Which fictional Character has inspired you the most

ScrotieMcB wrote:
erdelyii wrote:
FML that's a much better answer than Jesus Christ.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World he didnt exist.

No this isnt a Usual Suspects quote
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
鬼殺し wrote:
Fine, fine. Serious answer.

My loving, attentive, always-there-for-me father.

In fairness your inheritance from him helped you live, at least some, of your adult life in comfort and able to pursue whatever you wanted to do.

Obviously money doesn't solve all problems, but in this case at least it removed financial obstacles for you to pursue some personal passions.

Perhaps ironically, a much better father in death, if even at a subconscious level. Or perhaps I've ventured to far into armchair psychology here....
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
the preacher con men still out there. All of them

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