They broke Nessa :'-(.

Exsulem wrote:
My main problem with Nessa's new voice acting is how aggressive it sounds. When I started up a Witch and stepped into Lioneye's Watch, I was a little shocked at how angry Nessa sounded - like she was just barely pushing down the temptation to whip out that knife of hers and stick it in my ribs. I can understand suspicion or even bitterness, but Nessa has an audible cutting edge to her tongue which belies the sort of motherly reputation that Tarkleigh and Bestel laud upon her.

Or to put it another way: She's a hell of a lot less resigned.

Yep, the soft-spoken, almost nervous Nessa was cute. Now it's like "I saw you in Oriath!" And I'm like "NO, YOU DIDN'T, BITCH! STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS!"


"WhateverhelpIcanofferisyours (though only because I'm forced to offer it)....." And I respond with "Well, whatever, I need to sell some shit and I'll be out of your way." She's just a normal NPC now, not a unique individual. Maybe we'd just better get used to that, and our little "No, Nessa is MINE!" jokes will just disappear over time.

ALso, +1 to how Prefectmemento worded it.

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Last edited by VideoGeemer on Mar 25, 2013, 5:24:06 PM
I liked the old Nessa better as well- primarily her vendor greetings. (Tarkleigh also sounds a little different but its no big deal on him.)

I dunno what others think on this related topic- at first I liked the remix of the A1 town theme song, but after a while I felt it became intrusive. I periodically do some stash sorting, or passive tree planning while I'm in town and the A1 theme is difficult for me to tune out. It would be good dungeon music somewhere (I guess), but for town I like something more neutral that stays in the background. Even Sarn which has a fairly dramatic theme feels less intrusive because the volume is more uniform throughout. I dunno, thinking of old Nessa just got me thinking of old A1 theme as well. I like the old audio better =D
Andrew_GGG wrote:
Ill make the stamp official then :P

So our reasoning for changing Nessa is something like this.

Her inflection had almost no emotion and her greeting phrases were to repetitive, we wanted to change that. I made sure to keep the MMMhmmm stuff, but now there are just a few other options.

Personally I think the new dialogue is a huge improvement!

Honestly i felt like her older voice acting was fitting better the ambiance and feel of the first act, specially since she's not even an Exile to begin with but a shipwreck survivor.

She went from emo to borderline smug :/ or even aggressive.

More greeting phrases is good tough.
Last edited by GrieverZ on Mar 26, 2013, 8:44:16 PM
new nessa sounds awful now. I skip her dialog entirely now
IGN Nordes
i'm in love with nessa's voice, that's the big thing that got me into the game
while i agree that the original voice bits were better, i dont mind them having been changed
i have no doubt they were too good to stay because indeed at first hearing they were bothering and most people won't go past a first hearing attitude, they wont give out the necessary attention to go beyond the surface
what was so great about nessa's performance was that it was deadpan of sort and once you got beyond the apparent "lack of emotion" the fire sprung
i compare it to hitchcock's lead actresses : fire under ice
i'm ok with these gems having been stifled, it's the way of life, too good stuff doesnt stay because it bothers the mediocre crowd
i dont even mind them not being into the game anymore, it was awesome while it lasted, everything passes.

to the guy responsible for 1/ the production of this very rare gold and 2/ its removal, i can only hope you learn from the experience and go on to valuing your art and standing up for it when you KNOW it's good. Dont fucking listen to the morons around you. They dont know, you do. That's why you're into art. Otherwize switch careers back to engineering.

Andrew_GGG wrote:
Ill make the stamp official then :P

So our reasoning for changing Nessa is something like this.

Her inflection had almost no emotion and her greeting phrases were to repetitive, we wanted to change that. I made sure to keep the MMMhmmm stuff, but now there are just a few other options.

Personally I think the new dialogue is a huge improvement!

Sadly you're wrong.

Just look at how people stop making silly threads about her.
I do agree, Old Nessa voice was AMAZING.
The only character I actually stopped and listened because her tone was sounding extremely dishartening just like a person lost at sea and surrounded by zombies might sound like.

Also it blended very well with the music in Lioneye's Watch, one of the best musics in the game (pretty much the only memorable one).

The old voice has given me a few chills when I listened to it and it really mananged to set a special kind of atmosphere to the game for me.

The new one is way too cheerful and optimistic to my liking. I was dissapointed when it changed.
[pretend you've never seen this]
Four-and-a-half-year-old topic, mate. You're not even talking about the same Nessa they are.

How did I overlook this. :D

(That's only three and a half though!)

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