Would you install a neural lace into your brain?

adghar wrote:
faerwin wrote:
I'd say yes if I was quadriplegic. As a person with full usage of his limbs, I'd refuse.

This. OP mentioned primary use-case of the invention is to give better prosthetic control. Pretty sure if you had lost control of your arms and legs at some point in your life, you're very likely to find it worth the hassle and risks to become a cyborg/android so that you can move those things around again.

Lol, you misread. It's to let them use phones and computers. I'm sure there's a probably a much better way to do that. And why waste time trying to make fake parts for people that will guaranteed kill them, when you could be putting all of that wasted effort into trying to fix people?
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
adghar wrote:
faerwin wrote:
I'd say yes if I was quadriplegic. As a person with full usage of his limbs, I'd refuse.

This. OP mentioned primary use-case of the invention is to give better prosthetic control. Pretty sure if you had lost control of your arms and legs at some point in your life, you're very likely to find it worth the hassle and risks to become a cyborg/android so that you can move those things around again.

Lol, you misread. It's to let them use phones and computers. I'm sure there's a probably a much better way to do that. And why waste time trying to make fake parts for people that will guaranteed kill them, when you could be putting all of that wasted effort into trying to fix people?

Who said it's not a step in that direction? IF you can control something like a phone or pc with your mind, then it's not that far fetched to believe that that computer can then re-transmit the order to artificial limbs.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
"...The very long term goal is to allow humans to merge with AI (Elon says if we can't merge we're ultimately fucked)..."

Elon says that, he probably has his reasons, Simon says... other things, and I say there is nothing artificial about intelligence.

Edit: And that Fallout Tactics (the classic by Interplay) is one of my all time favorite games (I must have had more than 20 full playthroughs registered through the years), not that it has anything to do with anything else, just saying...
Ἀρχή Σοφίας ἡ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις -Ἀντισθένης ἁπλοκύων
Last edited by Nizhidrhamannit on Jul 18, 2019, 8:28:55 AM
Xavderion wrote:
The genius behind such amazing technology as the very narrow car tunnel wants to put things in your brain. I'll pass.

If I understand correctly, the car tunnel stuff is only a front for making boring tunnels more efficient. It's like Tesla cars being a front for making energy more sustainable or SpaceX being a front for making humanity a multiplanetary species. Speaking of SpaceX, the genius behind that gave us this.

I feel like people might not appreciate how impressive what you're showing actually is.
More thorough article on the subject with a slew of the kind of holes you'd expect from a bunch of STEM-focused folks, and some bits that made me flat-out laugh (that final paragraph, especially).

Can imagine if I had a neural lace installed, it'd feel incredible, and that might lead to some interesting results. Might be liberating having logic dominate clearly over emotions, or those might rise to the occasion yet be held flowing nicely in a new class of structure. That's why I'd do it, to find out if everything kicked up a few notches, and how clear that experience is. That, and then the creative material that'd come from it. Might not be pretty though, that's for damn sure, having a laugh here at the thought of how I can be as is.

So yeah, I'd do it, fully aware that if we're all that smart, a lot of what we do day to day - chores, social maintenance, self-care, cooking - will become even more mundane and unappealing. Who's going to do that work? Robots or all those who can't afford to boost their intelligence? Or both? Interesting stuff, kind of, still have the article in mind.

Last edited by erdelyii on Jul 18, 2019, 9:08:02 AM
erdelyii wrote:

So yeah, I'd do it, fully aware that if we're all that smart, a lot of what we do day to day - chores, social maintenance, self-care, cooking - will become even more mundane and unappealing. Who's going to do that work? Robots or all those who can't afford to boost their intelligence? Or both? Interesting stuff, kind of, still have the article in mind.

I tend to imagine a zoo like scenario where people are the animals being viewed for pleasure by other humans as a sort of amusement and interest.

If a societal structure no longer needs it's people for mundane work then those groups of people lose political power as a consequence so they become "valuable" only as a sort of oddity or entertainment.

That's one of the reasons for example why horendous regimes like communism and fascisme still invested heavily in schools and public services, because they could not get away from the basic "human value" logic.
In order for the societal structure(however cruel) to operate it still required its citizens to be healthy and educated and invest in them.

Now if we imagine a scenario where the mundane functions of such a society can be outsourced to non-human entity's completely, then that incentive structure gets demolished completely.

And as a result the lower strata of the population only survives on the grace of being permited to survive.

Imagine a scenario where peta, wwf or the world animal protection organisation
also start including sub-section of the human race in their charters.

Or perhaps an easier to visualize reality, imagine pockets of human civilization similar to the current mormons, that are allowed their piece of land on which to live in the "old fashion" way while being gazed upon by the then dominant way of living as odd.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
faerwin wrote:

Who said it's not a step in that direction? IF you can control something like a phone or pc with your mind, then it's not that far fetched to believe that that computer can then re-transmit the order to artificial limbs.

That isn't a step in that direction though. It's a step towards making fake people. There's ways to organically fix all these physical problems with people, nobody with the resources or knowledge is bothering taking the time to figure out how though. Because that's a lot less money than selling fake parts for people.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Nah, waste of good electronics on this old fart

Tesla researcher: It looks like it's working

Another researcher: HOw do you know?

Tesla researcher: He's 'opinionated' the entire flight deck

Flight deck console: Get off my lawn, cut your hair, and get a real job!
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Last edited by crunkatog on Jul 18, 2019, 2:24:53 PM
Me, no.

Should be beneficial for humans in the long run though.
no, we do not understand the human brain in the least. we can't design an interface that doesn't read more information than EEGs which do not need integrated circuits.

a childish study from some guys who get to large research grands without anything to show for it. let's try this again in ~20 years. and even then, NO. an interface is always a twoway street. I won't trust some company with direct acces to my brain... a nobrainer really.
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