[3.5] Ele Thickk - Super Tanky Ele Hit - Uber Elder Deathless -No Xoph's -No Frostferno - Videos Up

unite01 wrote:
I've been playing this build, it's amazing until guardian where I'm not doing enough damage and I cannot face tank any of them. I feel like I'm hitting too slow ? any suggestion on what I could update ? I know the gems aren't 20/20 and im working on that, jewel could also be better :)

lvl 91 with 7.3k HP and 49k hideout tooltip (5L) single target dps.

I did kill uber atziri with it, no kaoms, but it's mostly positioning :)


The Taming seems to be a decent replacement for CotB. Have you tried putting that in PoB? Since we can shock and ignite it should give 100% increased damage to hits and 70% increased damage to ignites.
taming gives about 3% more totale dps in POB. it does help the resist

thanks for the suggestion :)
Last edited by unite01 on Sep 11, 2018, 4:31:29 PM
Is this build "better" than Ele Hit Deadeye? Can you go deep in delves (300-400+?)
Any suggestion on when to go blood magic

Also how do you clear not using LMP/GMP ?
Last edited by Alcsaar on Sep 11, 2018, 6:34:54 PM
How would you level as this character? i seen a poe build link but didn't really understand. what do you use before chin sol? thanks
Alcsaar wrote:
Any suggestion on when to go blood magic

Also how do you clear not using LMP/GMP ?

Chin sol is used for single target, and this is a single target gem setup, look below at the setup in +2 bow.

I went BM as soon as I had slayer ascendancy + Vaal pact + Vitality Void + Hematophagy and enough damage to sustain HP with quill rain. You may want to use mana leech node and mana flasks until you spec all that.
domelious wrote:
How would you level as this character? i seen a poe build link but didn't really understand. what do you use before chin sol? thanks

As scion you can level as anything you want..but if you want to level with bows the entire way, I suggest using rain of arrows with your basic arrow leveling gear (storm cloud etc) along with thief's torment.

Once you have the 2 ele hit jewels and avatar of fire, you may choose to switch to ele hit.
Edeka wrote:
Is this build "better" than Ele Hit Deadeye? Can you go deep in delves (300-400+?)

Yes, I would say this build is all-around better than deadeye version. Won't be as fast as deadeye of course, and probably lower damage, but still more than enough. Scion has more survivability with a higher HP pool and slayer overleech.
You know, your guide made me realise that my own tree is so generic that could work ranged. it's not as affective as your build but it sits on the left side, which provides potentially more life and res.

Anyways, I relied on claws, mostly becase by this point:
, claws were barely any worse than bright beak.

Then I decided to fuck around with quill rain that I had sitting for ages. And it werks with current setup (swap multstrike and ancestrall call for GMP and mirage archer):

and it works nicely. Granted, with less damage than your version but it's close to point blank (3pts) and iron grip(1pt). But it also chills and ignites most enemies (close to 50% I believe). I disregard shock because if u can shock reliably you usually don't need to shock it in the first place.

Here's the pob link for my twisted version of the build, originally meant for melee claws for the life gain on hit.

I feel like path of the templar is necessary for it though, so I get stuck with inquisitor. In fact, I almost rolled a juggernaut in the first place. Did a coin toss to decide, heh.

Any thoghts on the approach?
Last edited by Absolutista on Sep 12, 2018, 1:36:08 PM
Your opinion on Slayer Jugg?
I saw Dan chosing Jugg on his Delve Ascendant what is dead atm and he is now Scion Deadeye probably just for lvling

Do you use this build for Delves? Your profile is hidden sadly
Last edited by Hejti on Sep 12, 2018, 4:28:07 PM

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