3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hi guys,
Since there is so much pages in this thread, where can I find the CI VERSION of this build?
Apolanice wrote:
Hi guys,
Since there is so much pages in this thread, where can I find the CI VERSION of this build?

there is no official CI version.


here is my pastebin. if you can't get 2700 str i wouldn't bother trying it. you probably don't have good enough gear if you can't theorycraft it to get there. if you think you can get 2700 strength then go for it. reason i say a 2700 breakpoint is because achieving that means you actually have good gear and a brain to work out how to get there. 2400 str is playable as long as you still achieve 15k+ ES (i.e depending on gear and tree you might be better off dropping some strength to take arcane will/focus and taking more dmg on the tree. you need to work this out yourself. if 19 zombies at 'x' dps beats 20 at 'x' dps, and whether the saved points can be used for more ES on the tree)

a lot of playing around with the tree and jewels is needed to efficiently switch to CI. if you don't like playing around with PoB and constantly updating and min maxing every single part of your build, then don't bother. 1500 strength is easy to achieve with the original build here so it's easy to tell people a definitive passive tree and upgrade/gear linear progression timeline. this is 100% not the case with the CI version, unless you can straight up buy someones completed gear and just copy their passives and jewels and gear like for like. the tree is vastly different for everyone. some have a thread of hope, some take the jewel below ghost reaver with an efficient training, you can path below EE and into the templar area and use an efficient training in the scion jewel socket. you can skip the top bit by death attunement and just annoint it and path through ravenous horde. there are 100s of usable variations.

in terms of differences you can mess around with in my pastebin, there are a couple of options. if you manage to fit an extra gem in by dropping something (maybe from gloves) you can use dreadbanner with 3 points from the soverignity cluster in your chest (move clarity to gloves or a ring). this is the biggest dps upgrade you can get for 3 points on the tree. if you opt for this you can drop minion dmg from the zombie links for impale. it's about about 10% more dps over minion damage and dread banner/impale is about 30% more dps over no banner/impale. if you can cap res without commander of darkness you can run with mistress of sacrifice and flesh offering for a chunk of MS for mapping.

Last edited by crazypearce on Feb 2, 2020, 10:16:29 PM
crazypearce wrote:
Apolanice wrote:
Hi guys,
Since there is so much pages in this thread, where can I find the CI VERSION of this build?

there is no official CI version.


here is my pastebin. if you can't get 2700 str i wouldn't bother trying it. you probably don't have good enough gear if you can't theorycraft it to get there. if you think you can get 2700 strength then go for it. reason i say a 2700 breakpoint is because achieving that means you actually have good gear and a brain to work out how to get there. 2400 str is playable as long as you still achieve 15k+ ES (i.e depending on gear and tree you might be better off dropping some strength to take arcane will/focus and taking more dmg on the tree. you need to work this out yourself. if 19 zombies at 'x' dps beats 20 at 'x' dps, and whether the saved points can be used for more ES on the tree)

a lot of playing around with the tree and jewels is needed to efficiently switch to CI. if you don't like playing around with PoB and constantly updating and min maxing every single part of your build, then don't bother. 1500 strength is easy to achieve with the original build here so it's easy to tell people a definitive passive tree and upgrade/gear linear progression timeline. this is 100% not the case with the CI version, unless you can straight up buy someones completed gear and just copy their passives and jewels and gear like for like. the tree is vastly different for everyone. some have a thread of hope, some take the jewel below ghost reaver with an efficient training, you can path below EE and into the templar area and use an efficient training in the scion jewel socket. you can skip the top bit by death attunement and just annoint it and path through ravenous horde. there are 100s of usable variations.

in terms of differences you can mess around with in my pastebin, there are a couple of options. if you manage to fit an extra gem in by dropping something (maybe from gloves) you can use dreadbanner with 3 points from the soverignity cluster in your chest (move clarity to gloves or a ring). this is the biggest dps upgrade you can get for 3 points on the tree. if you opt for this you can drop minion dmg from the zombie links for impale. it's about about 10% more dps over minion damage and dread banner/impale is about 30% more dps over no banner/impale. if you can cap res without commander of darkness you can run with mistress of sacrifice and flesh offering for a chunk of MS for mapping.

Thank you very much.
I think I'm near the potential of this build in terms of dmg, I have 950k shaper/elder dps, currently looking for Awakened Multistrike to break into the 1 million DPS. Maybe I will try my luck with double corruption in crafted weapons with minion dmg to hit Fortify 10 corruption for another 20-22% increase of dmg in zombies. I really love this build.

am I stupid for not understanding how skeletons dont make the final build? this is my first season so I don't know all of the pure optimized stuff (using POB to its full, etc) but after dropping skeletons everything just *feels* worse. especially in blight maps, with skeletons i could just stand in the middle and send them to each side, but with just zombies, i have to physically run over to each pack, and i end up not building efficiently, and i get overrun.
tsumeguhh wrote:
am I stupid for not understanding how skeletons dont make the final build? this is my first season so I don't know all of the pure optimized stuff (using POB to its full, etc) but after dropping skeletons everything just *feels* worse. especially in blight maps, with skeletons i could just stand in the middle and send them to each side, but with just zombies, i have to physically run over to each pack, and i end up not building efficiently, and i get overrun.

because outside of blight maps and killing sirus 20 seconds faster, they are pointless. at nearly 1m dps per zombie you shred absolutely everything. if you wanna have to spam another button then go for it, otherwise just play with pure zombies for a much easier time
Could any1 be kinda enough to look at my gear and help me out with more dps?


Last edited by Goldenbeans on Feb 3, 2020, 12:47:11 AM
Thanks to crazypearce for helping me figure a few things out.

I am over 2700 str with 20 zombies. My POB (without any adjustments, boxes clicked etc) is at 245k per zombie, considering i was at 90k before, this is just nuts.

I am full CI version, if you have the budget, it's worth it. I am over 17k es, the build is great. However, it's not crazy different than a much cheaper setup but it is fun!

tsumeguhh wrote:
am I stupid for not understanding how skeletons dont make the final build? this is my first season so I don't know all of the pure optimized stuff (using POB to its full, etc) but after dropping skeletons everything just *feels* worse. especially in blight maps, with skeletons i could just stand in the middle and send them to each side, but with just zombies, i have to physically run over to each pack, and i end up not building efficiently, and i get overrun.

I m actually using a 5L vaal skeletons into a hungry loop with capped resistances thanks to purity of elements, very fun.
this build is freakin insane, yesterday i think i completed my build, there are no small upgrades i can make right now

i got 1800 str and 18 zombies
Last edited by knedalah on Feb 3, 2020, 3:13:42 AM

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