early / league starting.

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