[3.20] A.B. Molten Tank easy mapping and bossing

Managed to get a Hrimnor's resolve with molten strike fires 3 additional proj :) ..... I love this build so much .... cheers for the guide it's really helped me a lot.
Last edited by Squisher72 on Feb 17, 2019, 9:35:33 AM
Hey anal :D

So i switched from dualist to jugg now, busy leveling from level 80 now, how much life gain on hit would you recommend ? trying to trade for rings with it on atm on pob it says my life on hit rate is 1300. thanks in advance
ysocalm wrote:
Hey anal :D

So i switched from dualist to jugg now, busy leveling from level 80 now, how much life gain on hit would you recommend ? trying to trade for rings with it on atm on pob it says my life on hit rate is 1300. thanks in advance


you have problem with levelling or just u have boring ?

u have already 25 gain from watcher eye , that is enough !

if u wanna drop vitality for heral (i dont like this as i always said) u need minimum 20 gain on hit, 10 or 15 i think can be ok but not enough.

leech rate/GOH dont work very well on pob. on my final char i have 2.200 leech/gain, but its like 8 or 10k

saw ur char ATM on lvl 80 u can drop mana leech , and run with only 1 point of that.
nono i don't have a problem with leveling, i started leveling this afternoon only from level 50, thanks i will remove that extra point in mana leech, any gear upgrades you can maybe recommend ? i am upgrading now to the dual socket gloves as well. The shaper beam tank you have up on the guide, what that using the 3.5 jugg version gear you have listed in improvement section ?
ysocalm wrote:
nono i don't have a problem with leveling, i started leveling this afternoon only from level 50, thanks i will remove that extra point in mana leech, any gear upgrades you can maybe recommend ? i am upgrading now to the dual socket gloves as well. The shaper beam tank you have up on the guide, what that using the 3.5 jugg version gear you have listed in improvement section ?

all that gifs are from 3.3 champion

fore sure wise oak, its like 3 or 4c

and rare helmet for sure with more hp and -9 fire res on enemy

other is ok , rare can be upgreade for sure as always but this build work very well on shtty rares
Last edited by Anal_Bleeding on Feb 17, 2019, 4:05:12 PM
Anal_Bleeding wrote:
ysocalm wrote:
nono i don't have a problem with leveling, i started leveling this afternoon only from level 50, thanks i will remove that extra point in mana leech, any gear upgrades you can maybe recommend ? i am upgrading now to the dual socket gloves as well. The shaper beam tank you have up on the guide, what that using the 3.5 jugg version gear you have listed in improvement section ?

all that gifs are from 3.3 champion

fore sure wise oak, its like 3 or 4c

and rare helmet for sure with more hp and -9 fire res on enemy

other is ok , rare can be upgreade for sure as always but this build work very well on shtty rares

Sweet thanks alot, i tried to do the pure breach xoph but that end boss just slapped me around like i am nothing, but i am enjoying ur build alot :D
ysocalm wrote:
Anal_Bleeding wrote:
ysocalm wrote:
nono i don't have a problem with leveling, i started leveling this afternoon only from level 50, thanks i will remove that extra point in mana leech, any gear upgrades you can maybe recommend ? i am upgrading now to the dual socket gloves as well. The shaper beam tank you have up on the guide, what that using the 3.5 jugg version gear you have listed in improvement section ?

all that gifs are from 3.3 champion

fore sure wise oak, its like 3 or 4c

and rare helmet for sure with more hp and -9 fire res on enemy

other is ok , rare can be upgreade for sure as always but this build work very well on shtty rares

Sweet thanks alot, i tried to do the pure breach xoph but that end boss just slapped me around like i am nothing, but i am enjoying ur build alot :D

Use pure stone only for levelling, skip bosses, and do it in 6ppl party for more exp. :D
Completed 1 ChallengeXenon767676_0 wrote:
How do you make this work?


I don't get it.... Help please.

whats the problem man ?

u need this POB for levelling tree ?

u need select down/left the all step ( near reset botton there is a window final tree inside there are all steps )

lemme know if u can use it

It only gives me a page of code. Do I need to do something so it gives shows the PoB?

Or am I just being stupid....
I also don't know how to post images and quotes and such....
Xenon767676_0 wrote:
I also don't know how to post images and quotes and such....

Are you using the path of building program ?

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