[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Lol Kelvynn!

What are the chances we choose a similar name and run the same build :)

Not_Meta_Morph vs Non_Meta_Morph
Last edited by Comfyasabadger on Dec 14, 2019, 2:42:13 AM
Guys, why is recommended soul of tukohama in pantheon when this build is constantly moving because of cyclone? Am I missing something? And what about recommended flasks? Are there any? Thanks in advance!
It's for boss encounters.
It's for boss encounters.

And how you kill boss? Using cyclone = moving or not?
You cyclone in one spot.
You cyclone in one spot.

So that does not count as moving? Thanks!:)
Arineth wrote:
You cyclone in one spot.

So that does not count as moving? Thanks!:)

Cycloning in place does not count as moving.
Elder down. He's so much more tanky now, I almost failed the dps check at the end after killing all the portals.


Still lots to improve and need to fix links in staff to get rid of Added Lightning. Chroms have been an issue for me so far this league.

Still lots to improve and need to fix links in staff to get rid of Added Lightning. Chroms have been an issue for me so far this league.[/spoiler]

You know that you can use Energy Leech gem with no issues instead of that useless added_lightning :)
lilianmarius wrote:

Still lots to improve and need to fix links in staff to get rid of Added Lightning. Chroms have been an issue for me so far this league.[/spoiler]

You know that you can use Energy Leech gem with no issues instead of that useless added_lightning :)

I probably could, yeah :)

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