3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I respeced to CI, but now I'm not getting any extra ES from cyclone and cyclone isn't regenerating any ES. Why is that? What am I doing wrong (cyclone with cast while channeling and spirit offering, of course)? I didn't change my ascendancy, so spirit offering should still affect me).
Last edited by n4zroth on Feb 2, 2020, 5:31:14 PM
Spirit offering needs health and you have non. Message me in game @zaynsummons, i will help you
Mentoya wrote:
Mentoya wrote:
I Know that we drop the death attunement node after you have the astramentis amulet, but looking at the tree, why do we also drop the 3 minion damage nodes that are right in front of it? (34% extra minion damage)?

By dropping the whole chain to Death Attunement, we get back 7 passive points to spend.

Those points can be spent on more powerful nodes than what was given up on the path to Death Attunement.

Okay thanks, but I believe it's actually just 4 points, the death attunement node and the 3 passives before it...

On a side note, it wont let me refund death attunement? :( I try and refund it and that node still stays lit? Even though I have it on my amulet....It does let me refund the ones in front of it though?

you want to refund everything from Death Attunement all the way back to Cruel Punishment. This is what your tree should look like in that upper area after you spec out.


Don't worry about Death Attunement staying lit, that is what is does when you have an annointment.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Feb 2, 2020, 5:36:45 PM
civillis wrote:

I have resists capped before using cyclone (I am running tanky build)
Do I really need cyclone then? Or is it more beneficial to change it for some other skills?


cyclone self casting desecrate and spirit offering are the life blood to your minions.

You want to keep Spirit Offering up as much as possible. Cyclone is an easy way to do this.
elbowndg wrote:
I have question about dread banner.
Currently im playing Balanced Setup using Saqawal's Nest.
I have turned on all auras but i have only 60 mana not reserved, in this case im not able to PLACE dread banner at full stacks. Do you have same problem?

I ran into this problem last night but it turns out I was just being dumb.

Dread Banner will act like you can't place the banner, the icon will turn grey and even give the error "not enough mana to use" when you hover over it.

Just ignore all of that and press the button. The banner will be placed. I only have 17 mana left over with my aura setup and I can place the banner at full stacks.

Test it out in your HO, you should see the banner being planted even with all the indications that it can't be.
JCOH35 wrote:
dkdunk wrote:

Regarding buying a weapon with these rolls + crafting on it.

Most of them has like 1-3 suffixes on them. And as I am new to crafting do you annul it away and hope for the best. or how to go by it?

Dont annul it, you just want to buy 1 of the pre-made ones with only the 2 rolls you need, and everything else blank. This leaves you an empty suffix but just starting out you dont need to min/max, you just need the basics to hit lv30 on your zombies.

The pre-made ones with lv1 fortify and +1 to gems and rest blank were 3.5-ish ex yesterday, im sure that price fluctuates though.

The remainder of the mods are just added at your crafting bench but are costly, multi mod is 2ex for example.

You could play the rng game and try to hand craft one but from my perspective id rather save up 3.5ex and buy something perfect then have a 50/50 chance of spending 3.5ex and not getting what I needed to begin with.

The base is 5ex atm. I never tried crafting, so I might try it to see if I can get lucky with RNG just for the fun of it.

Thanks for helping me out once again, I might reach out to you to take that offer on crafting with my materials :)

I hope that's okay
Anyone selling a 15-20% str lethal pride?
dkdunk wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:
dkdunk wrote:

Regarding buying a weapon with these rolls + crafting on it.

Most of them has like 1-3 suffixes on them. And as I am new to crafting do you annul it away and hope for the best. or how to go by it?

Dont annul it, you just want to buy 1 of the pre-made ones with only the 2 rolls you need, and everything else blank. This leaves you an empty suffix but just starting out you dont need to min/max, you just need the basics to hit lv30 on your zombies.

The pre-made ones with lv1 fortify and +1 to gems and rest blank were 3.5-ish ex yesterday, im sure that price fluctuates though.

The remainder of the mods are just added at your crafting bench but are costly, multi mod is 2ex for example.

You could play the rng game and try to hand craft one but from my perspective id rather save up 3.5ex and buy something perfect then have a 50/50 chance of spending 3.5ex and not getting what I needed to begin with.

The base is 5ex atm. I never tried crafting, so I might try it to see if I can get lucky with RNG just for the fun of it.

Thanks for helping me out once again, I might reach out to you to take that offer on crafting with my materials :)

I hope that's okay

i have a base with just fortify on if you want it for free. would need to craft cannot roll attack modifiers, then beastcraft remove suffix add prefix and hope to hit +1 gems. if you hit +1 gems then you go ahead and multimod like normal
If anyone needs to cap their chaos resistance easily w/o dropping 5 kajillion ex or going CI they fixed cleansing thoughts hidden blight oil passive.

It doubles everything now like its supposed to, so say your total chaos resistance right now is 33%, annointing the passive makes it 66%.

So all im doing to cap my chaos resistance is running a 50% chaos resist watchers eye, using the 4 chaos/life nodes in the top left of our tree, and carrying 2 crafted 15% hybrid chaos resists on my rings, thats all.

Now when I annoint cleansing thoughts my normal chaos resistance of 40% becomes 80%.

The oil recipe is clear / azure / gold, for anyone running The Stampede that has the luxury of a 2nd annointment its a really nice quality of life one.
Lol just noticed I get +5% more str by taking righteous decree (20% total) from my lethal pride, been using it for a couple of weeks and didnt check all the nodes :)

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