💰💰💰 [EU/SC] [Discord✅] <Eazy> LF Pro/Elite players only! 💰💰💰

Hi, just to clarify does UK count as EU?
Niiyos wrote:
Hi, just to clarify does UK count as EU?

Haha, Yeah its Europe the continent, not the political Europe. Looking for players with 1 mirror+ at the moment.
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck

Here's why I suck:
- My leveling is mediocre (5-6 hours)
- I usually get bored with toons way before 95 (94 is my highest)
- There are mechanics I still haven't explored enough yet (party play, deep delving, high-tier juicing)

Here's what I do okay:
- I'm knowledgable about most things about the game
- I know, use, and help others to use most of the available tools to make your life easy
- I'm good at theorycrafting and min-maxing

Here's the checklist:

1)Did you read ALL the requirements?
Yeh, I don't have any 95s; prefer leveling to grinding anything above 92. Everything else is simple. Take it as you will.

2)Which league did you start playing?
I had one account in beta, lost it, this one is from 2013. I stopped for a couple of leagues (Breach to Delve; I had some trouble with playing too much) and came back a bit before Betrayal (played a bit of standard to catch up). I haven't missed leagues since.

3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)
Bulgaria (Eastern Europe)

4)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
I love mapping, delving, and crafting.
I've recently got into fast leveling/speedrunning (got mine from 10ish hours to a bit less than 6 during Harvest), and I want to explore party play next.

5)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?
All my latest runs are between 5 and 6 hours to maps.

6)How much currency do you make in a league?
80-90ex typically

7)Why would you like to join?
I want to learn more about the game, find a community (most of my friends rarely get to red maps), and explore group play (I have only hosted public maps and that's about it).

8)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)

Got this during Delirium. Harvest was fun, but I chose to host a private league instead (I got bored by the standard one).
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck

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