
With the new changes, it seems pretty clear now that Cyclone is unusable if you don't take Blood Magic ^^;

Mana cost is unchanged and min distance is 1/3 shorter, you're most likely to spam the skill.

But the new min distance is what people asked in the first place, the gameplay is now much closer to what they expected, and I think it's good. You just have to hold the button, and your character will Cyclone everywhere.

The only problem left, and that people already reported, remove the lock on enemy with this skill, we don't really need to target an enemy. It's quite annoying to stop in the middle of a pack because of that.
PoE forums ignore list script:

0.4: added "ignore" button. ignore list is now saved locally.
Love the changes, but its really hard on mana now. At the moment, I can only handle Cyclone Linked with Added Fire Damage.
The new travel mechanics are good, but the damage is still low and mana cost is a bit high.
IGN - Endoplasm
Fantastic makes me feel so op right now :)

the min distance is too short? you can control it manually...
mana cost? easy to solve
dmg too low? I have 4800 tooltip dmg and kill map bosses within seconds

stop crying and think more, it is a great skill, and /oos or flicker strike save my XXX
IGN: MarauderK

AFK since Jun 2013, playing EARTH online atm
Last edited by KevZh#3230 on Mar 20, 2013, 2:53:32 AM
Yeah I'm mirroring the issue others are experiencing: that when you are focus-DPSing a single-target by holding down cyclone button, very frequently it would stop if the mob stops moving, making my char vulnerable because he is not leeching from damage.

Damage-wise I'd say it is decent now, not overpowered like cleave, but not weak as hell like before this patch.

Mana cost is ridiculous still though, especially with shorter minimum travel distance, even with blood magic passive + quality life on hit, my life drains so fast that the leech barely keeps up despite all my +attack speed and 2.0 speed rapier.
[Hardcore league]
IGN: Jeria / Metalgrid
lol, one simple way to remove all these distance problems.
Remove it! No straight line limitation!

just change this skill to 3 functions:
1. Cyclone while holding skill button.
2. Lower movement speed while skill is functioning.
3. Travel to mouse cursor location.


You no longer cause any de-sync problem because now it's treated as "move-only"
instead of move to cursor direction with a minimum~maximum skill travel length.

You no longer get stuck or unable to use the skill when you're not at 1/2 the minmum cyclone range, because it's treated as "move-only".

Do it devs!!!! Get it solved!

Also mentioned the d/c bug here

And another also!! Fix the quality problem! The radius doesn't increase.
Last edited by virkful#6373 on Mar 20, 2013, 4:34:57 AM
right now it is pointless spinning when you can just leap slam...
Woo, changes. I think the damage should be reasonable now, although I've yet to start maps, so I can't judge its viability there yet. The shorter minimum distance makes it a lot more pleasant to use, but I feel the mana cost is far too high to utilize it properly.

In terms of future changes I think a mana cost reduction and AoE radius increase should be considered. As an unarmed character, the range feels short even with Master of the Arena and the +12% increase from the Templar tree. The latter doesn't even seem to make a difference, which makes me think that it may be rounding down instead of using decimals. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
thorsten139 wrote:
right now it is pointless spinning when you can just leap slam...

So it ain't pointless if you can't leap slam, now you get the point?
--We have also reduced the minimum distance it travels, so that you have more control. This distance is now about a third of what it was previously.

this was REALLY bad for me...
i use cyclone and blood magic, it almost kills me all the time now.

*shouldn't the mana cost be equal to the % of maximum distance traveled?
*remove this change... the skill should be an "all commited" skill, now it just costs allot, desynchs, and get you in problems!

it really made me consider stop playing my duelist (that i loved before this change)

but don't get me wrong here, the skill is damage wise buffed, thats great!, but thew new feel of it whit the high cost is reallllllly risky if you happen to exidently click on a monster.
i really don't care that its "more usable on 1 target" i got double strike for single targets.
IGN: Nivius
Ty for scam <3

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