Why do people get vaccines? Don't they research the ingredients?

kolyaboo wrote:
erdelyii wrote:
The one about Templars being heavy metal stoners (and what Baphomet was) is my fave though.

Wait? Where? I missed that and don't know how! Can you link it?

Sounds more entertaining than the idiocy that is this thread.

Charan wrote:
It really wasn't. Just a snippet within the original ARPGFan nutso thread, the Flat Earth one.

To me, it was memorable. Here it is, I picked out one relevant post - go forward or back as you wish - and decide for yourself kolyaboo.


Charan wrote:
This is getting ridiculous. It'd be nice if anti-vaxxers could just conveniently contract whatever disease they think is somehow not as bad as autism and die from it WITHOUT infecting others with the results of their idiocy. It really would.

Boem wrote:
Let's pretend i missread that and not that you just said it would be nice and convenient for stupid people to contract diseases and die.

Boem wrote:
As for the erasure, i find that normal. Not in the sense that i condone it or find it moraly just, but that from a biological stance it makes perfect sense to assimilate others once dominant and subject them to your own laws and culture.

Biology + Assimilate = one thing

No discussion of the scourge of alien tech would be complete without the Borg. No other lifeform (if you can call them that) comes close to these spawns of Satan in pure unadulterated cybernetic evil. For one reason and for one reason only. Their fiendish proclivity for forcibly assimilating any species or technology they find even remotely interesting.

This module will focus specifically on the technological means of this villainy. Nanotechnology. Some of you shudder just thinking about it.

That’s because the Borg’s variety of microscopic robotic creatures not only attach themselves to every blood cell a lifeform possesses but goes on to sprout various hideous mechanical devices throughout the body. Often replacing vital organs entirely and modifying effectively the only one most humanoids often lasciviously cherish.


Not sure that cultural invasion and destruction is at all a biological thing - how can it be as we are one species?

The aggression tangent, that's a huge one. What do you mean by intelligence?

Schizophrenics as Hyper-domesticated Humans
Signs and symptoms of “domestication syndrome” are amplified in schizophrenics.


Autistics as Undomesticated Humans
Signs of "domestication syndrome" in humans are generally attenuated in autism

Modern humans exhibit a number of domesticated traits, including reduced brains during the last 50,000 years; changes in dentition; reduction of aggressiveness; and retention of juvenile characteristics; and as Benítez-Burraco, Lattanzi, and Murphy point out, most of these features are generally attenuated in ASD (below).


maybe antivaxxers should look into this? Might warm them up to autism.

Maybe it wasn't clear, but it was a jab at charan for interpreting some of the things i say as litteral and what i would do/believe should happen if it pushes his own agenda.

So i find it quite funny that people would feel the need to jump in and protect him by ridiculing me, but when he does it, no such thing happens.

Double standarts or what i initially stated "hypocrisy" at it's best.

Thanks for pushing my point and failing to grasp the context of my post?

erdelyii wrote:
Not sure that cultural invasion and destruction is at all a biological thing - how can it be as we are one species?

The aggression tangent, that's a huge one. What do you mean by intelligence?

Friction between huge social groups is detrimental to the survival of the species of a whole. So it stands to reason that the assimilation or destruction of either party is required to re-instate social equilibrium.

Something like "war comes before peace". Not because people enjoy war, but because it's a pre-requisite to attain the next peace stadium.

Didn't the romans utilize a similar strategy historically? Conquer, wage war with a different social group and then assimilate their culture afterwards to produce peace.(relative concept of peace here, obviously not as we know it today)

The motivation seems obvious at that point, more people allow for exponentially complex tasks or power, increasing the species survival as a whole.

The intelligence in relation to my tangent is creative inteligence opossing physical intelligence.
The scolar vs the macho, stupidly simplified but it should do to get my point across.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Feb 1, 2019, 10:03:05 AM
Boem wrote:
Maybe it wasn't clear, but it was a jab at Charan for interpreting some of the things i say as literal and what i would do/believe should happen if it pushes his own agenda.

