[3.9] SelfCast | Arc Badge Assasin | 10 power and 10 frenzy charges | All content | ~25ex

Non tested theory crafted versions of this build. Just sharing my plans and ideas.

And, one of the fun fact about my build, because it is based on power/frenzy charges, it's not limited to any specific spell or elemental school at all.
Arc have been used only because it's a very good spell in general. Both for map cleaning and boss fighting. But you can replace Arc and use ANY spell in the game. Cold, Fire, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, channeling, instant, whatever.
In the future I want to expand my guide around this idea.

So, same tree. Same items. Same gems. Changed only Skillgems, Anointment, Watcher's Eye and relocated one skill point.
If i'm not mistaken, PoB shows dps of only one Nova, while real damage would be 5 times higher. (5 frostbolts fired - 5 novas casted)

Last edited by PaulMarch on Jan 6, 2020, 8:15:35 PM
Would you recommend this build to someone looking for a good blighted map farmer?
I have a kind of bad chest piece right now, and I've been worried about my health pool for bossing, and I've seen some chest pieces with 100+ max life, 10% increased max life, and 8% increased max life/mana all at once, but without the 10% chance for fury on hit. I was wondering if it'd be worth it to take the chest without the fury on hit, and use my elegant hubris to make up for it with the 1 node 10% frenzy on hit.

Would this be a bad idea? currently at 5255 HP and 1850 mana, and if I could get to 5500 I'd feel a lot more comfortable, but I'd have to probably lose a jewel slot for the time being, which is another 7% max life. I just feel like in the end game, level 96+, it might be worth the change out.

the other option is keeping the chest and getting +80% spell damage or 10% inc damage per power charge. I'm really not sure which is better here. It's definitely cheaper to get the chest with more life and no frenzy charge.

Liking the build though, any input would be great!
Last edited by Boblerta on Jan 8, 2020, 2:21:57 PM
If you prefer an active playstyle over afk summoners - Definitely yes. This is the the strongest side of this build.

You have pretty good life mods on every piece of your gear. But with Mind Over Matter, mana is also your health.
With 5255 HP you want to have at least 2260 mana.
Thanks for the quick reply. In this case then I'm actually "overcapped" on life, and the 8% would be way less effective without the mana to compensate?

also as a second question, right off the bat, do you see anything I can improve DPS-wise?

this is my second season pushing end game, but my first season where I've actually got a shot at it. I'm getting close to downing Sirus, and I've gone deathless on my last 8 or so conquerors. I'm feeling pretty good but some extra DPS might make me a bit more comfortable

Last edited by Boblerta on Jan 9, 2020, 9:49:40 AM
Is it possible to run this build without The 10% chanse on hit frenzy charge on The chest piece? Those chests with good life are exspensive.

Hows The build doing in 3.9? Thinking about investing 40-50ex into this. Looks fun.
Okay sorry for the spam on your thread here, but i was just wondering if awakened spell echo support would be worth it? I'd gain an additional 10% cast speed, 15-19% chance to deal double damage on the second hit, but at the cost of 15% less spell damage on arc instead of 10% less spell damage.

Also if not, what about awakened lightning pen/awakened controlled destruction support?

i'm at the point where i can update my 3.5ex precursor with 14% lightning pen + 1% phys reduction per charge for a 25+ex one with lightning pen + arcane surge, or i can update my 6ex watcher's eye for a 60+ex version, or i can spend 5-18ex on one or more awakened gems for arc. I'm not sure which is better here, or if i'm barking up the wrong tree entirely. Thanks again. I'm liking the build more and more

Your gear is decent. You can find items with with additional damage/health/mana/resistance mods or higher rolls. Nothing special, usual min maxing.

There are three options:
10% frenzy chest, Timeless Jewel, Farrul's Fur...
All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. The first option seems to me the most acceptable.

I have not yet had the opportunity to play "the stable" version of my own build :) But judging by the feedbacks - everything is cool.
I plan to supplement the guide by adding more endgame recommendation about gear, jewels, gems, etc.
In the meantime, a quick answer. Yes, awakened gems are awesome. Check PoB, you can find there an inactive Arc with linked awakened gems. Light Pene and Added Light have the best price/damage ratio.
So running a simple bloodrage gem will not work eaither?
Last edited by toddliestew on Jan 9, 2020, 10:54:08 AM

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