[3.4] KissMeQuick's Ultra Regen Blade Vortex Tank | 10K HP | 15K+ Leech & Regen | Easy Uber Elder

seruch wrote:

BS? You really don't realize how slow it is?? Have you...played a faster build?

Typical, change topic when hes got nothing to back up his words:

Fair warning, this build has TERRIBLE clear speed and isn't particularly good at anything.

This build is described by KMQ as:
Here re-read this
💫 Super tanky with 9500 - 10500 life! Tanks 99.9993% of the content easily without flasks, even Shaper beam & slam!
💫 Regens and leeches up to 15K+ life per second + Overleech!
💫 Good clear speed and single target damage!
💫 Very reliable Uber Elder farmer! Did my first one with only 2 deaths!
💫 Stress free gameplay!

This is why you want to play this, if you dont understand what tank or regen is in this game, better find something else to play. You clearly have no idea what is what. Tbf you are just sore loser who did not pushed this build at all, and now just cry out loud how "bad" build is on forums making fool of yourself.
If you are buying pickup truck you dont cry about fact that sport car is faster.

Notice the good clear speed part? Which isn't true? But sure you guys win. w/e
seruch wrote:

BS? You really don't realize how slow it is?? Have you...played a faster build?

Typical, change topic when hes got nothing to back up his words:

Fair warning, this build has TERRIBLE clear speed and isn't particularly good at anything.

This build is described by KMQ as:
Here re-read this
💫 Super tanky with 9500 - 10500 life! Tanks 99.9993% of the content easily without flasks, even Shaper beam & slam!
💫 Regens and leeches up to 15K+ life per second + Overleech!
💫 Good clear speed and single target damage!
💫 Very reliable Uber Elder farmer! Did my first one with only 2 deaths!
💫 Stress free gameplay!

This is why you want to play this, if you dont understand what tank or regen is in this game, better find something else to play. You clearly have no idea what is what. Tbf you are just sore loser who did not pushed this build at all, and now just cry out loud how "bad" build is on forums making fool of yourself.
If you are buying pickup truck you dont cry about fact that sport car is faster.

Notice the good clear speed part? Which isn't true? But sure you guys win. w/e

i got a nice clearspeed. especially on closed map like UGS or delves. which is why i did this character. pushing delves and killing bosses. It's perfect for that.
i usually take around 2.00 minutes to clean UGS. seems okayish to me.
Here's a screenshot of the stats Unnatural Instinct gives together with two Might of the Meek active.

Last edited by TeddyMannen on Sep 19, 2018, 7:40:31 PM
For people looking at increasing their map clearing speed:
1) Get a Rotgut flask.
2) If you don't use Rotgut
- Look for an abyss jewel with % chance to gain onslaught on kill. You get 20% movement speed when onslaught is up.
- Get a quicksilver flask with % increased movement speed as an affix.
3) Use Phase Run with Increased Duration Support.
4) Put Flame Dash with Faster Casting Support.
5) For mapping use rare boots with % increased movement speed instead of Kaom's Roots.

At the end of the day, Blade Vortex isn't comparable to clearing skills such as Tornado Shot in a majority of map layouts. There are ways to still make it better though as I listed above.

Reisenhorn wrote:
Hello, could you please check my profile scion? I try to follow the build, but I cannot even kill any guard and can't kill even Atziri without being killed one or two times. From the gear I don't have watcher's eye, but is it soo strong that with it I will kill uber elder but without I can't even kill any guard?
If you have any idea how to improve my scion, please share with me

I think the biggest improvement to your build is to replace your flasks. You don't need one, let alone three hybrid flasks. Look at the flask section, a sulphur flask should be a big boost to your HP regen if you stand on consecrated ground.
Last edited by Sovanooo on Sep 19, 2018, 10:13:01 PM
should i use warlord's mark or enfeeble? i am using warlord's mark atm b/c i don't have enough recovery rate yet
This build is really fun to play
I'm only lvl 80 but it clear easy t15 maps
Did uberlab with 68, chimera with lvl 76 but ripped on Phoenix he one shot me but I didn't play the mechanic and tried to face tank.

aybe you can give me some gear advice and I can't sustain my life with rf and dmg is far away from the pob link.

Mapping is smooth I just run a Quicksilver flask with Inc duration and Inc movespeed

Thanks for any advice you can give me.
So how did you guys lvl this build as a twink?

I have 2 Might of the Meeks and Unnatural Instinct.
What uniques and main skill should I use for the fastest lvling
to maps?
i used quill rain with Toxic Rain, was pretty smooth
xLuciferIX wrote:
So how did you guys lvl this build as a twink?

I have 2 Might of the Meeks and Unnatural Instinct.
What uniques and main skill should I use for the fastest lvling
to maps?

With those you can even level up with BV just grab phasing/onslaught and just zoom zoom to maps.

Notice the good clear speed part? Which isn't true? But sure you guys win. w/e

Clear speed is definitely excellent - but depends WHAT you are clearing.

If you picked this build to farm someshit like open-layout Burial Chambers all day, you obviously didn't put much thought into it. Yes, it's terrible for this.

But If you optimize your Atlas to farm T16 Haunted Mansion or UGS with 5 sextants, you DESTROY that map. I literally run through a T16 Haunted Mansion in like 2 min and the density is crazy - I think this map suits BV/RF type builds even better than bow builds.

I don't even use a Rotgut -
Quicksilver is enough for me, alongside:

1) % Chance to gain Onslaught on Abyss Jewel
MANDATORY - With just one at 4-5% chance, you have 100% uptime throughout entire map. Not only is it 20% movespeed but 20% castspeed makes Flame Dash a bit quicker

2) 30% (or 35%) movement speed boots - Kaom's is absolutely not the choice for mapping. Swap Kaom's when you do Uber Elder.

3) Flame Dash - I run a Flame Dash + Faster Casting. I know many players are negatively biased to this skill, but since the "buff" to the range this league, It's actually really not that bad. The charges recovery extremely quick now and the range makes it a good "get to the next pack" ability. It's not Whirling Blades but it's absolutely worth using to teleport into packs.

4) Expensive for many, but the Unnatural Instinct gem definitely helps - it's 16% movespeed! That's 50% of a boot in your gem!

This won't be a T1 clearpseed build but it's fast enough if you select the right maps. The point of this build is to have "good enough" clear speed while being a supertanky BOSS KILLER.

This is the first build I was able to DEATHLESS Uber Elder... MULTIPLE times in a row, without breaking a sweat. I've played many META 50+ exalt builds in past, shit like 14K ES LLRF Mana Guardian with OP Watcher's Eyes... and they felt SQUISHIER than this build on Uber Elder. Not to mention they took forever to kill him... this build drops bosses much faster.
Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
Last edited by KooperT on Sep 20, 2018, 10:08:55 AM

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