[3.5] Ele Thickk - Super Tanky Ele Hit - Uber Elder Deathless -No Xoph's -No Frostferno - Videos Up

Corvete wrote:
POB does not recognize "elemental hit cannot choose" mods. IT actually shows damage decrease even if requirements are met. Does this mean that we have to multiply damage shown by 3 to get accurate dps?

No, its correct, keep in mind that PoB only shows 1 element at a time. Not using the jewels would mean that you convert more lightning/cold damage to fire, but you would cycle through 2 weak and 1 strong element. With the jewel your lightning and cold damage gets halved before conversion, leaving you with lower paper damage for fire in PoB but more overall damage, as you dont attack with the weak elements anymore.
Last edited by Adadadan on Sep 25, 2018, 11:19:19 AM
Unf0rgiwen wrote:

whts wrong with my elehit?
PoB shows me only 885k shaper dps
Maybe i did some wrong with calculation?
Do i need make ress equal for wise oak? or something else

Hi mate, just check'd your POB and you have to put a "Projectile travel distance" number like 1, any number is fine.

If you switch for Drillneck, you gain 20k dps.

Your rare ring doesnt have any elemental damage boost.

You need more jewels with flat fire dmg or attack speed.

Try to balance your res, its going to help you. The more important is the fire res that needs to be higher, but getting all res equal helps with survivability (espicially VS uber elder and the cold dmg mitigation).

Bubonic trail/Tombfist 2 socket gives a huge boost too.

Getting 15% elemental damage on your Combat Focus jewels gives you about 18k dps.

All those little numbers are important in this build since the scaling is really high.

I hope it helps.
Last edited by Feurn on Sep 25, 2018, 12:15:04 PM
Thanks a lot!
Hi just wanted to say thank you for this build/guide! Playing it in delve, works great. Thanks again! :D
MFJones wrote:
Hi, I want to award the writer of this build/guide the official MFJones Good Build Award.

This is probably the most solid ele hit build currently. Doesn't take much to get started, easy to level with, and extremely strong end game with amazing scaling potential with GG gear options.

Good job guy!

Hey guys, haven't been playing delve but check in every once in a while, really glad everyone is still enjoying the build and farming up delve! GL! Probably catch you all next league!
Last edited by Qrafty on Sep 25, 2018, 10:03:33 PM
Hey, I loved the idea of this build, but can someone explain the combat focus nerf to me? If its only choosing the fire arrow, and I'm built around just maximizing fire damage with this build, how or why is this a "nerf"? I can't seem to find anything explaining this.
Wriggleybooch wrote:
Hey, I loved the idea of this build, but can someone explain the combat focus nerf to me? If its only choosing the fire arrow, and I'm built around just maximizing fire damage with this build, how or why is this a "nerf"? I can't seem to find anything explaining this.

Combat Focus didn't reduce the blocked element before the nerf, now it reduces it by 50% which means that you're converting less damage to fire.
I get that part, what I don't understand is, is it still using lightning and cold arrows that are hidden and just reducing the damage, or is it just reducing any lightning or cold damage I have (items, etc) that I'm converting to fire, (in which case what's it matter?)
maybe with an example you get it better.

Old combat Focus

100 fire +100cold+100 lighting if you convert all to fire so is a 300dmg%

New combat Focus
100 fire + 50 cold + 50 lightning (of Gem dmg)= 200dmg%
Interested in playing this build, but the only thing that I'm scared of is leveling. How's the leveling?

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