3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
I have few questions about Tanky Setup using Geofri's Sanctuary
I have farmed currency for this build already (but 2x 5link not 6link) What gems should i skip in this case? In zombies i would skip feeding freenzy? And in auras vulnerability (i can play with mervil spectre) but if i skip vulnerability i think i should also skip blasphemy? in this case what in blasphemy slot Im also not ready to spend few ex for animate guardian, what i can put into raise spectre links? Sorry for chaotic english :( |
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Been at couple t15's now with mid/dangerous juice. I've rerouted a lot, spent probably around 30+ regrets, initially it felt like pushing as much damage with zombies and make them durable was the best way to approach Delirium and whole nerfed state of the build, however, because of nerfs you need to actually invest heavily to self-survival across so from having it all in one build, honestly, it's no longer there.
T15/T16 maps Delirium will just gut your zombie army, given manifesto they like their "On-Death" affects so literally they not only nerfed the build to bring it down to earth but also made it very unenjoyable with delirium, the only way to combat On-Death is massive micromanagement, literally, you need to stay alive yourself and pull your zombies out often. Today at t15 Acid Cavern 8 mods corrupt, my entire pack of zombies got wiped in first Delirium pack, I just wanted to test it out, I cleared map deathless up to bosses where they just annihilated my zombie pack so quickly and my AG got gutted (~14c loss, lucky no Kingmaker), given the fact that my only gear upgrades are likely to cost a lot, far from what I really wanna spend into this build, I can't see how zombie army prevails this league aside from being probably strongest starter builds. Honestly, a lot of frustration I have with this build right now is Delirium mechanics and precise function that 'On-Death effects' it's just non-sense, plus life leech does NOT work because those f'ing debuffs are all over the place (btw no life leech is not a bug, it's debuff). |
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Here is a YouTube link explaining how to put together a low budget animated guardian.
https://youtu.be/HCGZzvtJpIQ Last edited by IceColdPorkSoda#4143 on Mar 17, 2020, 9:10:10 PM
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My 2 cents.
I highly respect this build, this guide and OP knows I have been here from the start. I took my beloved Necro to lvl87 and instantly realized GGG had almost killed it. Basically for 2 Reasons: 1. 80% Unfair Nerf. 2. Unfair unavoidable death mechanics for nerfed minions. Standard players MAY not get an idea of what POE is now and with ultrabuffed expensive gear may run T15s pseudo comfortably but the amount of DPS needed now to handle high tier maps is insane. POE needs zoomzoom and MASSIVE dps now. Kill in milliseconds.Don' stay in the same place for a second. And well, minions do. and Minions die. Yes, minions may die OFTEN now. So we need to increase their life and use a different Offering (sadly, no matter what you do, they will die anyway, read later...). But that makes minions lose even more dps.Damage scaling is very bad in tree compared to other ascendancies, so we need ultraexpensive Staff,Bows,...for even T10+s. If you trust purely on your DPS scaled zombies...you may find yourself resummoning them every 2 maps in HO. We need to pick every minion life node and add Minion Life+Speed gems to adjust for the league mechanics. We now have: Diluting Touch, Eroding Touch, Paralysing Touch, Wasting Touch, Explosive Retch...all those affect minions heavily. They take increased damage, they hinder them, reduce or even negate their leech and regen( we have flasks,...they don`t), they even instakill them for remaining in the same place for 1.5 secs. Yes, GGG introduced On Death effects, we may be able to skip/dodge them in a future patch, but minions WON`T. They are blind frenzied kamikazes heading for certain death. Of course, your cursing, frenzy granting Spectres are 6 levels lower now, so they are even weaker than Zombos. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Buff#Debuffs_2 " No resummon---->portal---->Hideout. You may pick Belly of the Beast, Carapace, Geoffrei,...even Kaoms, doesn't matter, minions are wearing a Tabula. Of course, this is defacto, an Animated Guardian NERF. Who is the brave guy who puts a Kingmaker on a AG now? (read: we lose, Culling Strike+70CritMulti and Fortify, great subtle nerf there ,huh?) The joy of Necro was it was safe to fight from distance, Effective DPS, unkillable minions and tanky as hell. Well, all of that is gone. As of know, pick a build that is either Ultratanky,multidenfese layer(Dodge+Block+Speed) or go Insane DPS and zoomzoom. Yes, you may die, of course, in fact you WILL die, as that's what GGG wants now, but losing your zombies every map? GGG... Some other ascendancies, with moderate investment can either clear faster, survive better or both with the same investment. DPS scaling endgame is nerfed and limited and we need buffed auras more than ever. But Aura buffing leaves us unbalanced defense wise and relying only on not resummonable minions. Levelling is very nice. As a first build is fun to play, Possibly Tier 1 starter until Level 86. But is sadly capped and almost killed at the end of the journey due to the FREQUENT minion deaths. For example. I am testing a berzerker now. With less investment (Geofrei+6L Staff+Shapers+Astramentis+Empower3+ in a Necro....) I am dealing 4 to 5 Million DPS, scalable endgame to 20>>30then>>40M..... and 5.5k Life. In my league starter Necro, my DPS was FAR from half of it. Of course, I don't need to resummon myself 14 times every map, I just resurrect ;) GGG is to be blamed for doing this insane nerf and introducing a new mechanic in Delirium which heavily penalizes builds that don`t go 300% movespeed and deal 20M DPS.They broke the fun in a completely crazy way. Unfair to make players struggle like this. Don`t get me wrong. I love Necro. And I would be more than pleased to see you guys prove me wrong later in the league when you minmax your stuff. Last edited by ArisFuser#6403 on Mar 17, 2020, 11:55:46 PM
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Why do any of the setups use 2 gems for vuln (+blas) when mervails retainer blankets vuln curse?
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Serious question and i hope this isn't construed as rude but can anyone recommend a good secondary charactor build?
I love this build but my character in standard is lvl 99, levelling to 100 and i don't want to risk mapping anymore, but need something to do between breachstone runs with friends. So aside from summoner what else is considered tier 1, level 100 viable, tanky with good DPS? every other build just seems to have 1 or more massive drawbacks, usually squishy or weak against single target or mobs etc. p.s please suggest a specific build, not a general one, as there are dozens of 1 type of build and not all are equally viable. |
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" Ya I spent the last 5 wks of metamorph trying other builds looking for something half as good as this build and the only thing I found was at the very end, Bamper1's stone golemancer build. In the 3 days or so we were stranded on standard I was able to throw that build together with about 2ex total and easily do all the endgame bosses, A8 conquerors/guardians/sirus etc. The drawback would be is its the exact same playstyle as this, you just spam phase run and run through everything and let your golems beat the shi* out of anything that follows you. So if your bored and lf something different idk if that would intrest you or not, if so its in this same forum, witch > bamper1 > stone golem build, the older version is the ice golem one but youll want the stone, its better. Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Mar 17, 2020, 11:29:18 PM
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" i agree 100% i went with a aw build this time and even that blows... how come people on standard are saying they can get gear for 2 ex and kill everything are we missing something? i followed your build last league and not brows and it was awesome as fuck how is brows build doing so far this league? have you tried it? |
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" Is the stone golem build a good league starter? |
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" No, it's fairly expensive to get going. |
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