[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere

Thanks a lot for the build. Played before with frost blades and it was pretty decent in clear speed but with flicker strike it feels like a lightning! Even running lab feels easy, got 5th place yesterday on lab ladder. Though the faster you run labs the faster your currency sweep off on twice enchanted and offerings. Still no luck in getting enchant on starkonja's. Only manage to get "molten strike increased damage" so far and not sure is it worth to swap with my mirrored 2 projectiles helm which comparing to starkonja cut my evasion on a half.

Could you please take a look on my char and give me some advise on what i can do so far apart from starkonja's enchant.

Thank you again for the build. It's super fun to play!
Last edited by takinyash on Mar 6, 2019, 9:09:44 AM
takinyash wrote:
Thanks a lot for the build. Played before with frost blades and it was pretty decent in clear speed but with flicker strike it feels like a lightning! Even running lab feels easy, event get 5th places yesterday in lab ladder. Though the faster you run labs the faster your currency sweep off on twice enchantings and offerings. Still no luck in getting enchant on starkonja's. Only get "molten strike increased damage" so far and not sure is it worth to swap it with my mirrored 2 projectiles helm which comparing to starkonja cut my evasion on a half

Could you please take a look on my char and give me some advise on what i can do so far apart from starkonja's enchant.

Thank you again for this build. It's super fan to play!

It's unfortunate but it seems like the lab enchants have different weighting, +2 molten strike is really rare. Glad you enjoyed it!

Overall gear looks really good, would recommend focusing on life though until at least 6500 HP. A life flask with the "Panicked" mod may also be beneficial.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Assume you have the "+% crit chance if you haven't crit recently" enchant on your boots. Does the Ice Golem still make sense if we only benefit from its accuracy? Or would any other Golem be better then?
Going for this build this league again :D
Pyzt89 wrote:
Going for this build this league again :D

Absolutely agree! by far one of my favorite builds to play, not to mention it has a equally amazing guide to boot.
grobinatrix wrote:
Assume you have the "+% crit chance if you haven't crit recently" enchant on your boots. Does the Ice Golem still make sense if we only benefit from its accuracy? Or would any other Golem be better then?

Ice Golem isn't necessary with the crit boot enchant. Can either replace it with a lightning one (more damage) or a chaos one (tankier). The new skill "Wave of conviction" looks like it will be really strong on a CWDT setup for us as well.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Have you tried to use conc path skill instead of flicker? Altho then we would not need the oros at all.
This will be my league starter, because...

1. You did an amazing job with this build and i loved it
2. Only pussies will go Occultist ;-)

Keep up the good work. I really appreciate it.
Haven't tried a flicker build since they came out with Delve. Decided to give this one a run since it seems more feasible without weapon swaps.

In all honesty I got really bored during the levelling portion. Thankfully, at 51, I picked up a terminus est and modified the 6l build to add crit chance to attack. 6l chest with 4l terminus and it's a blast. I couldn't get 4 reds on the sword, but with 3 red 1 green I tossed in a faster attacks there and the thing has started ripping through the content.

Now I can't wait for the Oro so I can do it right.
Last edited by Kruxify on Mar 9, 2019, 11:26:04 PM
One thing i can't figure out is how i'm supposed to get endurance charges, anyone care to enlighten me? :)


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