3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Cyrom wrote:
Essence Glutton makes it worth to keep the Cyclone setup tho, the regen from consuming corpses is actually not too bad especially when combined with Bottled faith. I just cannot drop these amazing boots
especially since i annointed them with cleansed thoughts wich makes chaos res capping so easy and i love the stun and knockback immunity. I am now sitting at 7.3k ES and 6.1k HP 1m+ dps per zombie.

how did you allocate boots ? :O
RocketDragon wrote:
CharminBear wrote:

Last Question: why Maim Support in the chest? How does it work with the other auras?

I pin to this question, it's about Flesh and stone only?? It's realy worth it??

partizan81 wrote:
I'm running currently 3x Baranite Thaumaturge and 1x Ruined Hellion. What do you all think about that versus the traditional Carnage/Hosted chiefs? The part I don't like is I now have no source of frenzy/power charges to beef up the zombies.

Can work wonders. I'll post up my Ranged Spectres version later today. But yes, we don't generate frenzy or power charges. But we really don't need them... this still smokes Conquerors in 2 seconds (literally). Will post video later today.
Guys, what to do if my zombies just walk behind me (on high speed)
and do not want to kill anybody =) Any suggestions?
Dimath wrote:
Guys, what to do if my zombies just walk behind me (on high speed)
and do not want to kill anybody =) Any suggestions?

Minion Speed gem + more attack speed with nodes can help
Do you purposely leave desecrate at level 1? Curious the reason behind it
Last edited by Slenderthot#6284 on Mar 24, 2020, 8:24:24 PM
hi me again iam rly struggeling with low tier red maps. I follow your tannky build but still dont have all gems and your tree fully copyed (missing currecy)

what can y suggest to improve without alot of exes


and i noticed is there a bug with blood of karui or life flasks?
For example i got es full but life at 70% and i cannot hit life flasks => life pool stayes that way until minions kill mobs or es life is dropping.

ALSO at end of blood of lakrui my life pool doesnt charge to 100%

Another thing is my zombies often dont attack but my skeletons...

pob aint calculate impale right ?

IGN = Tominsideeeee

Guys, I have made several attempts to this build, but I just cant reach the destined 1k str without heavy loses on res, life or armor. My current budget is ~600c. The budget setup just consists of too many uniques that do not grant res and/or str. I've no idea what am I supposed to do, I cant afford amu with str, %str, %attri or chest like OP's in "budget" video (50str, 100life, 2x 40res, 15 ex the cheapest one). Could you combine a couple items for me please?
Can someone explain me why do we use a mace that grants Fortify when we're running Animated Guardian with Kingmaker that also grants Fortify to nearby allies?

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