[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Why Prolonged Pain over Swift killer?

Prolonged pain 1,2x damage

Swift killer = 4*0,04 = 0,16 -> 1,16x damage from charges + 20% increased damage per frenzy and 20% per power charges

is 40% increased damage worse than 4% more damage from prolonged pain?
TL/DR: [Swift Killer] it's less damage than prolonged pain, and we get frenzies anyways from green nightmare. On bosses, 4 frenzies + 40% inc damage is 20% more damage, same as prolonged pain. While clearing, prolonged pain is significantly better since we have frenzies anyways.
Prolonged pain also makes us take reduced damage over time (very useful against chaos damage) and gives good skill effect duration which makes blight do more damage.

found on page 122
inferNOH wrote:

found on page 122

Well, makes sense. But it's impossible to get green nightmare yet and get charges. Isn't it better to take charge ascendancy now, and respec when you can actually buy green nightmare?
Wienic wrote:
inferNOH wrote:

found on page 122

Well, makes sense. But it's impossible to get green nightmare yet and get charges. Isn't it better to take charge ascendancy now, and respec when you can actually buy green nightmare?

Well noone is going to prevent you from doing this. You have read the argument in favor of prolonged pain, if you still think swift killer is stronger in your situation, take it.
Just wondering, how are we reaching a high enough amount of hp to cover for all the ES we're getting? I'm currently in a situation where I have too little hp and too much energy shield to be able to justify going MoM/EB. At the same time though, I am unable to sustain mana from 6L blight and ED spamming. PoB editing and messing with the tree still cant bring me up to a high enough amount of life for MoM/EB combo. Not sure what to do right now.

Last edited by Nvnsqr on Mar 16, 2020, 8:18:55 AM
Wienic wrote:
Why Prolonged Pain over Swift killer?

Prolonged pain 1,2x damage

Swift killer = 4*0,04 = 0,16 -> 1,16x damage from charges + 20% increased damage per frenzy and 20% per power charges

is 40% increased damage worse than 4% more damage from prolonged pain?

Prolonged pain is better for bosses
Also you get some reduction, which is something
Nvnsqr wrote:
Just wondering, how are we reaching a high enough amount of hp to cover for all the ES we're getting? I'm currently in a situation where I have too little hp and too much energy shield to be able to justify going MoM/EB. At the same time though, I am unable to sustain mana from 6L blight and ED spamming. PoB editing and messing with the tree still cant bring me up to a high enough amount of life for MoM/EB combo. Not sure what to do right now.

You should have around 5k hp and 2.3k es with the gear you have, isn't it the case?
EB is a core part of the build ^^'
Don't take discipline and training, herbalism is better for the same amount of points. With the spare point, either take 4% life or start pathing to a jewel socket.
Darkxellmc wrote:

Thanks for the links. Imo flow of life + exposure therapy is the same as Flow of life + brush with death, considering trickster already gets life on kill. Having chaos dot mitigation is just as good if not better.
Hi, thanks for the guide very helpful!

I do wonder though, how are we benefitting from the passive "Pain Attunement" in this build?
aGalaxy_ wrote:
Hi, loving the build so far, destroyed up until t14+ maps, now I am in need of more single target damage. I need 2 more conquerors to fight sirus but the conqueror fights have not been good, pretty low damage, though the build is pretty tanky. Do you know the best way to improve my dps? I have about 3ex to spend atm, pob has me at about 320k ed dps. thanks!


Well first, get a helmet with more than 27 energy shield. ES on helmets give massive evasion through our ascandency. There's a lot that can be done to your gear to improve your defenses. Especially ES wise, no hyrri's and no disc probably means you're below 1000Es.

That said, damage wise, you should be good to go for most content. You should have about a third of the damage the build can offer rn, which is enough to clear all content.
Singletarget is low, that's ED for you. Cluster jewels goes a longer way than corruption imo, and you can get a really good set for 20 chaos. You may also just annoint corruption, it's cheap. I talked a bit aobut cluster jewels in the last pages, I'll update the guide with my definitive recommendations later today.
That said, most your gear is just life/resistances. Only your gloves have a bit of a damage focus. Try to get a +1 chso skills amulet, that's about 10% more damage, maybe try to craft %damage on your jewelery (you have a decent belt, but I'd buy other rings/ammy, honnestly).
Also, use multitotems for wither instead of incDuration.

Can't help much more. If you're dying (to other sources than delirium), you need a bit more defences on your gear, that'll come soon enough as you progress. But offence wise you have more damage than I had when I killed sirus for my first time.
Check your PoB, tick shaper defences, tick 15 wither stacks, infusion up , and see if you're at 700k+ dps. If you're not, I missed something and you actually deal no damage, sorry.

Also, can you please link your transcendant mind in this thread? ^^' I need one for the guide and can't get my hands on one atm.

Gl hf!

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