Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Rip Niko.. :[
Make higher level safehouses more rewarding the lower ones. There was absolutely no reason to run level 83 safehouses.
rip =/
For all of the people still complaining about the difficulty of betrayal encounters what exactly do you want, We already have humanoid characters that die in 1 hit and drop loot that no one notices there called rogue exiles this was GGG attempt at a modern day rogue exile where they were dangerous when you found them. The game has a lot of power creep and if there going to fix it, either that will be in massive nerfs or in introducing harder encounters and for those comparing them to bosses people whined and complained last time they tried to make all bosses harder across the board.

I don't want to play a mindless clear speed meta like it was back when vaal spark was all everyone did (though I never played it because... why). If things like betrayal smash those builds and force a little more balance into people's builds that is a good thing.

I would be ok with map bosses difficulty increase (with better rewards as well). I would be even fine with increase of map difficulty in general. I just feel it's not correct when some random guy non-visible from other white mobs has more damage and life than boss with phases and seperate room.
There is Einhar with his beasts, which is actually a good example of visible and distinctive, yet not stupidly dangerous secondary league content.
Sad day didn't like this league at all and now have to see it forever.
So. Okay. Breachstones - RIP, but that was totally expected and this one i'm okay with.
Mastermind - yea-ah, reshuffling your Syndicate is still very bad, considering you'll be meeting them way less than now. And with how generally unrewarding the fight itself is, it's safe to assume it's going to be done even less than it was in Betrayal.
Veiled items - ehh, i'm fine with that. We'll have veiled items drop from Memory Nexus mods, so the process won't be too unbearable.
Finally scarabs - why?! Cartography scarabs were already kinda ehh, and the massive nerf on sulphite scarabs - combined with the fact that we'll be getting way less scarabs anyway - makes delve way harder to access, because scarabs were pretty much the thing that allowed people to delve more or less comfortably.

Betrayal really needed the Incursion treatment, guys. Where you take it offline for a league to figure out how to implement it properly.
That being said, considering how Incursion was implemented...nevermind. I guess we'll work it out on the ground.
First post about the new League I really don't like, was kinda looking forward for getting rid of Syndicate. Was fun at the beggining, gets kinda annoying in some time in my opinion because one has always feeling that he cannot control it as much as he would like to.

You can get the right positioning after first few encounters or you can get through 30 encounters and still don't get the right Bargain options or right people in that encounter. Feels weird sometimes.

After some time I just had enough of trying to get it right and the rewards are not so terno in late-game anyways so it just all became random rewards in random safehouses and got even a bit weirder than when I was trying to get it right.

Scarabs became dominant mid-game income mechanic so I'm glad they are nerfing them to make room for something else to become a dominant income strat.
Take my opinion with a grain of salt if need be but i dont like this league.
1)im a more casual player but i did get up to red maps once.
2)I did not play it. But i never wanted to. the reason is very simple i dont want to play a relationship simulator that only affect loot drop that can be messed up and take hours to fix from a wrong choice. making it extra bad as a core game element since it will take longer.

a Relationship simulator just somehow feel wrong in this game.
Frappy1202 wrote:
Nerfing the Breachstones was to be expected; since reaching level 100 was one of the challenges they wanted to make it easier;

uhm no. ggg said (i think chris on baeclast) that they want to make getting lvl100 even harder similar to what it used to be long ago. why they even leave the upgraded breachstones in the game is a mystery to me.
Indertek wrote:
i hope

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.
I did since Delve currency scam actually became known as a scam, and new developments with map stash tab scam confirm me being correct. I might still play some PoE someday, but Tencent won't get a dime out of me.

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