[3.20] A.B. Molten Tank easy mapping and bossing

Zankai wrote:
CroDanZ wrote:
I have a question bcs of the jewels.

Does only "adds x to y fire damage to attacks" work here or can I also buy jewels with cold, Light or phys dmg?

Will this count the same damagevise?

If I'm not wrong, the order of preference is :

physical > fire > cold = lightning
chaos = zero damage (don't use Atziri's Promise !)

This is because of Molten Strike and Avatar of Fire. In total you convert 100% phys to fire, and because both modifiers will be counted (to phys and fire), it gives the most damage. After fire is nice because you will deal 100% of the damage, but only use the modifier to fire/elemental damage not the ones of physical. Finally, cold and lightning will only deal 50% of there damage because of avatar of fire, and you probably have much less cold/lightning modifiers than fire.

Thanks a lot. :)
What is the better mod and which one i need to focus? So many differents way to upgrade our dps but which is the best?

Good mod in my mind :

% elemental damage with attacks skills
% fire damage
% physical damage
% attack speed
% damage
% increased physical damage with sword
% increased physical damage with one handed weapon
# add fire damage
# add physical damage

Which one is better and why ? ( or 3 )
What i need to focus in my jewels ?
Thanks for your answers !
Attack speed and flat phys i believe, not 100% sure tho
is there any other body armour dat u recommend? what about craiceann's carapace?
Zankai wrote:
CroDanZ wrote:
I have a question bcs of the jewels.

Does only "adds x to y fire damage to attacks" work here or can I also buy jewels with cold, Light or phys dmg?

Will this count the same damagevise?

If I'm not wrong, the order of preference is :

physical > fire > cold = lightning
chaos = zero damage (don't use Atziri's Promise !)

This is because of Molten Strike and Avatar of Fire. In total you convert 100% phys to fire, and because both modifiers will be counted (to phys and fire), it gives the most damage. After fire is nice because you will deal 100% of the damage, but only use the modifier to fire/elemental damage not the ones of physical. Finally, cold and lightning will only deal 50% of there damage because of avatar of fire, and you probably have much less cold/lightning modifiers than fire.

works only fire and physical

other damage dont work , we do only fire

50% light / cold is converted into fire and the other 50% is lost
Do you recommend getting gems to lvl 20, then getting the ez 20 qual craft and releveling? Nowhere near this point (finals have been consuming my life) So i thought id ask

i always do the recipe gem lvl 20+1gemcutter to get 1 20% gem
Ubermonster wrote:
Just curious on Haste and Vitality are we using the Vaal version? Even at level 74 dont have enough mana for those two plus Anger and HoA. I dont have the Enlighten Support yet so I figured that was the missing piece to be able to run all 4.

run vitality and anger

its only vaal haste no haste
darclon888 wrote:
can please anyone t ell me if my helmet CWDT setup in this order will trigger the arakaali regen buff or do i have to arrange them differently? thnx in advance

you must link in order

CWDT / blood Rage and last immortal call

in your case u must put immortal call wher u have CWDT and DWST when u have IC
ambleside wrote:
Hey im lvl 78 and following the build it's pretty nice.
but having a problem because the Grelwood Shank is 2 expensive for me, what would you recomend?
thank you

PLZ read the guide there are the recomended item before grelwood cuz this time( for now ) are expencive
darclon888 wrote:
yeah talking about the grelwood shank.....its really very expensive :( do you think the prices will drop by alot or whats your recommendation? i currently have 2x ichimonji in my box waiting for lvl 58...

im at lvl 86 and running ichimonji into yellows t9 and t10 right now

and i dont have any problem

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