3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
Just faced Sirus for the first time since 3.1 and wow is he overworked, he hits harder than ever, has way more life and wiped my zombies, spectres and golems. Pre-nerf i was able to beat him easy deathless, now, even though i have more health i died all 6 times. Has anyone else faced him yet? definitely should have swapped in vaal molten before fight, haven't needed it til now, but even then i need to disengage and re-summon which has never been an issue til now.
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" Totally agree , there have been Necro builds every league but none destroyed the game as much as Bruno 's . I for one didnt realise you only player standard my bad .... I'm playing Delirium league and loving it , im only lvl 64 so relatively early days but at the moment levelling is easy playing around with the cluster jewels is fun and adds a nice mechanic to the game , im hoping it stays that way for a while yet ... anyway Thanks for the build its still fun form me and with the new cluster jewels all good so far . Peace Love and Mung beans :-) |
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It's finally starting to come together for me but damn, I really feel the nerf. My clear speed has picked up quite a bit but I've exhausted all of my currency resources to get there and now I'm flat broke.
Below is my gear as of this post: With this gear and my build, I am at 5659 HP/3533 ES /1349 Strength. I only have a 11 zombies with a level 30 Raise Zombie. My animated guardian is outfitted properly now and that helps quite a bit. I am going to try to push for 1500 Strength. Next up is a Lethal Pride to help me get the 150 strength I need to hit 1500. I'm not going to push past 1500 until I make the conversion to CI and believe me, if I stick with necro, I'm definitely going CI. I can breeze through 14-16 maps but I never touch Delirium portals. I sometimes check to see if its anything good and then immediately cancel. The rewards are seldom worth the risks. The on-death effects would likely kill my AG and that would certainly make me rage. I'm certainly missing my necromancer on Standard. |
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Yeah, so far I've killed sirus 7 with no problems at all. Should be the same for 8. Feel free to take a look at my character. I haven't invested much into at as I have 25 ex in the bank that will be going towards another build when I find one I wanna play.
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I know many of you are after a budget version.
Just did a T19 Baran influenced map using 5L Femurs of the Saints and astramentis etc so everything in this game is still totally farm-able on a budget. YOU have to make the decision if you want to run a delirium or not in each map. That is the whole purpose of the risk/reward. GGG did make it very clear it is a high risk for high reward league. But it does sound like deliriums mechanics are way overtuned considering every build is struggling with it. My recommendation would be to just level up and skip delirium until GGG nerfs it (which they will). This would get you farming all T16's, COnquerors, Sirus etc and you'll then have bank to splash on things while everyone else is stuck for the time being trying to run deliriums :P Last edited by brunowa#6253 on Mar 18, 2020, 12:33:05 AM
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Tbh im skipping the delirium portals until they adjust them, which they already said they will coming up.
I can do the majority of them without dying but its just not worth it, I get no joy racing through a whole fkng map just to have to back track to the start to pick everything up. Imo this is the dumbest league mechanic since beastiary. If they remove the timer, and scale the incoming damage down I will have np doing it, otherwise its just not worth it for me atm, not for the current rewards anyways. |
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" why no six link chest? if u do whats the sixed link? also why no animated guadian? Last edited by Daesmondy#0133 on Mar 18, 2020, 12:50:36 AM
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Hi guys, first time playing this build.
This is my doubt, on the Ascendancy tree, there is this two talents we all know: "Commander of Darkness" and "Mistress of sacrifice" Takeing into account that i am using "Spirit offering", i get the next things from "Mistress of sacrifice": - Around 23% all elemental ress. - Around 23% chaos ress. - 30% duration (we cast it often so this doesnt relly matter) - 30% minion duration (only good if you use skeletons) Remember that it is the PLAYER that get this buffs from the talent "Mistress of sacrifice" (the minions already get them all without the talent). Then we have "Commander of Darkness", here we AND THE MINIONS get: - 3% attack speed for each minion - 30% damage - 30% all resistances (YOU and the MINIONS) So, as we can see, we get 23% all ress and 23% chaos ress from "Mistress of sacrifice" (but again, ONLY the player get this buffs; the minions are already getting this buffs without the talent). In the other hand, WE and THE MINIONS get 30% all ress, 30% damage (only good for minions, not us) and 3% attack speed for each minion from "Commander of Darkness" (again, only good for minions). You guys see where i am getting with this? I see all the people saying that "Mistress of sacrifice" is better for "tank", but looks like "Commander of Darkness" gives us some extra things over "Mistress of sacrifice": "Commander of Darkness" "Mistress of sacrifice" 30% elem. ress for minions and we - VS - 23% all ress (chaos too) only for us 30% more damage for minions - VS - No damage to anything 3% attack speed for minions - VS - No speed The 30% minion duration and 30% skill duration are not that important if you ask me. The only plus + i can give to "Mistress of sacrifice" is that we get 23% chaos resistance. So my final question is: 23% chaos resistance is better than +30% damage to minions, +30 all ress (for us and the minions) and 3% attack speed per minion? Which one is better? For me "Commander of Darkness" is better, but maybe 23% chaos resistance is HUGE or i am missing something here. Ty for reading. |
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Hey guys now lvl 25 Raise Zombie gem grants us 7 zombies and 8 we can get only at lvl 34. So there’s no sense in the empower now and can you try to get lvl 25 somehow without empower (Femurs of the Saint +2 lvl, 21 lvl gem, +2 from Ascendancy) and get 1 empty slot in zombie links (but Fortify-like weapon grants only +1 lvl of socketed gems)? Is it worth? At least buying a level 4 empower now have no sense so we can save some money.
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" i was facing him at 8 but i don't think the difference is that big from 7, i will run molten shell next time and skeletons might be a good idea too, at least then it doesn't matter as much about needing to respawn minions. ty for tips. |
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