[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Dortin wrote:
I just got in maps with this build, it seems to be pretty smooth and i'd like to ask some questions:

-how important is the aspect of a spider? I am not sure that all that mana reservation is justified unless i run -mana cost on both rings to be able to spam venom gyre. If it's important i guess i can fit them in, just new to squishy assassin builds. I am trying some tombfist as an alternative (i had them in the stash and used them for leveling) and i think they are worth consideration.

-what notable is recommended as anointment in the amulet?

-for optimization of the rings i was thinking of buying/crafting one with a curse and assassin's mark seems the obvious choice but i was wondering if warlord could be better for the survivablity the endurance charges may provide (I am thinking about end game bosses like uber elder) since the damage seems pretty high already. Thoughts?

Great guide, I hope to see it finished it great detail.

Akkatoraa wrote:
What would be the best neck enchant with the oils for this build?
Thx for answers.

Same answer for both, highly likely Whispers of Doom (Golden Oil x2, Black Oil x1) should be the best. This gives you the ability to apply 2 curse to enemies.

As for Dortin, Aspect of Spider is good especially on high end bosses where 3 stack of spider web is easier to stack it actually increases quite a lot of DPS according to POB, but decided to forgo it as I went Malevolence + Skitterbot + Precision lvl 10+ (also because there's no Fenumus with Curse on hit Temporal Chain on Poe.trade yet) because I run dual curse through Flask+Curse on Hit Glove. For Mapping, I think things dies too fast for me for spider to stack any web.

I have tried min-maxing this build to my very best. My current Gear:

https://pastebin.com/kMfbdvaj Lvl 91 Currently.

At 10 Poison Applied:
Shaper 5.8mil w/o wither
Shaper 7.4mil with 5 Stack Wither

https://pastebin.com/bEac48J9 Target lvl 96, YOLO 4.7khp

At 10 Poison as well,
Shaper 6.1mil w/o wither
Shaper 7.9mil w 5 stack wither.

At 30 poison stack = 10mil+ Shaper dps
And POB Doesnt count skitter bots shock effect 20% more yet

Probably will do Venom Gyre + Venom Gyre 20% Chance to Gain Wither for Bosses on helm for bossing though, will yield more consistent wither stack + faster poison stacking.

Will try to record red t16 maps when I'm there lol still clearing atlas t11-12s.
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 21, 2019, 2:27:23 PM
Lunartuna wrote:
Went down from 10 million to 8.2 million so i could run these

They are amazing for blights with venom gyre. Also huge high level packs get shredded faster.

A couple jewels with 6-8% projectile speed is enough to send venom gyre projectiles off screen.

Haha yea projectile speed owns. is like playing spectral throw with slower projectile..no matter how high the dps, it feels like shit.

but for mapping/blight..truly cobra lash with chain 3 additional time enchant with lethal assault + ballistic mastery is superb on clearing speed i'd say

other than shaper/guardian/elder/uber I probably wouldn't even bother switch to venom gyre + venom gyre helm enchant
Neyeah wrote:
Lunartuna wrote:
Went down from 10 million to 8.2 million so i could run these

They are amazing for blights with venom gyre. Also huge high level packs get shredded faster.

A couple jewels with 6-8% projectile speed is enough to send venom gyre projectiles off screen.

Haha yea projectile speed owns. is like playing spectral throw with slower projectile..no matter how high the dps, it feels like shit.

but for mapping/blight..truly cobra lash with chain 3 additional time enchant with lethal assault + ballistic mastery is superb on clearing speed i'd say

other than shaper/guardian/elder/uber I probably wouldn't even bother switch to venom gyre + venom gyre helm enchant

I thought cobra was better too but now i feel once you get dps high enough gyre feels better. It's just harder to get there.
Lunartuna wrote:
I thought cobra was better too but now i feel once you get dps high enough gyre feels better. It's just harder to get there.

dps probably not the issue for me, everything is close to 1 shot. Though with your boots..Yea for sure improves venom in mapping cause it pierce that many more units. However, if without it really feels clunky/slow. But with +3 chain enchant cobralash helm it already goes far and beyond as well haha..

anyway, will probably just switch 3 passive tree for pierce and venomgyre + helm for min-maxing dps on tough bosses guardian/elders/uber

Hmm if I try your boots.. I need to settle Resistance elsewhere lol F
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 21, 2019, 2:43:05 PM
Hi guys, I'm selling my whole gear because I wanna move on to another build.

It's been fun and all, but my OCD needs my Bow-Guy :P

So if you need anything, lemme know and msg me ingame

Neyeah wrote:
Lunartuna wrote:
I thought cobra was better too but now i feel once you get dps high enough gyre feels better. It's just harder to get there.

dps probably not the issue for me, everything is close to 1 shot. Though with your boots..Yea for sure improves venom in mapping cause it pierce that many more units. However, if without it really feels clunky/slow. But with +3 chain enchant cobralash helm it already goes far and beyond as well haha..

anyway, will probably just switch 3 passive tree for pierce and venomgyre + helm for min-maxing dps on tough bosses guardian/elders/uber

Hmm if I try your boots.. I need to settle Resistance elsewhere lol F

Gyre also needs like 6 aps before it feels less sluggish. i took a bunch of extra attack speed in my tree and on jewels.

I really wish Vengeant Cascade worked better on cobra lash.. that would make it like combo of gyre and cobra lol
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)
Last edited by mic01851165 on Sep 21, 2019, 4:34:16 PM
Just wondering, would a glove like this work for this build?
How can i deal with aspect of the spider? It's impossible to keep it while it reserves 59% life, lol
mic01851165 wrote:
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)

I've been playing around with it and it's very good, can easily compete with cobra lash/venom gyre. The only downside is that it requires two support gems (ancestral call and melee splash) to make it playable, where Cobra Lash only needs one (gmp).

I tried running it with just one support but melee splash on its own was horribly, it would very often leave a lot of single mobs at the back of the pack untouched. Ancestral call on its own was pretty decent, but I could definitely notice it felt slower to clear.

When it comes to my gear, I can very easily interchange the two skills and very few stats on my items wouldnt benefit pestilent strike, so I feel it was a fair comparison in that sense.

Another big problem is survivability. Melee range leaves me very vunerable and less options strategy wise.

I'll definitely play around with it more, because it definitely 'bursts' faster than cobra lash does.

All the maps I ran were red maps btw.

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