Frost bolt and projectile with innate auto-pierce mod
" K, good luck with your video submission, I like it Forum pvp
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DiaMN here,
Ice Nova + Frostbolt is perfectly capable of killing tanks and clearing HoGM. I can kill the top EU Guardian tank relatively easily making a swap to Slower Projectiles on Frostbolt, and even making a major dent into him without making the conscious effort to swap. Damage-wise it may be over the top versus people who do not use CWDT Flame Dash. Most melee will absolutely die, but I'd have to imagine that it's true that an Incandescent Heart + Divine Flesh Molten Shell Lacerate with CWDT Flame Dash would do the trick, because Ice Nova's damage comes from abusing Ice Nova repeats on Frostbolt. Mechnically however, it requires a lot of positioning. Some arenas absolutely punish Frostbolt, since it's still a very clunky and relatively wide projectile. There's also DPS downtime due to needing to recast Frostbolt. This makes it harder to face builds like VD mines, GC mines, and Sire BL trap/mines which require less demanding positioning. Eventually I would want to see a nerf to Ice Nova + Frostbolt because I do believe that the damage is absurd, but there's still quite a number of builds that require little-to-no skill that absolutely run over most builds. POB: The entire build was built with around 5ex, I might make an extended discussion post on the build if I get enough interest. |
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" ''Slower projectiles'' its a BIG buff to frostbolt , i finally one shot those gubben guys in hogm today i think its not so easy to kill that EU Guardian tank, ive been in sarn arena with you and him , and looks like ES tanks + Scorching ray instant kill still a enough for counter the most of pvp builds " If somebody going to try Icenova + Frostbolt for pvp or pve i recommend a +2 aoe chest and a lot of Mana Regen |
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Hmm wanted to show my pob, but formatted pc , no longer have my ice nova build.
i think coalMN has it IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
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" i have it too lol here its my pob , i did some changes in gear and tried to make a little more ''cheap'' version of your pob |
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cool, well.. its a great build.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
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I did not use Slower Projectiles to clear HoGM the multiple times I did it.
When you saw me fight that Guardian in Sarn I was messing around with Knockback in my links the entire time. I really doubt anyone would notice a difference unless it was him. I can beat Minanu with Chance to Flee in my links, so make what you will of that. I usually have Power Charge on Critical in my links because it's nice to chill people for a bit of extra damage rather than use Elemental Focus, but it really goes to show that I don't really think too hard about my 5th damage link. I feel like Scorching Ray, while it does do quite a bit of damage, is very overrated when you can run dousing divine flasks, and overcap fire resistance. I feel like I just absolutely misplay hard (or blame being an NA player in EU ping :P) when I die with mana charges up. |
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you'll run out of dousing eventually. its all about damage if you cant kill tank he will eventually kill you.
Tbh, i do not think ice nova needs a nerf in anyway. It is strong yes, but there are so many unfavorable matchups. In some situation like vs a dummy tank that is immobile and slow, its great. but against matchups that has huge mobility its really bad. ( pulses travels way too slow ) IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Aug 9, 2019, 10:35:44 PM
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double post
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Aug 9, 2019, 10:32:08 PM
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I feel like if I get to a point where I spent 10+ (more than 10 because you gain charges back between rounds) dousing charges, I've already heavily misplayed the matchup. I'd have to say that it just feels like Scorching Ray just preys on an obscure mechanic that almost none of the playerbase knows about. It doesn't help that it can do quite a bit of damage on top of that.
Yeah, Ice Nova + Frostbolt's weak versus most long-range options. Currently if those long range builds aren't nerfed, then Ice Nova's fine, but if balancing comes to the long-range builds, I'll eventually expect that Ice Nova's going to be next for a nerf due to its ability to decimate mid-range options. I'll eventually be testing my build versus Incandescent Heart + Divine Flesh + Molten Shell combos to see what kind of extent the damage of Ice Nova is capable of. Update: With my investment, it's actually quite tough facing builds with high defenses (Incandescent Heart + Divine Flesh + Molten Shell for example) if they have an attack or spell that deals high burst damage. Maybe the reign of block builds for tankiness is over. Last edited by CoalMN#4906 on Aug 11, 2019, 2:01:31 PM
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