About the 3.8 Patch Notes

Mauvais001 wrote:
You currently have room for 8 skills slotted. Do you really need more than 8 to perform well in this game? I sure don't and yes I use a movement and an attack or two and a totem sometimes a vaal skull e.t.c but have never needed more than 8 slots.

it felt awkward using the previous second wheel. now it feels more smooth and acceessible.

its a trade-off yes but i dont know why you miss that old l2 button so much.
i played several hc casters to the 90s and never used this "lock in place".
Mauvais001 wrote:
There is really no need for more skill slots, you don't need more than a couple skills. Losing the lock in place from left trigger makes all range skills garbage because if you cast you will go running off towards monsters when you want to stay at range. I literally use left trigger more than any other bind probably. The thought of losing my left trigger stay in place functionality makes me want to cry.

Exactly which spells are we talking about here? Looking at popular spells like Arc, Essence Drain, Bane, Contagion, Freezing Pulse, Soul Rend, and Ball of Lightning most of these just auto target or even attached to a totem (so again no targeting) and the others can be cast while moving. Other than that, the other popular spells are channeled, e.g. Winter Orb and Blight, so the L2 served no purpose there.

The only real spells I can see having issues off the top of my head are Lightning Warp and Raise Specter come to mind, although both are still usable in their current state (Raise Specter just becomes more annoying to utilize though). For the rest its just inconsequential as many spells are auto-target or can be cast while moving, and if you're a totem or cast while channeling even less of an issue.
Last edited by Chaplin1108 on Sep 12, 2019, 10:35:38 AM
I'm currently playing summoner and need all 12 slots.

Zombie/Spectre/Golem/Convocation/offering/shield charge/flamedash/flammability/enfeeble/discipline/storm brand

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