Balance in Path of Exile: Synthesis

Latscho wrote:
when patch notes

Try and read the original post you just commented on :)
I have been playing the same duelist since 2013 and over the years I think I've purchased 3 supporter packs.

I've seen my character get stronger and stronger and stronger to the point where my duelist can reach a maximum potential of pure physical burst DPS of 1.7 million.

But that's not sustainable, in reality it's only like 600k max.

I have never done shaper or or elder anything. I never filled out the atlas. With only 650 hours played, I only consider that casual play. If you do the math, that's only 15 minutes of game time a day.

Much of the that time was just leaving the window open so that I could potentially get trades.

Anyways, please don't nerf slayer any further. I spent years gathering enough currency to make ONE decent character, and I waited and waited for melee for my play style to become viable.
hyyyben wrote:
Latscho wrote:
when patch notes

Try and read the original post you just commented on :)

Well in that original post they literally said the patch notes would be out today :-D
Well it is just after Noon in New Zealand so give it time ;)
~ There are spectacular moments.
Don't care, still playing melee life builds ;p
patch notes take my energy!!!
DoubleU wrote:
Well it is just after Noon in New Zealand so give it time ;)

Thank you for the constructive answer, didn't know about the time zone difference. Now I can go back to Dawn of Man for a few more hours and wait patiently.
patchnotes when
Guys! Patch notes plzz!!!
Patchnotes tomorrow

Tomorrow is now! Where is the patchnotes?????

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