SasoriOtoko wrote:
That was aweseome! And the sexy dancing lady was a nice touch...the zoom and slowdown had me laughing like crazy. :)
Thanks! :) I always wanted to do that.
And it shows why Icestorm takes so much GPU power: all those tiny snowflakes are individually animated!
Posted byKelvynn#6607on Sep 18, 2019, 10:02:56 AM
ребята,всё отлично.Кельвин молодец.так повысить урон можно ещё ? и да убер Элдер слишком медленно-Кельвин сорри.... Uber elder - 2.8 ....
Posted bySnowBerry1984#3479on Sep 18, 2019, 11:54:56 AM
lilianmarius wrote:
You dumped Winter Orb, I put it again in clearing setup. With my ROG laptop with i7-7700HQ and GTX 1050Ti + Intel SSD + Fiber internet connection (1000Mb/sec) this league is almost unplayable with Cyclone + Spell Cascade when clearing lots of mobs (Blight encounters + Blight maps, Legion encounters, Delve) even at medium settings. FPS drop constantly to 10-15 while Cycloning with Spell Cascade for more than a few seconds that makes me not to know what's happening around :)
5L Winter Orb on the other hand + Spell Cascade seem more enjoyable and less resource hugger (20-25FPS at full burst) even if the clearspeed is a bit lower.
Wouldn't Cyclone without SC still be faster than WO with SC? In the same time it takes you to stop and cast WO with triple Icestorm, Cyclone would surely cast 3 or more Icestorms - much more powerful ones too.
Posted byKelvynn#6607on Sep 18, 2019, 12:45:02 PM
Dumped SC cos it was hurting my eyes and even after turning all my settings from high to low it was tanking my fps pretty significantly. Ended up running Inc AOE instead and my screen looks a lot nicer as a result.
if you don't take skill effect duration then SC felt fine, but when i took those nodes in the tree my performance tanked noticably and I preferred to play without it.
Posted byairesettia#6544on Sep 18, 2019, 12:52:57 PM
I've ditched SC as well. I still have it in my alternate staff setup...but mapping and dealing with blight mobs is much easier without it. I have a fairly tanky computer but with my crappy internet connection it just slows things down too much.
Posted bySasoriOtoko#1218on Sep 18, 2019, 1:01:09 PM
Kelvynn wrote:
lilianmarius wrote:
You dumped Winter Orb, I put it again in clearing setup. With my ROG laptop with i7-7700HQ and GTX 1050Ti + Intel SSD + Fiber internet connection (1000Mb/sec) this league is almost unplayable with Cyclone + Spell Cascade when clearing lots of mobs (Blight encounters + Blight maps, Legion encounters, Delve) even at medium settings. FPS drop constantly to 10-15 while Cycloning with Spell Cascade for more than a few seconds that makes me not to know what's happening around :)
5L Winter Orb on the other hand + Spell Cascade seem more enjoyable and less resource hugger (20-25FPS at full burst) even if the clearspeed is a bit lower.
Wouldn't Cyclone without SC still be faster than WO with SC? In the same time it takes you to stop and cast WO with triple Icestorm, Cyclone would surely cast 3 or more Icestorms - much more powerful ones too.
still my question. How deal you with atziri clones?
ichbinwerichbi wrote:
Kelvynn wrote:
lilianmarius wrote:
You dumped Winter Orb, I put it again in clearing setup. With my ROG laptop with i7-7700HQ and GTX 1050Ti + Intel SSD + Fiber internet connection (1000Mb/sec) this league is almost unplayable with Cyclone + Spell Cascade when clearing lots of mobs (Blight encounters + Blight maps, Legion encounters, Delve) even at medium settings. FPS drop constantly to 10-15 while Cycloning with Spell Cascade for more than a few seconds that makes me not to know what's happening around :)
5L Winter Orb on the other hand + Spell Cascade seem more enjoyable and less resource hugger (20-25FPS at full burst) even if the clearspeed is a bit lower.
Wouldn't Cyclone without SC still be faster than WO with SC? In the same time it takes you to stop and cast WO with triple Icestorm, Cyclone would surely cast 3 or more Icestorms - much more powerful ones too.
still my question. How deal you with atziri clones?
One of the clones reflects (elemental?) damage. It is the one who holds the mirror. So have no icestorm running when they spawn, identify who is holding the mirror and kill one of the other clones. What I do is look for the clone with purple bracelet and kill it.
Posted byCjin#1011on Sep 18, 2019, 2:29:17 PM
ichbinwerichbi wrote:
still my question. How deal you with atziri clones?
Same as always when not immune to reflect: wait for them to start fading in and look above the head of the front one. If it's not holding the mirror - cast on it, it it does - quickly target another one and cast. No SC of course.
After I gain another level, I'm going to check if this version can mitigate 100% reflect. While not immune, we can still reduce the reflect damage to almost zero and probably outleech it.
Posted byKelvynn#6607on Sep 18, 2019, 2:59:00 PM
Kelvynn wrote:
After I gain another level, I'm going to check if this version can mitigate 100% reflect. While not immune, we can still reduce the reflect damage to almost zero and probably outleech it.
I'm very interested in what you have in mind here.
Posted byGraiaule#7461on Sep 18, 2019, 4:16:30 PM
7th Uber Elder of the league just gave me a GREAT GREAT present! I was saying couple of pages back that in previous 2 leagues i killed over 120 Uber Elders and didn't get a Watcher's Eye with any Discipline/Clarity (extra ES) mods together.
Look what just happened few minutes ago:
I am still shaking lol after i saw this dropping, and also with perfect Clarity roll!
This league in 7 Uber Elders i got 4 jewels, have neverever seen such a high jewels drop rate from this bastard. Even if first 3 of them were just pure garbage (under 100 chaos), this 4th one compensate for all of the crap Watcher's Eye jewels that i have dropped and that i will drop from now on from Uber Elder farming!
I am so happy now, so happy!
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Sep 18, 2019, 4:45:39 PM
Posted bylilianmarius#0775on Sep 18, 2019, 4:45:26 PM