[PS4] Frame drops

KogaDrake wrote:
I started on my original model PS4, did fine in synthesis up to shaper, only ever had minor issues with beyond bosses, breaches with many bosses popping or harbringers.

You can imagine what happened with flashback given the prevalence of all of them and ability to see multiple of them simultaneously.. was bad

I finally upgraded to a pro last weekend, now I just see minor frame drops (no more sub 1fps) when I have multiple of the problematic things on screen at the same time, but I can still more or run away if I don't want to risk a lag death which I couldnt without the pro.

Sadly I dont see how they can make the game require a pro and no be available on orig/slim models, so its really just a upgrade you need to make for PoE. That said, next league should return to a state were we are not flooded with things the PS4 struggles with so the non-pro models should go back to doing just fine for 99% of content.

So the consensus is: instead of them actually optimizing the game to run on console like any other company, we should all go shell out $250 on a pro console (with ps5 right around the corner btw) so we can play a FREE game without lag? Haha, nice logic.

I would challenge any dev from GGG to live stream higher tier maps whilst playing on a standard ps4 and tell me that's how it's intended to play and everything is okay....
Last edited by Just_concerned on May 23, 2019, 1:06:10 PM

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