Delve Balance Changes

nadakuu wrote:

traps were not the overpowered thing, arc was.
traps actually felt decent and fun to play.

I completely agree here; Arc and perhaps GC should be nerfed, not traps and mines.

Traps were FINALLY decent to play, now they'll go back into the dust bin? :/
Player numbers are plummeting.
Last edited by SpectralDrake on Aug 28, 2018, 1:14:42 AM
less Shield Charging KB players and I like that
Pretty disappointed about the most changes.. sry devs, it feels like you devs still have no idea where the true problems of your game are
Trading still sucks
Last edited by Hynova on Aug 28, 2018, 1:21:58 AM
Maniek715 wrote:
less Shield Charging KB players and I like that

A large bulk of KB players use Piscators, which is a wand and you can't shield charge with that.
My livestream -
I hope this means spell block is more achievable at cost of attack block and not in fact just a general nerf to defences.

Also please let the cooldown on RF not affect RF totems. RF totem is literally the one build that got multiple nerfs on last couple of major update without being even a good build.

As long as the CD is less than like 0.15 seconds it should be okay since totem placement time almost never goes below that without like acceleration shrines and other overall speed multipliers.

highest totem placement speed i think is 6.22 totem/s or a placement time of 0.16077s
I have Arc trap and Poison Storm trap. If you nerf them it's the way of Blizz. People left D3 because every path nerfs some builds. I lost 5 build and left D3. I thought that GGG was team who don't nerf builds, but I think I was wrong about that. My Arc Trap is in level 94 and I am leveling Poison trap
just now (25). My Sunder was nerf in 330. So if this happens again with other my builds I don't have any trust left to GGG. My money goes to new game. I am very sorry, that I spend so must money for this Game, but I trust that you do a good choice when you chance builds. Balancing is very hard to do.
I'll wait the paths and do my decisions after that.
Let's hope you know what you are doing.
Regards Jymak22.
That frostbomb is targeting spuder queen!!
Bex_GGG wrote:
Delve Balance Changes

Passive Tree Changes
We've adjusted a large number of minion passives, added new starting minion passive paths for the Witch and Templar, added a new large minion wheel above the Templar's elemental wheel, as well as reworking the minion clusters near the Templar starting area. These include effects that let increases and reductions to minion damage also apply to you, and the same for minion attack speed. We've also included a number of minion accuracy increases.

Reflect mitigation for minions, please.

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