Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)

Hello, I started the League with this build and have nearly done all content with it. I killed Uber Elder yesterday. Delve Level 300+.

I can't remember dying actively to the shimmeron degen. I made the swicth to doublewield them at around Lvl 90, if I remember correctly, so I had descent life regeneration from the skilltree at that point. The degen in no regen maps is noticeable but I can handle it with my two lifeflasks.

For Delves I switch in Added Cold Damage instead of Trap and Mine Damage Support to reliable shatter of mobs.

I think that this build is still viable.
Last edited by Wursti2013 on Sep 13, 2018, 8:46:49 AM
Wursti2013 wrote:
Hello, I started the League with this build and have nearly done all content with it. I killed Uber Elder yesterday. Delve Level 300+.

I can't remember dying actively to the shimmeron degen. I made the swicth to doublewield them at around Lvl 90, if I remember correctly, so I had descent life regeneration from the skilltree at that point. The degen in no regen maps is noticeable but I can handle it with my two lifeflasks.

For Delves I switch in Added Cold Damage instead of Trap and Mine Damage Support to reliable shatter of mobs.

I think that this build is still viable.

What do shattering mobs do for trapper?
mic01851165 wrote:

What do shattering mobs do for trapper?

In Delves there are mobs that explode after death dealing high amounts of damage, i like these corpses better destroyed.
mic01851165 wrote:
Tom1nside wrote:
Regen from detonated traps works with the arc trap setup or needs a trap skill like bear trap ? :)

edit . It works :D

Here's mine ( still tryin to color the chest :D )

With the new Shimmeron change, Loreweave goes from "good" to "mandatory" though.

Not much choice left for trapper.

Btw, I think you're missing trapper glove, since it becomes mandatory post the Cluster nerf. Huge qol / dps boost .


Finetuned the gear a bit ( gloves are unchangable for the reses :/ ) . and managed to get the lighting spire on 5L ( see the helm ) Here its stats buffed ( 5 x powercharges ) . :)

IGN = Tominsideeeee

Is it bad that I use 2 heralds instead of grace?
At this point it seems that I benefit from these offensive spells more than from defensive one.
gageris wrote:
Is it bad that I use 2 heralds instead of grace?
At this point it seems that I benefit from these offensive spells more than from defensive one.

Before the patch, we use 2x shimmeron pretty much guaranteed, so most mobs melt regardless of whether you choose Grace or Wrath.

After the dps nerf and not using 2x Shimmeron anymore, our dps goes down, the damage difference between grace and wrath becomes much more noticable.

Now I also use Wrath too and have more success in Delve because some enemies go from two shot to one shot, which indirectly make us much safer compare to using Grace.

I still have Vaal Grace on, however. Very good vaal skill .
Last edited by mic01851165 on Sep 14, 2018, 1:26:15 PM
Any good unique flask for this build? Feel like I never use my 2nd life flask
Last edited by ntien93 on Sep 17, 2018, 4:35:49 AM
Currently level 91, delve level 212, mapping at ~tier 13/14. Uber lab was fine too, and normal elder is down with no issues either. Only my second league so slow-ish progress.

My gear so far:

Contemplating swapping out for a Shimmerons, but I'm wondering whether a decent rare might be just as good. Working on six-linking a loreweave too for the next main upgrade.

Comments/criticisms welcome. Overall, a fun build to play and I'd say fairly cheap to gear well and fairly easy to play with if you're a less experienced player like me.
Parhelius wrote:

Contemplating swapping out for a Shimmerons, but I'm wondering whether a decent rare might be just as good.

Shimmerons are really cheap. Worth giving one a try.
Frogmum wrote:
Parhelius wrote:

Contemplating swapping out for a Shimmerons, but I'm wondering whether a decent rare might be just as good.

Shimmerons are really cheap. Worth giving one a try.

I'm using one now with another rare wand and swapping to the bear trap shield for max power charges as per the guide. Just got slaughtered by minotaur though so perhaps some work needed.

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