Is my math off?

xMustard wrote:
having enough food is not the issue with feeding people. the problem with everyone having food is the people that control food distribution for power.

we also waste an extreme amount of food, and opportunity for food.

my buddy has an apple tree. last year or two years ago he gave away 60 bushels to his family and friends, and he still had an insane amount just rotting on the ground. thats one tree of one fruit in one yard in the entire world.

think about this - yes we take up more space for things like buildings etc. the entire population doesn't take much room on their own but we take a lot more for a bunch of other things.
however, we really value GRASS for no fucking reason. if every house that has a lawn had a garden instead, people would cut their grocery bills in half and provide more food than they themselves as a family could consume.

how about this. every school and hospital in all the countries have giant gardens. they use the food in their cafeterias and, fuck it, they have the patients/children tend to them. that would be great for sick people, to get outside and do a bit of work. goals prolong life. it would also be incredible education for children.

you could even have community gardens, if not such private personal ones.

but yes, the world is way way bigger than what people think. over population? no, sorry.
and also keep in mind how much of the world is habitable. most is oceans and other bodies of water, mountain ranges, deserts, tundras, ice, etc. yet there is still so much we haven't and wouldn't even be able to inhabit.
drive across north america. its insane how much room there is.

The deer eat my apples
I dont see any any key!

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