Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Qarl wrote:
When an area has Jun, that area will contain three Betrayal encounters. There will be either a Transportation or Fortification encounter, as well as both a Research encounter and an Intervention encounter. Care has been taken to make sure that the encounters don't overlap while you're completing them.

I really hope it will be possible to lock it behind Research.

Qarl wrote:

Because you encounter fewer overall Betrayal encounters than when Betrayal was the active league, you also encounter fewer Safehouses. Their rewards have been adjusted somewhat to compensate for this. However, specific rewards that were far above the curve of other rewards have been reduced in value.

Reads like "rewards nerfed".

Qarl wrote:

As well as the Immortal Syndicate, Betrayal introduced Veiled Items and an updated, streamlined crafting experience. We have seen a need to make several adjustments for Veiled mods when they are added to the core game.

We have reduced number of ranks on many Veiled crafting modifiers, and most modifiers require more unveiling to gain higher tiers. Some high-value modifiers, like Additional Totems and Non-Chaos Added as Chaos are becoming Elder or Shaper mods. (Edit: Clarification - the removed ranks of veiled mods are the initial lower powered ranks, to account for the later introduction of Jun.)

Useful mods where moved to shaper and elder affixes and trash will remain trash... nice....

I really hope it will be possible to skip this league mechanic. It sounds like it will force you to do this crap content with now even crappier rewards.

These changes make me a bit frustrated with the game. You can't control delves, temple building, beasts you capture, now this.
Sounds like even more forced content with shit rewards.

Maybe its time to take a break.
Last edited by WiseGuard on Feb 22, 2019, 2:25:11 AM
WAIT! All craft bench recipes will be deleted?!?! If so...are you crazy guys?!?! Can you imagine how many TIME and EFFORT was needed to open ALL of them!!!!!!!!

DO NOT TOUCH opened recipes!!!!!!!!!!
Its gonna be epic fail and please #deletebetrayal!
Nothing about the betrayal monster difficulty level(one-shots)?? ... betrayal monsters felt like being 10-15 levels above the area level, even when using enfeeble.

Also, betrayal league and it's overpowered rewards should not stay in-game, especially pure breachstones.

Sad to see this league go core, honestly :(
I hope the Mastermind battle will be reworked entirely
cpricecpa wrote:
Qarl wrote:
Overall the goal is to make the cycle of Syndicate encounters, Safehouses and Mastermind appealing to players

Then just get rid of it.

Yep, instead of forcing it 3 times into the same map and making it seemingly unblockable.

Its still going to be a shitshow and not worth it.
Can we make a community poll in including Betrayal in core? Although player numbers were high, most people did not really like betrayal and i myself will be annoyed by betrayal encounters...

Also keeping up the sulfite for delving is too harf for casual players already...

All in all: meh for this announcement
Upgraded Breachstones were an attractive reward and concept, but we did balance the benefits too far ahead of other rewards. The experience gain reward was very attractive, and became a dominant motivator in the league. Tul, Esh and Xoph upgraded Breachstones have had their increased experience gain modifier reduced to 100% for all tiers (down from progressive rewards that went up to 250%). Uul-Netol upgraded Breachstones have been reduced to 150% (previous maximum was 300%), Chayula to 200% (previous maximum was 350%).

Pack size modifiers for upgraded Breachstones have also been reduced. All Pure Breachstones have had their area level lowered by one. Charged and Enriched Chayula Breachstones have also had their area level lowered by one.

These nerfs only affect experience gain. Boss item rewards from these Breachstones have not been affected.

Cartography Scarabs, Divination Scarabs and Sulphite Scarabs have all been reduced in power. Cartography and Divination Scarabs are around 50% less effective, while Sulphite Scarabs are 60-70% less effective depending on tier.

So once again, you kill the rewards, because the 1% did exploit it? I guess in future us casuals can be happy to even get to 90, because of all the nerfs and scarabs that were as rare as boss encounters, are worthless now as well.

You make the same mistake each time GGG, I am speechless.
Btw I feel like the dev failed to know why their balancing method is wrong.

This is exactly the same problem back when 3.4 delve goes core to 3.5.

They NERF/ BALANCING the league mechanic base on the current league data which is 100% encounter rate!

They nerf it base on the assumption of encounter rate being 100% so that data number may be balanced in the new league, but then they FAILED to address that each league mechanic are going to be much less common in next league because the probability of each masters are shared = 8%.

Even with 3 encounters it's still only measly 24%, which is 4 times less common than when it's in the core league mechanic.

Also do you notice ONLY Delve has no x 3 treatment out of everything?
Not only it doesn't has x3 treatment (9 mines), it also has chances of getting 1/3 or 2/3 of its intended value. The ONLY way to balance this out is through scarab, yet they choose to gut them hard instead. WHY?

I feel like the people who run those numbers have no idea what they're doing.
mic01851165 wrote:
JinLee1337 wrote:
Snyperx wrote:
u still can delve, just do more maps ... ^,^
100% agree, i got to depth 361 in ssf this league 1 month ago, and i didnt even bother with sulphite scarabs!

secondly, people need to stop whining without having the full picture, i am pretty sure there will be new ways to get sulphite in 3.6

You're talking as if 360 is anything..

The first 1~150 cost very little in comparison to later depths.

depth 360 is top 200 in ssf betrayal and as i said i didnt bother with scarabs at all, the reason i wasnt able to go further wasnt because of sulphite but because of the fact that i didnt do a build specifically for delving. people in this thread have worms in their brain, you dont even know yet if there is going to be other means of getting sulphite in 3.6. IT IS JUST SCARABS THEY NERFED, THERE IS GOING TO BE OTHER MEANS OF GETTING SULPHITE....probably, it is just to soon to tell.
I dont like Betrayal... so no good news for me.
Don't believe the Hype!

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