Ur second best...

yeah MMOs are in a very sad state right now, unfortunately.

i've had a few really really good experiences on them though. the first one i really got into was Pristontale until the official servers shut down.

ROSE online was super fun and good. as was FlyFF. just so damn grindy it was insane. also becoming such a huge cash grab is gross.
Vindictus, TERA. tera was the last mmo i've really gotten into, and i stopped playing that once the game opened up as f2p. that type of game just doesn't suite me anymore. can't do it. need much more casual fixes now-a-days. things you can very easily pause and exit for awhile.
xMustard wrote:
yeah MMOs are in a very sad state right now, unfortunately.

i've had a few really really good experiences on them though. the first one i really got into was Pristontale until the official servers shut down.

ROSE online was super fun and good. as was FlyFF. just so damn grindy it was insane. also becoming such a huge cash grab is gross.
Vindictus, TERA. tera was the last mmo i've really gotten into, and i stopped playing that once the game opened up as f2p. that type of game just doesn't suite me anymore. can't do it. need much more casual fixes now-a-days. things you can very easily pause and exit for awhile.

I think there are a lot of genre that are dying sadly, RTS, beat them up, Platform games, RPG etc.....
鬼殺し wrote:
Vindictus had a meatiness that really outshone its Korean MMO trappings.

Wow, flyff. Now that takes me back.

A good, balanced private l2 server can be fun.

i couldn't count the amount of private servers i've gone through trying to find a good pristontale/rose/flyff server to play on. i played on one flyff server for something a bit better than a year until it just stopped.

thing is, in order to retain replayability even private servers just resort to grindy mic grind grind. the old model of mmo's having to wail on a mob for a certain time until it dies and gives you minuscule amounts of experience just doesn't hold up IMO. after months you'll get a level and nothing else, blah blah.

RTS games. phew yeah i actually ended up getting C&C Tiberian Sun not long ago in order to quench that thirst.
Last edited by xMustard on May 6, 2019, 9:50:54 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
To anybody who doesn't say Diablo 2 - you, sir, are a liar.

Not Diablo 2. There's something even better than that 20 year old pile of messed up code.

It's called IRL.
Long term, most likely Stellaris. By far my favourite game in terms of replayability.

Shot in the dark with my recommendation for a game to play, but I recently picked up VA-11 HALL-A as a one off and the story is great. It's a nice chill game that rewards the ability to remember key info from different people and decipher different social cues to figure out what people want. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I find it wonderful :)
Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
On the Amiga 500:

Speedball 2

Stunt Car Racer


Lords of the Rising Sun

On the PC:

Final Fantasy 8

Mass Effect 3

Half Life 1

Baldur's Gate 2

nothing to suggest to play till next league :-(
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3279646
Last edited by Antigegner on May 8, 2019, 7:39:00 PM

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