Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

Most part of changes is reasonable and was quite predictable.
Viva la cyclone!
WTF, kill self cast builds after a huge buffs in melee builds, nice balance, next patch: 100% cyclone build.
Uncorrupted eternity shroud is 5ex more than unnatural instinct in Standard, and only 5ex less than unnatural instinct was in the synthesis event (20 vs 15 vs 25, respectively).

Eternity Shroud will continue to be "the" chase item. They haven't nerfed it, and you can target-farm it, unlike unnatural instinct which is a complete crapshoot.

Eternity shroud will be in a sense a chase unique, but I don't really consider it one, as I don't consider Watcher's Eyes a chase unique even though they can be extremely expensive and you can target farm it.

I think Chris mentioned chase uniques in the sense that you can be playing virtually any content and past a certain ilvl if can drop. Like mjolner and skyforth used to be, etc. The highlight of my league drop wise was mousing over a unique viridian jewel and actually seeing my first unnatural instinct. That kind of excitement is now pretty much gone.
but the loss of Life Leech without a buff to the Leech gem so it's desirable will hurt.

Its easier to get life leech than running warlords anyway, its a wep enchant, you can fossil it on rings, its a shaper/elder neck mod, corruptions etc.

Infact getting a good leech piece is cheaper than getting a warlords ring if your happy without the mana leech (obviously don't have a choice in that regard now)

people thinking that there are no leech options for spells have never actually looked whats available, warlords was probably the worst of the lot lol
Bye witch, bye shadow(for most part), bye ES meta, bye WO(never liked you to begin with), bye soulrend(meh), bye storm brand(wha? whatever, fine)
Melee and bows this league.
Last edited by ShoveMoneyDeeper on Jun 4, 2019, 8:46:19 AM
dragonpowi wrote:
all of these nerf were needed and expected, not sure why everyone mad. Want to play meta? well, change build now.

They rely so much on the people like you that don't like the meta builds and complain about things that don't want to follow or don't play the current league either... But, hey! They listen and nerf that is very fun to play for the poeple that actually PLAY the league and enjoy the new content! Even if they are "META", EVEN THAT THEY CREATE AND MAKE PEOPLE TO FOLLOW THAT META. It's really fun to see that every league they build those famous "archetypes" just to bury them 100 km under the ground in the next league. They destroy those archetypes they've created to obligate people to play what they dictate what is "meta" in the new league... Not you, THEM. Isn't sound weird to you? I mean, for me PoE must be a game where you have FUN to play whatever THE F*CK you want even if it's meta or not. I know that you'll say "hey, dumbass, you have plenty of builds out there where you can try", well I not always want to play those totems builds/Scorching Ray/LL/any chaos skill or play Blade Flurry/Double Strike/*any melee skill here*/*any bow build here*, I just want to grab something that I think that'll enjoy the most and push through the content as much as I can while enjoying the new league. I don't want to be obligated to play the meta just because GGG builds only around what they want, not what WE want as players. I mean, surely I'll play some melee build to see the changes, but man... If I want to play a spellcaster I don't want to break my head in the wall to see how I can work around those infinite nerfs they apply to their past "archetypes".

This update may be "balancing things" or whatever (and I can see and agree with lots of good arguments for most of these changes, especially within the greater scope of GGGs future plans for the game) but I have to be honest here: this looks frighteningly similar to a D3-styled forced meta (geared towards melee obviously) - which is the philosophy that kills a lot of other ARPGs.

I'm looking forward to any more explanations or updates from GGG about why they just removed Elementalist from the game. I'm sure there's a very good reason for it...

This nails down better most of the things what I was trying to say in my reply earlier.
LucasHT wrote:
WTF, kill self cast builds after a huge buffs in melee builds, nice balance, next patch: 100% cyclone build.

Occultist, trickster and ele were all seeing far too much play.

Maybe waiting to see how they stack up to the new melee builds would have been prudent, however.
thank you for nerfing gladiator in "melee patch" GGG

you do realise that it is not possible to use blood/sand stuff when you have 2 aura watcher's eye?

you do realise that somebody might play gladiator with shield?

why would you remove 4% attack speed from ascendancy (in total) ?
this is ridiculous...
Looks great, can't wait!
I'm learning to play the new skills while I can!
Had a blast with WO and Bane/SR! Thanks!
Already started a melee toon in HC while I wait for the league!!
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...

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