[3.8] [SC] TheEmperorSlayer's Autobomber - Pushing Boundaries

did you fossil craft that helm? and has anyone asked you to mirror it? rofl
Could you or some experienced player add a Lv 70-Tree to POB or give some advise which areas of the tree to skip in the beginning?

Thanks in advance :)
Last edited by zweckform on Dec 25, 2018, 3:09:54 AM
TommesOB wrote:
Im trying to play a character for this Build, but im hard stuck while lvling.

In which setup are you lvling this build?

I failed with Molten Strike and Zombies..

Tips highly appreciated.

I used Tabula with Blade Vortex and Hrimsorrow Gloves. I just went with the normal skill tree and didn’t have any problems during leveling. Swapped to Auto bombing after act 10 and merciless lab.
TommesOB wrote:
Im trying to play a character for this Build, but im hard stuck while lvling.

In which setup are you lvling this build?

I failed with Molten Strike and Zombies..

Tips highly appreciated.

Arc is really powerful, with lightning spire trap for bosses
I'm playing Assassin COC right now using Cospris Malice, the trees are very similar.

Bought a few items to try Autobomber build but my heralds barely do damage, guess i need them at least lv.20 to start, right?
Sanduser wrote:
Is there a templar version of this build? how would inquisitor do compared to assassin? is it viable?
Inquisitor would be worse in just about every way, besides having higher attack speed.

FuvkShano wrote:
did you fossil craft that helm? and has anyone asked you to mirror it? rofl
No, it was made via Essence of Horror into metacrafting the prefixes, and no, I haven't had anyone ask to mirror it. I will set up a mirror service after working on the prefixes further and crafting the new mod "+1 to level of socketed aoe gems, +10% increased area of effect"

Nawul wrote:
I'm playing Assassin COC right now using Cospris Malice, the trees are very similar.

Bought a few items to try Autobomber build but my heralds barely do damage, guess i need them at least lv.20 to start, right?
I would need a more detailed explanation to be able to help you.
Last edited by b0moodc on Dec 25, 2018, 1:02:00 PM
Leveling guide by any chance?
I tried the essence drain setup from page 17, worked perfectly fine.
Just get a praxis ring to avoid mana issues. Blasphemy/enfeeble also is nice. Maybe even clarity.

String of servitude and goldrim for resistances.

Hi Guys,

I finally managed to hit lvl 72 and bought that gear that i could afford.

The problem i have is, that i cannot use the auras in the guide. If i activate both Heralds and the one into the Essence Worm my Mana is basically 0.

What am i doing wrong?

Char im playing is the one linked on my Profile TommesBomba
TommesOB wrote:
Hi Guys,

I finally managed to hit lvl 72 and bought that gear that i could afford.

The problem i have is, that i cannot use the auras in the guide. If i activate both Heralds and the one into the Essence Worm my Mana is basically 0.

What am i doing wrong?

Char im playing is the one linked on my Profile TommesBomba
There's nothing wrong. "basically 0" or, more accurately, 10%.

Side note, your Characters tab appears to be private. You'll need to tweak some privacy settings to make it available for everyone to see.

For any quick questions, feel free to message me ingame instead of waiting for a reply over here.
Last edited by b0moodc on Dec 28, 2018, 7:44:17 AM

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