" This was my primary concern with the skill, the minimum distance. I assumed that the cost wouldn't change, since the cost wasn't a problem, it was only the fact that for small groups it took far too long to spin the minimum distance. This change addresses my primary concern, and I now have no serious issues with the skill, only minor balance considerations. I hated the old distance. People complaining can STILL click the old distance and have NO change in the mana cost, anyone complaining about the new spin distance is an idiot who is complaining about a change for no good reason, when they option is still there for them to do so. Its a really strange situation when you go "Here is a change, ALL it does is ADD an option for spinning less distance, with the same setup as before, you could always spin the certain distance and not notice a change" and people complain going "I want to spin further". Same people would complain if they made it spin the entire length of the screen going "Lower the spin distance and increase the mana cost instead please" |
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i prefered the old distance it took alot less micro maybe a midway wud be nice. dmg boost is nice specially for v high ias guys.
above poster didnt you ever spin click and hold on a medium/large yellow monster or even vaal lolsoul. The distance isnt the problem it's the micro change. You used to be able to use it like leap slam/sweep/cleave. Last edited by GhettoJesus#0213 on Mar 19, 2013, 11:26:55 PM
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I preferred the new distance, why is the first thing anyone complains about is the change.
I'm unhappy about the increase in damage, I feel things die too fast now so I don't have time to hit them more and get mroe life on hit. So because it gives the mbr more control this is bad? People are going to complain FP has a damage fall-off at range now, requires too much micro to get good damage, if you just click on the enemy it doesn't do max damage unless you get up close and click far away. Skillchecks for something simple like this are GOOD, it provides OPTIONS, stop trying to make the skill WORSE |
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This skill feels much better to use now, i'm using auras and prism guardian to boost damage and a 1h weapon and shield. I'm lvl 91 templar. I'm curious how does this skill work with shields? Does it? Specifically how does block work with it?
PROBLEM: after the latest patch cyclone stops sometimes often when you click enemies.. then starts again randomly or soemtimes doesnt.. what's going on there?? Thank you, the other changes like damage and shorter distance make the skill much easier to control and I don't get locked into a cyclone when i need to pick up an item anymore, that's great! I also feel like i have more mobility and control! ty Please look into this problem I spoke of, is that supposed to be that way. Last edited by CallsignHUSKER#5121 on Mar 19, 2013, 11:54:33 PM
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" this happens if you click on an enemie, cyclone to him and the enemie doesnt move and you stop DIRECTLY at the same location as him. When you target him now you give the order to cast a Cyclone with 0 travel distance. Best solution would just be if cyclone would moved some metres further if you click on an enemie and doesnt stop exactly at the enemie location (like before the patch, but shorter). atm this makes battles against BIG enemies with alot of HP super stupid. Is hard to not target them, if you dont want to travel way to far away and if you target lock him the mana cost are way to high because each cyclone is just super short. IGN: kReiZy Last edited by sYkoDe4d#0481 on Mar 19, 2013, 11:58:56 PM
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Also getting the problem where cyclone stops randomly. This happens when i hold down cyclone on a single enemy, i.e rare champ, or sometimes even when i shift click. As I am running a duelist that relies on lgoh and lifesteal. something like 40 lgoh and 13% lifesteal, i die almost instantly as soon as this bug occurs. if this did not occur i would frickin love this skill, also had to take off 2 supports just to keep up with mana costs(was using cleave before), seems a bit insane. I like the distance change i just wish i didnt stop randomly as well as the mana cost is almost undealable for my character.
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Yeah the skill seems pretty well balanced now apart from the random stopping whenever you're close to an enemy and clicking it... essentially breaking the skill...
so when i'm trying to hang in their with high level players speed clearing high maps and I'm competing with rangers with chained lightning arrow with insane area of effect and damage - I gotta be like oops im too close to that enemy hold on guys while i walk away a pace and restart my cyclone every couple seconds.. oh wait you already cleared the room while I was fumbling with my finicky small area of effect skill with clumsy targeting? Oh you just fire blindly into a room to clear it? Oh what do you do totem witch just spam a few totems and not worry much about targeting? Make this skill easy to use, the damage is decent now although could stand a larger area buff. I'm 91 top 10 default ladder and it is really difficult to clear as quickly as the ranged builds, to compensate for our smaller aoe we NEED higher damage and easily used attacks. This may be a tangent but does anyone realize how overpowered ranged is to melee and how its mostly due to iron reflexes and the fact that ranged players NEVER use evasion FOR evasion it is wayyyyy to easy to stack armor on rangers and so there isnt the usual surviveabilty tradeof with damage that there usually is in ranged builds.. To compensate for that aand our smaller aoe melee skills need higher damage.. was this seriously tested? Last edited by CallsignHUSKER#5121 on Mar 20, 2013, 12:19:14 AM
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" maybe it get lost as the last post of the last site, i will quote myself " This is the problem, if the enemie doesnt move you cyclone at it just stops. edit: One other Tipp, using Flicker strike sometimes helps alot against desync!!! IGN: kReiZy Last edited by sYkoDe4d#0481 on Mar 20, 2013, 12:17:03 AM
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Getting these out of the blue stops too. Also think the mana cost is still to high and damage is to low.
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First off, thanks for the changes.
Secondly, you're going to hate me, but the min distance is actually too short now. You can start a cyclone that basically doesn't go anywhere if you click on an enemy and you waste all your mana. This is compounded by desync, because sometimes you'll click where you think will be a cyclone of decent length, but is actually a min distance cyclone. 50% of the original distance would be better IMO. |
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