Balance in Path of Exile: Synthesis

All these changes look pretty warranted and thought through.
I just hope they dont nerf Poets Pen. But it seems they will, because they want to force people to play handcasting shit.
Chris, during Baeclast: Only positive buffs in 3.6 manifesto.

Actuality: only very minor spell buffs to most skills. Arc nerfed. Winter Orb and Storm Brand nerfed. Blade Vortex nerfed. Leech nerfed. Slayer nerfed. Gluttony/deep delve builds nerfed. Uniques nerfed in patch notes (Inpulsa's and Poet's Pens, Unnatural Instinct most likely (meanwhile, where are the countless unique buffs we need?)). Only remaining double-dipping nerfed. Veiled mods nerfed. Max res nerfed.

Yeah, this looks like a mostly negative manifesto to me. But maybe I'm just misinterpreting your own words.

Some skills that had lower areas of effect than other skills without a good reason have either had their area increased

Oh, you mean all of them? So you're finally retracting your absolutely preposterous AoE nerf from 2.6.0 completely then, right? I still shudder at how much dev time was wasted on that endeavor and how much worse it made the game overall.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
SO where are the berserker changes? I think you owe me this much after leaving me behind in the dust the past 4 leagues!
Looks like a league i will skipp the Nerf hammer on everything i was planning to play just hit. Winter Orb Dead Blade Vortex Dead and Brands Dead thanks GGG way to go. the slow down is real fuck you guys
Bex_GGG wrote:
Now, there is a limit of 10% restored per leech effect, so each individual leech effect can't last more than 5 seconds. For the Ascendant's Slayer Passive Skill, this is 5% lower.

How does this interact with instant leech abilities? A single hit can no longer mitigate its reflected damage through leeching?
The Gluttony of Elements skill now also provides Curse Immunity, to prevent interactions with Temporal Chains letting it last far too long. Technically, this is a buff.

This is why everyone loves Bex, isn't it?


- They're not utterly useless against bosses anymore. (Paraphrased)

Finally guys. Finally. Thank you.


- Self-proclaimed king of level 172 budget builds -
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Ashriel wrote:
Oh, you mean all of them? So you're finally retracting your absolutely preposterous AoE nerf from 2.6.0 completely then, right? I still shudder at how much dev time was wasted on that endeavor and how much worse it made the game overall.


Along with nerfing sizes, they also nerfed rate of growth (aoe increases went from being applied to radius to applied to area, which is an extremely big difference).

Now they are (albeit slowly) readding to base radii of skills so that areas are getting bigger again, but they remain the area% scaling nerf, so that they can't grow in size quite so ludicrously as before.

You can argue that a lot of aoes have been functionally too small for too long, but in terms of game health overall, changing the scaling of aoes to areas rather than by radius is unquestionably healthier for the game.
alhazred70 wrote:

It may very well be that they meant to say 5% base spells can be lowered to below that, I hope thats what they meant to say. I even suspect its what they meant but...

... I rather not think about it for more then 1 second and just get right into insulting the developers about something I just interpreted INTO the written statement.

Nevermind it is plain obvious this change is done to bring more variety into spellcast support gems so EO+CD isnt mandatory on each noncrit build.
Ohho which surprise they introduce new ones right with this league.

Also who would take another second to even think that they COULD actually use a potential 0 basecrit on a spell to push it in another direction.

No, better insult the developerteam. That will show them./s

It is okay dude. You are just another special snowflake that gets worked up because "buhu melee", ignoring that the very next league it will get addressed AND that people asked for selfcast to become viable non stop for leagues aswell and you just stop using your brain and had to jump on the second thing you could find to rant about, even if you never put any thought into it. Admit it and we go on. Don't double down

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