[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

yeah getting 120+ gloves are going to be pain. It will be probably cheaper to buy higher ilvl with single against chilled enemies mod and just multicraft other mods yourself. We'd be losing one of mods that way but still getting another respectable boost from that.
Simsons2 wrote:
1) I'm not running discipline right now
2) Yes i intend to get either Hatred or Zealotry Aul's eventually. Pandomonius is still very very good defensive option but i severely dislike lack of life on it and i don't agree it being in T1 of upgrades of this build, it's probably one of last gear pieces i'd consider upgrading here when starting out this build especially given it's price tag.
3) When i get Aul's i can afford to run 3rd Aura besides Enfeeble/Zealotry i'm running right now. (Be it discipline or even hatred)
4) Unnatural instinct i'm intending to run without Meeks most likely but that's still up for discussion

My profile is open so you can have a look at my gem(-s) and link(-s) , warlords mark and herald are just sitting in gloves leveling mostly i don't use them now since i don't want to recolor anything at the moment after being poor since Loreweave 6L purchase/Mark of Shaper upgrade.

This "poor guy" has 40ex worth of stuff with no character above 90. God I hate that the best way to get rich in this game is flipping other people's stuff for profit.

Playing the game more than playing poe.trade puts you at a disadvantage.

Really nice gear. Hopefully I'll get that pandemonius someday, much less the atziris and unnatural instinct.
Last edited by Kurnis#0620 on Mar 22, 2019, 1:40:44 PM
Most of my stuff is because i sold off about few ex worth of my other character since in the end i didn't particularly like playing bane.
9-10 ex for Loreweave is probably most expensive purchase on this char so far with some things in 1-2 ex range.

Some extra money came in from HoAG helm ench during last ascendancy run - 2 ex ; belt i crafted - 2 ex and 3 ex due to fractured bow with + socketed gems drop. Currently i have less than ex worth of currency on me.

After buying 6L loreweave i literally had below 10c of currency on me and i mostly just run maps to earn my currency.

Personally i like builds that scale well / can be adjusted nicely if you throw currency at them (smartly). Plus this feels really satisfying to play so far.
Last edited by Simsons2#7280 on Mar 22, 2019, 2:22:17 PM
Hey exiles!
Am i correct if we have Resolute Teqnique on our corrupted Cospri then we can switch Lyco? What your suggestion as a shield there then? Would it be cool to get another Cospri and go like mambo jumbo berserk?
Doesn't resolute tech doesn't make us unable to crit?
Resolute technique says:
Never deal critical strikes

This build is all about critical strikes.
Sorry guys, nwm
Was missthinking that it grants us never miss :)
Forget about that
What is better btw:
Lore 6l or belt with cdr and new cospri + rings(mark and elder one)?
I mean lore is about 6ex, belt, cospri and rings about 3, so we have 3 left to get helm with ench, or lore would be better?
Last edited by unhack#7330 on Mar 22, 2019, 4:17:55 PM
unhack wrote:
Sorry guys, nwm
Was missthinking that it grants us never miss :)
Forget about that
What is better btw:
Lore 6l or belt with cdr and new cospri + rings(mark and elder one)?
I mean lore is about 6ex, belt, cospri and rings about 3, so we have 3 left to get helm with ench, or lore would be better?

Better buy Loreweave (+good dps and surv) or u even can buy Carcass
then Helm with +30% enfeeble (about 1,5-2ex)
then rings + pandemonius
Last edited by anbugz#7859 on Mar 22, 2019, 4:38:38 PM
anbugz wrote:

then Helm with +30% enfeeble (about 1,5-2ex)

Is the enfeeble preferable to +40% Nova Dmg?
xMetaMorph wrote:
anbugz wrote:

then Helm with +30% enfeeble (about 1,5-2ex)

Is the enfeeble preferable to +40% Nova Dmg?

Ice Nova 40% gives u 1-2k DPS
i prefer Enfeeble for better surv, its more then enough DPS

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