3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
Hello !!
Can someone look my gear, and give some advice, if I did right or wrong, I know that i have to change my weapon and get a better ring with more str. But I'm not sure, when I see videos about Necro witch, others players make more damage with a worst gear than mine, haha, so maybe something is wrong, or just my impression. https://pastebin.com/wa0eGBeS Other question is about my Body armour, I started to looking for one with 6L, but, I don't know what I choose, I think about Saqawal's, as a consequence I will remove Precision and put Purify of Elements + Watcher's Eye. But Victario's + Two-hand (like queen's escape or a craft mace) looks really strong too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
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" hello there first thing is to get a thread of hope and replace ur eldritch knwloedge. take cruel perparation and ravenous horde with a medium range thread of hope. ull save a lot of point. then annoint death attunement in astramentis to save 4 more points which u can put for more HP nodes. ur HP and ES are very low for end game content. and if u got the budget , i say buy a large cluster with vicious bite, rotten claws and feasting fiends/raze and pillage which gives only 8 passives in total. get wall of muscle small cluster and a shapers touch for more ES from str stacking. id say stick with geoffris. saqawals is very squishy if u dont dodges actively and u need to know boss mechanics. item wise those wands are OK. since the dual gem level wands are like 4-5ex without minion dmg mod in them. get a 6l geoffri or a 6 link two-handed weapon with +1 to gem and +2 support and minion dmg. u want to use Impale support for zombies. its a huge dps boost for zombies. personally id suggest to get two handed weapon with the mentioned stats and link raise zombies with: impale , lvl4 empower, minioin damage, multistrike, melee physical damage support. use host chieftain, carnage chieftain, mervails retainer for extra dps boost to zombies. other gears are fine for now. but u do need to tweak ur tree a bit more to feel comfortable. u can take a look at my profile and see what kind of upgrades u need. u dont need to copy exactly but u can get an idea as to what to upgrade next. farm some currency and work towards that goal. u can try ur luck with elegant hubris too if u want. u might get lucky with them. |
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Hi evryone here, I need help, I feel stucked at this point, and I dont know what Im doing wrong (this is my first league BTW) I was trying ranged spectres version but I was dying a lot, so I decided to change to a Kind of Tanky version of it, cuz I want to level up but, I still dying, sometimes just puff die and dont know why. I saw a video here of Bruno killing Sirus awakening level 8 with almost same gear as me, and he barely took damage from it, I can kill most of the conquerors at awakening level 8, sometimes I die at least once, but couldnt kill Sirus. I would like to improve it, so can someone take a look here a give me some advance, pls.
https://pastebin.com/sk8Q1Ljw (that jewel over devotion is a Lethal pride giving me 5% strenght and 20% increased armour, 10% incresed effecto of fortify on me, 10% reduced extra dmg from crit hit) Last edited by Naz71#1892 on Jun 5, 2020, 5:34:50 AM
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Hi there, a noob question here: I have currently an all-around curse Summoner and want to switch to a Baron build - so the game play with this build is just to run into mobs triggering convocation? Is anybody usinga support curse like Vulnerabilty just to have a bit more active game play and another means of directing your minions?
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" change ur hungry loop to a ring with life , str and ES. use host chieftain, carnage , mervails and 1 arena master(optional). ur spectres are getting the kill so ur zombies arent dealing damage meaning they are not leeching much hp to u. so i suggest u to go full Zombie mode if u still dont feel tanky. and i personally use flesh offering for insane zombie attack speed and movespeed. since im resist cap etirely from my gear and i have 1500 str. the flesh offering is very nice for zombies. im also experimenting with bone armour. its a bit more hp to my zombies. but yea u should give the mentioned spectres a try and see how tanky u get from them. im using discipline for that extra ES. ive got 6k HP and 4.4k ES rn and my zombies doing 1.2mil dps without elegant hubris. try the clusters+end-game setup. its very good. only if u have the budget tho. |
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" hello, u can also direct them using a spell towards a mob like i use my dececrate at bosses from very far. all my minions go the the place where i casted dececrate. and convocation is for mapping for the quick slaughter of groups and quick heal of ur minions. also u dont need to curse urself if u use mervails retainer spectre. link ur specter to blood magic support and watch ur mervails retainer spam vulnerability in ur entire screen. my play type is very active and contains a lot of dodging and running around. im using a bow and quiver btw so i can get more life, str and resist from quiver. im also then able to manually cast the before mentioned dececrate to direct all my minions towards tanky enemies while i dodge their attacks. |
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" Last edited by Naz71#1892 on Jun 5, 2020, 6:59:14 AM
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Thanks much for your answers! I think I need to get the vibe for playing this build :) Good idea with the vulnerability spectre.
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Hi, what's better a six link femur or six link queen's escape?
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Hi, I'm looking to start on one final build before league ends. Budget is around 40ex, can stretch a little bit more. Any recommended POB I can follow in here that can clear all content with that kind of budget?
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