Why do people get vaccines? Don't they research the ingredients?
" If I had to guess a number, I'd say there's around 150 millions vaccines being distributed (and used) per year in the US alone. The real number is very likely to be much higher. 3.2m,~ birth per year. If you get 10 vaccines during your life (most of which are during infant period), that would bring it to an average of 32m vaccines. Then there's the travel vaccines, flu vaccines and other miscellaneous vaccines. "Flu vaccine is produced by private manufacturers, so supply depends on manufacturers. For the 2016-2017 season, manufacturers projected they would provide between 157 million and 168 million doses of injectable vaccine for the U.S. market." Now, not all of those were used but that gives you an idea. Bring it over 15 years, at say 95% of current population (since population increased) 2137 millions shots, as a rough estimate. Now, here's the fun part, only 3% of the death thoughts to be due to vaccination are truly caused by vaccination. So, out of 127 deaths, there's probably only 4 that was truly caused by vaccination. 4 death out of 2137 millions shots of vaccines. 0,000000187% (that's 7 zeros) or 1,187e-9 Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun |
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Well i don't like the fact you went to 4 instead of 127.
I mean, it wouldn't make the number any less stupid. But cheers for the giggle. Inb4 emotional response : but what if you are the 0,000000187%. rational response : shit can happen, it does happen and it happens indifferently. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" It's because of this: https://vaxopedia.org/2018/01/10/vaccines-statistics-and-numbers/ https://vaxopedia.org/2016/09/28/correlation-and-causation/ Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y IGN: Poltun Last edited by faerwin#5850 on Jan 30, 2019, 3:44:22 PM
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I remember someone telling me irl that vaccines have estrogen in them lol.
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" I wouldn't say that. It's just this one guy that's a nutso. Whereas, general is often filled with ridiculous conspiracies about GGG controlling drop rate for those that spend money and absurd claims like that. Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun |
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" Check out the Flat Earth thread XD The one about Templars being heavy metal stoners (and what Baphomet was) is my fave though. " No, I don't Necromael. I picked the image for the visuals, not the text. Now you mention it, I wonder what it says. What I can make out is it's about various structures. "Enveloped" and "Complex" are there. I'm sure you could piece something together, which of course you realise :) On a little look - this is one I considered: ![]() Which I gotta say looks like ![]() apparently nothing more than a poetic co-incidence. " First I'm not correcting you Boem. I was sharing something I found diverting. Reductive evolution, in particular. Taking this back to your original statements - " Dark hole just got me. I read that and thought of Tahiti, first up, as I'm reading about the Bounty and have lived in the Tropics (Aus). I just don't see a dark hole there. By all accounts Tahiti (as the islands are now known) was a world away from Birmingham, Berlin, and New York. Of course it wasn't all Paradise. Rather than some romantic view of non-industrialised cultures being why I said it, it's the idea of erasure. Rather than me labour a point, maybe just google erasure + colonial when you fancy. Here's something " more here ![]() How off course! I'm sure this will veer back to the OT debate soon enough. Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Jan 31, 2019, 5:08:34 AM
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Aaaaaah, the folly of our forums and how topics are spread out over multiple pages without any way to filter out communication between two individuals.
Yeah, cheers i see your angle now :) Maybe my word choice was off since i don't intent to exclude the fact people could have had good lifes prior to urbanization. Just that the upsides of such a structured society seem self evident now when re-evaluating our situation. Again, not saying it's all sunshine and happy cakes now. I'm far more aware of grey then i am of white and black but it's difficult to get that over in the written word accurately while trying to get a single point across. The dark hole statement was done with the middle ages in mind, so yeah europe background, just with the simple intent that people should be aware of the horrible living conditions in that time and what they consider "horrible" now. As for the erasure, i find that normal. Not in the sense that i condone it or find it moraly just, but that from a biological stance it makes perfect sense to assimilate others once dominant and subject them to your own laws and culture. That still happens today, the only benefit being that i would say that relative levels of "moral" are a lot higher then they used to be so that the asimilation is done in less harmfull/opressive ways.
different view on agression in the current age
And even that doesn't really cover how i see it, since i still think people are at war on a global scale, but being creative as we are we just replaced tools of warfare with things like money and possesion.
The only difference i see now in comparison to the old way of waging war is that people ended up death physically and now they end up death mentally. Two people going out for a job to sustain their family and only one ending up with the position is for all intention and purposses in my mind an active war being waged to ensure the future and denie the other his future. One will end up broken as a human being if he cannot sustain his family long enough(fails multiple "fights") While the other secures "resources" for his. I'm still uncertain which i like best, the direct agression with physical consequences or the hidden form that hollows people out and eventually makes them puppets in a meaningless life(devoid of soul) My assumption is that we need either or and that the current "rules" are favored because inteligent people reside at the top pushing the rules in their favor. I also assume that in other systems like dictatorships the "rules" for inter-human warfare become a lot more physical as opposed to inteligent. Not sure if relevant, but maybe it's a nice notion to contemplate and provides an alternate view on our society and structures when considering things like "agression". Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" Wait? Where? I missed that and don't know how! Can you link it? Sounds more entertaining than the idiocy that is this thread. Censored.
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" Hiy that's quite unreasonable for somebody telling others they make sociopathic statements. Hypocrisy! >.> Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" I never realised hypocrisy was a foolish equivalent of reap what you sow.
Let's pretend i missread that and not that you just said it would be nice and convenient for stupid people to contract diseases and die.
Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes