Frost bolt and projectile with innate auto-pierce mod
" I remember during project PT ethical pvp when we discussed about magma orb and it being op. Even with proof of evidences, POB, how the skill interact, people still had this idea that "well if it get killed it don t need to get nerfed". Result was the ugliest spectacle this tournament gave with the magma guy camping spawn and shooting 7 proj 3 screens away without moving or doing anything else. "ho shit, it s really bad" was the reaction.. no shit captain. Sure the guy got killed but the "told you so" feeling was strong. My point is, it is not because another more broken build can deal with ICe-nova-frostbolt combo with ease that it does not require a nerf. You can t base your balance decision by looking if a build can be hard countered when spending X amount of ex. What need to be seen is how it affect pvp gameplay, how cheesy it is . Place yourself in any melee configuration and you can t do shit vs this cheesy build and that because nova can be applied offscreen, that you can take cover while targeting the bolt and cast nova out of your sight and so a melee build can t even take cover, that the frostbolt projectile simply pass inside frostwall, . And I don t even play melee I actually play a projectile type build with innate pierce. I never hesitate to ask the nerf for builds I am playing. I even asked for nerf of consecrated path even tho I spent all my currency making a 2h build around it. Imo nova casted on piercing bolt should get pvp penalty as well as pierce support. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Jul 13, 2019, 3:50:49 PM
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I agree +1 head needs a nerf
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that is indeed very interesting, Icenova frostbolt has always been this way, so did ball lightning.
Mamga was a different case, it was indeed broken. Not only for EHLD but HLD as well. You cant really compare the two, besides EHLD isn't really a good place to benchmark skills, given PLAYER decided bans and PLAYER decided gear restrictions, some skills will always fair better than others. Magma has wide coverage, extremely long range and of course bypass-ing frostwall. its obnoxious to deal with , just like ball lightning. But at least magma cannot handle 1v1 maps unlike ball lightning. These two skills even after nerf, did not change anything. Frostbolt icenova does not compare to them in anyway. I am not trying to defend the above skill, but i think you should try dueling other more obnoxious builds before calling out that icenova is broken. At the same time, try making a true pvp build to deal with it. I can see why in league ice nova might be strong, everyone is playing some sort of glassy melee or some sort of gladiator block cycloner. no one is really invested in pvp on league. even after the sire nerf, i was able to still win all my matches as BL with 10 exalteds of gear. As i said, i do not know what build you're having problems with, but if you are expecting to just cyclone everyone to death ( im just guessing ), then.... IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Jul 14, 2019, 3:37:44 AM
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Am not playing melee and my build do not have problem with icenova-bolt as I am ranged.
The EHLD story was more an anecdote to explain why cheesy mechanics need a nerf before it is too late. I like pvp to be skill based and competitive as such I suggest nerfing not only super broken skills but also those who dominate the scene because of mechanics that are in contrary with competitive pvp. Ice nova+bolt is one of those skills that can be countered BUT at the same time totally counter a full archetype simply because there is no defense against it with melee in temp league. They can t cast frost wall to defend, Nova can pop out of the caster sight and have hudge aoe. Passing nova+bolt, in general piercing projectiles are a problem when coupled with AOE skills. It s not like ranged don t have other skills to swap when their proj is blocked by FW anyway so I also think pierce support should get a pvp nerf. Poe Pvp experience |
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when you say " melee " you have to be more specific, Because right now i can think of a " melee" that can kill off icenova, and that is a champion divine flesh lacerate with absurd coverage. It can prob sit in icenova.
but if you are referring to cyclone , than prob every single skill needs to be nerfed in order to compensate for cyclone pvp. What about gc mines? no one is playing it on league does not mean its not a huge problem for melee What i am saying is, if you're playing some hybrid pve and " can be used for pvp " melee type builds, than you have alot more skills to worry about than just icenova. IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Jul 14, 2019, 4:29:43 AM
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You are too focused on the idea I would create a thread and complain about a skill just because it rekt me in pvp.
I ask to nerf my own skills plenty of times I actually for example was one of those who discovered magma potential with +chain to counter KB (I say one of those because I do not know if someone found it before and I know someone played non-chain magma at the time) and right away I asked GGG to nerf it. As for cyclone we all know it s shit in pvp since 1.5 haha. Talking about lacerate, the skill can hit multiple tiem and have no pvp nerf. Plenty of time we mentioned lacerate to be a problem but because it is under the shadow of many broken shit it was not really an emergency. Still if you want my opinion Lacerate should have the flicker/cyclone/consecrated path treatment. There also the problem of multistrike atm in league rendering lacerate a little less attractive to use for melee players. GC mine should get nerfed further I agree with you. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Jul 14, 2019, 4:47:19 AM
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GC mine is stronger than ever right now.
Definitely should be nerfed. The difference right now between min-maxed GC miner vs slapped together half ass GC miner is mobility. Damage-wise, it's all overkill damage right now. 🎈🤡LEGACY MINER & TRAPPER MIRROR SERVICE: 1713980🤡🎈
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Ice Nova+ Frostbolt its funny but its not a broken skill
when i pvp with my char i have problems to kill max cap block gladiators Usually i use Ice nova 21/20 + Spell Eccho 20/20 + Cold pen 21/20 + Bcr 20/20 + controlled destrucion 20/20 + Faster casting 20/20 , all in a +2 aoe +1 Skin of the loyal chest while i use Fb+Gmp+Fp+Faster casting on my Skyforth and its not enough for Max Block guys ( I think i need a Legacy Reduced block chance mod ) now im going to test this combination with '' Pierce'' with but i think it will be not enough for max block builds lol Ice nova and Frostbolt need a buff not a Nerf Now in league GC mines and Max block are the op Last edited by EspadaDelPanico#6531 on Jul 15, 2019, 10:59:19 PM
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" Why would you use pierce since frostbolt already pierce. My whole point was that because the projectile of FB always pierce it pass frostwall and so is almost not possible to avoid with melee. My other point concerning "pierce support" was that for such an utility to be able to bypass things like FW the support should get a pvp penalty like LMP and GMP. As for what s the meta, vs life block users it seems some people are using "decay" support with 300% damage jewel to fuck them up (or fuck any life builds) Impius_TM -" Dont_play_Melee" for example is using Volatile dead linked with decay. Forum pvp Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jul 16, 2019, 10:05:46 AM
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" ya nvm my mistake i still think Ice Nova + FrostBolt its not broken , ive invest a lot in my Ice nova char and feels like its a ''normal''skill Im going to test ''Decay'' and that jewel , thanks |
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