💰💰💰 [EU/SC] [Discord✅] <Eazy> LF Pro/Elite players only! 💰💰💰

IGN: NetflixAndFuck
2) Blight, on and off since, played on ps4 when it came out and recently came back on pc.
4) juicy maps is my go to
5) About 10h or so (not really optimised my route/pathing that much)
6) usually set my sight on getting HH asap and play around with it, maybe a few hundred ex total
7) Im looking for a fun team to play with, chill and make that money
Not the greatest but I joined quite late this league.
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
EDIT: Deleted. Since there is no interest from OP.
Last edited by matizzle_dizzle on Sep 4, 2020, 6:38:55 PM
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?
2)Which league did you start playing?
Before release, anarchy/ onslaught league
3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)
4)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
Making currency, speed mapping, killing sirus 8
5)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?
6)How much currency do you make in a league?
Delirium league i made about 5 mirrors just speed running map, this league i made around 15 mirrors solo through abusing harvest crafting, earlier in the league id make 100+ ex profit a day through crafting
7)Why would you like to join?
I would like share my currency making tips and learn more
8)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)

This is just some of the stuff i've crafted in the last day or so, ive gambled almost all my currency in div cards.
Last edited by vanekigraetnow on Sep 2, 2020, 5:04:53 PM

Pro/Elite in softcore.

a_k_a wrote:

Pro/Elite in softcore.


You are welcome to come and try to make more currency than us. GOOD LUCK! Let me know when you've got 5000 exalt, yeah? Thanks for free bump.
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
Last edited by ubersuperduper on Sep 4, 2020, 2:55:19 PM
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck

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