[3.8] Demi's Infinite Tinkerer, the Lightning Trap Saboteur (EVERYTHING/BUDGET VIABLE)

Glove gem links please
I have only 77 k dmg... and i have only 2 exalted orbs. What should I buy??

DEMI Great build guide. I just started this for my second Legion char and I'm wondering if there is any reason NOT to use Vaal Lightning Trap?

EDIT: After reading through 75+ pages of this thread, I haven't seen a reason NOT to use Vaal LT, but to be safe I'll just level them both.
Last edited by Heatmiser70 on Jul 17, 2019, 2:23:06 PM
Why do you use Herald of thunder + Herald of ice + Wrath? Wrath + Zealotry = more dmg.
Superbrelts wrote:
I have a question regarding the auras chosen for this build.

In the PoB he's using Dread banner, wrath and enfeeble both as an aura and as a CWDT.
In the guide its wrath, herald of ice and thunder.

I'm currently using the latter but dont feel like im getting anything out of herald of ice. Is there another aura that would be well-chosen for a build like this? I managed to craft a sambar sceptre and feel I have good damage, so I'm probably most interested in a defensive aura :)

I've tried looking around this thread to see if it's been asked before and haven't been able to find it. Apologies in advance if it has.

Best regards

Can anyone answer this one for me please? I've had a search around and can't find a definitive answer. I'm currently using as the POB - Wrath and Enfeeble, but am not sure this is the best setup.
Thanks :)
Revenge of the hunted node:

Why we taking that? I know it has life and evasion but the phys damage almost makes it worth passing up? Any thoughts?
Even at Level 90+ you will only have sth like 150-154 increased life from the tree (and this already takes ROTH into account). So unless you want to run around with less than 5000 life, you better take ROTH and the 8% increased life. The phys Damage isn't needed, that's true. But it doesn't hurt either.
5477hp here, without ROTH and no intention to go for it. I can find more use of those last 6 skillpoints (which i'm never going to get). Maybe if we can ditch Alira and get 2 more points from there.
Hi guys so I finally started to not die as much by like what others recently were saying focusing on Life/ROTH nodes to get more than 5.1k hp and evasion. I'm at 5.7k now and managed to get to lvl90. I guess I could use advice on which item to get next, I got a bit of money saved now?


i just killed uber elder in SSF and completed all the atlas ( 152/159 missing some unique map ), character was created 7 days ago first time SSF.

Last edited by Asunaki_Tabi on Jul 20, 2019, 12:52:07 PM

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