Regarding Next League (Blight)

walkjohn55 wrote:
Now that GGG has freed up the Left Trigger (L2) for additional Skills, I think that a logical next step would be to free up both LT/L2 and RT/R2 within the Stash Screens (I am assuming that the analogous commands to LT and RT are used on PS - I do not know for sure). Currently, they are just used to scroll Left and Right through the Stash Tabs. I feel that this captures just a fraction of their potential usefulness. Let LT/L2 and RT/R2 act as shift keys in the Stash Screens and there will be lots of open key combos suddenly available for additional commands (like move Left or Right n Tabs, or move to Beginning or End of Tabs).

Hey, there is already an option to skip to one end of a tab by using the right analog stick.
GrobuIon wrote:
walkjohn55 wrote:
Now that GGG has freed up the Left Trigger (L2) for additional Skills, I think that a logical next step would be to free up both LT/L2 and RT/R2 within the Stash Screens (I am assuming that the analogous commands to LT and RT are used on PS - I do not know for sure). Currently, they are just used to scroll Left and Right through the Stash Tabs. I feel that this captures just a fraction of their potential usefulness. Let LT/L2 and RT/R2 act as shift keys in the Stash Screens and there will be lots of open key combos suddenly available for additional commands (like move Left or Right n Tabs, or move to Beginning or End of Tabs).

Hey, there is already an option to skip to one end of a tab by using the right analog stick.


Ah, but I was not clear enough. I want to be able to move to my first Tab or my last Tab with a single Controller Combo. The ability to move to the edge of a Tab by using the Right Analog stick is indeed a fine QOL improvement added by GGG. Being greedy, I want more of course. This seemed like a good opportunity to bring it up again.
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
Ah ok now i understand, yea that would be nice addition as well
In what looks to be a summoner league, I hope this change doesn’t break the ability to choose specters from corpses. To my knowledge LT was the only way to pick the specific one you want.
Dy Beet Us wrote:
In what looks to be a summoner league, I hope this change doesn’t break the ability to choose specters from corpses. To my knowledge LT was the only way to pick the specific one you want.

That is a good catch. Been a few leagues since I played summoner. Would like to know this also. Perhaps it could be push and hold skill button only to give us that aiming circle?
TrueAchievements -

XboxClips -
Jeff_GGG wrote:
To support the new skill binding bar on consoles we've removed the current functionality of LT/L2 (Xbox/PS4), and replaced this with the additional skill bar (as it is implemented on RT/R2).

If this is the case, how then will we be able to force stand still? This is rather crippling when you take out the ability to rotate to attack mobs coming from all sides while remaining stationary. I use this feature a lot to hold my position because the auto-targeting system keeps adjusting and I have to use force stand still to maintain firing in a specific direction without moving.

I'm not all that keen on losing force stand still for what I would hope are fairly obvious reasons on console. I really hope you reconsider and allow us to use a toggle to activate the new skill slots vs. stand still for builds that don't need the extra slots.
Last edited by SquishyTia on Aug 26, 2019, 10:34:17 PM
So...force stand still just goes bye bye then with no way to choose whether we want the new skills or the ability to stand still while firing? I mean, have you even considered how hard it is to maintain a specific direction with the consoles' auto-aim assist system in place? We kind of need FSS to work around things like that and not get ourselves killed because we moved into the bad just to keep our aim, etc.

You finally fixed force stand still to not move you constantly and then you just outright nuke it from existence. Thanks. :(
I agree, almost any range skills will be totally worthless without force stand still. I could care less about another skill bar I just want to functionally use the skills available lol. I can't think of another place to put that force stand still either which would be practical. This is truly a nerf for xbox. Seriously why would we need more skill slots, by the time you properly link a couple skills you don't have gear slots for more than a couple anyway.....
Left trigger is also the best way to "sync" my character when I find my character desyncing. I was hoping we would have the option to keep forced standstill if we didn't need the extra skill bar.
We just need adjustable control bindings. It's a real joke this has not been in from the beginning. No clue what they were thinking.

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