They broke Nessa :'-(.

I love Nessa still. Good job on the updates to her.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....

Damien_GGG wrote:

Ultimately though, what I hope players can understand is that no matter what we do, some portion of the community are going to dislike it. So rather than crippling all development and improvements at some point we have to go with our own gut feeling as that is where the game many of you seem to enjoy has come from since the beginning. I can only hope those who don't like it will come to appreciate it in some way one day!

It's okay, Damien. When the GGG team does what others don't want, it blocks out their 'sun'. How many times does a storm block the sun for eternity?

Zero. Keep it up!
With all intelligence, insanity becomes the backdrop of the good man, and will sooner become what usurps the good man.

If you tell a truth that people don't want to hear, the truth will imprison you.

What's the point of knowing the world, if the world never talks back and others don't listen?
Last edited by IExiledOtherExilesToBeTheExile on Mar 7, 2013, 9:47:38 PM
She was the weak link. Whatever the intentions, all I heard was an undertone of bemusement to everything she said.

This has been fixed. I am suddenly interested in the character and her back story. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
mkmaddage wrote:
Her 'mmhmm' is still there. And the voice acting's better now. Beast.

No it's not, the voice sounds deeper. I'm definitely NOT going back to act 1 with voice acting on if I can avoid it.

At least they haven't bricked Clarissa yet.

But then again, because they bricked some of the other player character voice actings I turned voice acting off even though I enjoyed it quite a bit before.
Last edited by Aelloon on Mar 8, 2013, 2:50:33 AM
Aelloon wrote:
mkmaddage wrote:
Her 'mmhmm' is still there. And the voice acting's better now. Beast.

No it's not, the voice sounds deeper. I'm definitely NOT going back to act 1 with voice acting on if I can avoid it.

At least they haven't bricked Clarissa yet.

But then again, because they bricked some of the other player character voice actings I turned voice acting off even though I enjoyed it quite a bit before.

Ok, fair enough, you don't like it - but your logic is flawed/not properly explained here: "no, the voice acting's not better now - the voice sounds deeper" - what does that mean? Obviously you don't mean that deeper voices are not "as good" so explain please?

Your loss on the voice in general - glad so far the general consensus is not on your side. Sounds like Clarissa 'nerf' is coming based on recent post in this forum - much needed imo.

If you gave it a bit of time you'd probably find you forget what the old stuff was like anyway. People resist change just because it's change - not saying that's your problem brah but I'd be interested to hear some more detail as to where your opinion comes from before I could remove you from that category - just sayin'.
IGN: ScrubcoreRulezBitch
Alt: HardcorePwnsScrubcore
Charan wrote:
She was the weak link. Whatever the intentions, all I heard was an undertone of bemusement to everything she said.

This has been fixed. I am suddenly interested in the character and her back story.

Fair enough - but obviously the 'undertone of bemusement' thing is purely personal taste born of cultural/social/whatever context. Do you mean amusement? Even that, to me, was totally nonexistent in her first takes.
IGN: ScrubcoreRulezBitch
Alt: HardcorePwnsScrubcore
I liked the old voice better.
Last edited by l0e0u0n0g on Mar 9, 2013, 11:05:14 AM
I love the new Nessa voice acting. I think it's much improved. I especially appreciate that she has intro speech for every class, but it does get weird when you think about it. She knew EVERYONE ^^. Pretty scary.

I still hate her for what she says when I defeat Brutus - Hey bitch, are you here to judge or survive?
Last edited by raz415 on Mar 10, 2013, 4:22:20 AM
"Not even a mother herself and yet she cares for us all." -Bestel...
That wouldn't have crossed my mind after hearing New Nessa's introduction. Her new attitude is going in the wrong direction. I only heard two (duelest and marauder), but she seems to be more like a... idk any other word other than a b*@#h.

"The fairest flowers bloom in the foulest places." -Tarkleigh...
The New Nessa doesn't really fit that description as well as the old one did. Not sure if the New Nessa lays on the charm as well as the old one. mhmmm

My argument:
Either change what the other two NPCs think about New Nessa, or make Nessa nice again. :P

P.S. The New Nessa's voice didn't sound as "genuine" as the Old Nessa's, but I might just be silly so don't mind me.

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