So i find it quite funny that people would feel the need to jump in and protect him by ridiculing me, but when he does it, no such thing happens.

No, you despise "white knighting" and said this in the research thread -

If you're not going to help this guy with his academic study - your assumptions is wrong. Not only I put time to answer questions for his work... actually mine post help him a tone, if he is not a snowflake as you are.

Figure you would not wish to be treated as unable to handle some heat.

That's not all of it.

I wasn't protecting Charan, but pointing out that the tone seemed lost. If it hadn't been him, honestly would you have reacted that way to me? I think you are assuming anyone really follows what you two say to each other, that people know why you dislike each other so much, know and aren't confused this multi you pull out to post with, and that people care.

But, fair cop. I do have a lot of time for Charan, so yeah, I guess tar me with the same brush mate.

Double standarts or what i initially stated "hypocrisy" at it's best.

Thanks for pushing my point and failing to grasp the context of my post?

Well, maybe when he does the literal thing it's got humour in it. By being so rude to me it's like you don't want me to look at what you said next about the Romans.

I stuck my nose in, I know. Eh.

erdelyii wrote:

No, you despise "white knighting" and said this in the research thread -

If you're not going to help this guy with his academic study - your assumptions is wrong. Not only I put time to answer questions for his work... actually mine post help him a tone, if he is not a snowflake as you are.

Figure you would not wish to be treated as unable to handle some heat.

That's not all of it.

Why are you claiming i wrote something that i did not.

It's not something i would expect of you.



edit : as far as the charan thing goes, i was simply pointing at prior history where he called me a sociopath for posting hypothetical situations that included rather rough scenario's.

And the underlying hipocrisy that when he does it and somebody points it out, his defense is that it is obviously not the case because of context.
But returning that favor to others is not his general rule.

And that you think i interpreted him literal "intentionally" and not as a jumping board to demonstrate a flaw in his modus operandi is rather flawed.

I am obviously aware of his intent and what he was trying to convey, i wish he would sometimes give others the same credit is all.

Maybe poorly conveyed in a forum text.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Feb 1, 2019, 6:02:10 PM
Boem wrote:

Why are you claiming i wrote something that i did not.

It's not something i would expect of you.



Rexeos isn't you?
I'd want to say "guys, get back on topic" but the main topic is even more retarded...

Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
erdelyii wrote:

Rexeos isn't you?

Why would you make that assumption.

Honestly wondering, you think somebody that signs of every post for the past 8 years is aided by puppet accounts or even has a need to represent himself differently?

Let me be clear, no Rexeos is not me, neither is any other account on these forums boards.

I am Boem, the only Boem and i see no need to hide behind puppet accounts when i am perfectly capable(or deemed incapable by others) to get my points across without resorting to stupid things like multi-accounting.

The hell, i don't even....



edit :

faerwin wrote:
I'd want to say "guys, get back on topic" but the main topic is even more retarded...


Suggestion 2 : let's not do that and keep a more interesting topic then the original going, which arguably does not require much effort.

edit 2 :

erdelyii wrote:

ArgentumWulf wrote:
[To Boem] On that note, I enjoy discussions like this (maybe a little too much), but I would prefer doing so in a different post as this is only marginally related to the intended topic of this post :-)

That was well-put, the whole answer.

This is hilarious, i get answered and quoted in threads i never even visited.

Cheers for randomly inserting me in a thread and then getting others to respond to a fictional Boem, it's kind of disturbing. . .

I like to believe that if i did start a discussion in that thread it would look nothing like how rexeos is posting there.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Feb 1, 2019, 6:16:46 PM
Boem wrote:
erdelyii wrote:

Rexeos isn't you?

Why would you make that assumption.

/sixth sense meme

Boem wrote:
Honestly wondering, you think somebody that signs of every post for the past 8 years is aided by puppet accounts or even has a need to represent himself differently?

Let me be clear, no Rexeos is not me, neither is any other account on these forums boards.

I am Boem, the only Boem and i see no need to hide behind puppet accounts when i am perfectly capable(or deemed incapable by others) to get my points across without resorting to stupid things like multi-accounting.

The hell, i don't even....



OK I believe you. Glad I'm a little less confused.

I imagine Charan will get a good laugh. I thought Rexeos was you, much like he's the Scourge.

Boem wrote:
edit :

faerwin wrote:
I'd want to say "guys, get back on topic" but the main topic is even more retarded...


Suggestion 2 : let's not do that and keep a more interesting topic then the original going, which arguably does not require much effort.

LOL Faerwin so true.

Boem wrote:
edit : as far as the charan thing goes, i was simply pointing at prior history where he called me a sociopath for posting hypothetical situations that included rather rough scenario's.

And the underlying hipocrisy that when he does it and somebody points it out, his defense is that it is obviously not the case because of context.
But returning that favor to others is not his general rule.

And that you think i interpreted him literal "intentionally" and not as a jumping board to demonstrate a flaw in his modus operandi is rather flawed.

I am obviously aware of his intent and what he was trying to convey, i wish he would sometimes give others the same credit is all.

Maybe poorly conveyed in a forum text.

That makes sense. I find it easy to "get" Charan's humour. Maybe I'll understand yours one day.

Sure, I'll repost the Romans thing - there's a lot in there:

Boem wrote:
Friction between huge social groups is detrimental to the survival of the species of a whole. So it stands to reason that the assimilation or destruction of either party is required to re-instate social equilibrium.

Something like "war comes before peace". Not because people enjoy war, but because it's a pre-requisite to attain the next peace stadium.

Didn't the romans utilize a similar strategy historically? Conquer, wage war with a different social group and then assimilate their culture afterwards to produce peace.(relative concept of peace here, obviously not as we know it today)

The motivation seems obvious at that point, more people allow for exponentially complex tasks or power, increasing the species survival as a whole.

The intelligence in relation to my tangent is creative inteligence opossing physical intelligence.
The scolar vs the macho, stupidly simplified but it should do to get my point across.

Maybe someone can pick this up, or, it'll be here when I get back.

Last edited by erdelyii on Feb 1, 2019, 6:31:01 PM
erdelyii wrote:

That makes sense. I find it easy to "get" Charan's humour. Maybe I'll understand yours one day.

I'm from the EU, sarcasm, irony, meta-humor and double entendres are like bread and butter here.

But they convey very poorly in a one-dimensional medium like text.

At least for me since my writing is not excellent like charans.



edit :

"PoE players, the mentally healthier people?"

Title already says, incompetent person looks for "truth" where is none and is solving own issues by "using" others.

What does it mean mental health and healthier than who?

Only who can say who is healthier is a doctor and not psychologists. Educated by school psychologists, priests and whatever religion representatives are manipulators. Its good to listen to everybody and make own decision, but stay under their wings means to be insane and to buy and lives by lies.

Still baffled how you think i would post something like this.
This feels, really weird, to be honest reading his post's in that thread.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Feb 1, 2019, 6:41:17 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
AAR, neither Boem nor Rexeos are what you'd call My Favourite Human on here, but they're really nothing alike.

I like to think it's intellectually more interesting to discuss topics with people that disagree or at least have idea's out of your comfort zone and the capacity to undermine your logic.

Which is why i don't see stress/friction as a bad thing or even unwanted.

It's perfectly reasonable for me to not be "Charans favourite human"(god damn that sounds....., seriously) while still having respect and entertain dialogue with you.

Without mutual respect a conversation cannot occur, in my opinion.

I'd pin that on the trump thread if we had that possibility.

I don't really understand this "people don't deserve human courtesy if they disagree with me or belong to a different political camp" which permeates that topic from both sides.

Sincerely, your not most favorite human running around on this orb.



edit : typo.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Feb 1, 2019, 9:05:27 PM

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