Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)

YirenTan wrote:
work if I am able to cap resists without boots?

There, fixed those for you :)
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Got a shimmeron yesterday, and I try your passives, very sick.
Don't need MOM anymore, dmg is crazy.
I'm wondering why blood rage is only lv1 ?
Hi Guys,

I sold all my gear on my BV ele for this char as final bosskiller/endgame farmer.

Can anyone please have a look at my gear and suggest some upgrades?

I have abt 1-2ex left.

I still feel squishy in incursions.
Jihax wrote:
Hi Guys,

I sold all my gear on my BV ele for this char as final bosskiller/endgame farmer.

Can anyone please have a look at my gear and suggest some upgrades?

I have abt 1-2ex left.

I still feel squishy in incursions.

No chaos res certainly hurts. Also you have no boots with 12% spell dodge. Also your links are screwed up - you didn't follow my suggestions there. While you have mark of the shaper, you don't seem to have it paired with either and elder or shaped ring.
So what I suggest is:
- Get a shaped ring with chaos res -> you get that juicy stun immunity vs spells
- Get chaos res on helmet / gloves / boots
- Fuck the lightning spire trap enchant. While it provides a bit of dps, you should prioritize your defenses as damage is enough any way
- Try to get spell dodge on boots
- Use Jaws of Agony unique shield in weapon slot. Throw a few traps before you enter the incursion and swap back to shimmerons. Then you will the 20% spellblock active and the pesky chaos spitters won't hurt that much anymore
Chimerka wrote:
I rerolled my character 4 times :D

I tried:

- arc Miner - life / MoM
- arc / fire trap Trapper - life / MoM / ES - Tinkerskin Eldrich Battery, no Chain Reaction for ES / Life gain
- arc Trapper - life - this build
- arc Trapper - life / MoM - essence worm, dream fragment, clear mind jewel

My personal winner is life / MoM - essence worm Trapper which im curently playing

thanks,like you I've tested a few variants and MOM feels much better and somehow easier to play...
Can you check mine too?
I got my second shimmeron, but I don't know what to do next step.
Please gimme a suggestion what should I improve first?
For when not fighting Uber Elder/Shaper/etc. , do you switch out your shaper ring for an elder ring?
For when not fighting Uber Elder/Shaper/etc. , do you switch out your shaper ring for an elder ring?

No. flat lightning damage, res, life is fantastic. And only very very few bosses last longer than 3 seconds.
1i1W4DE wrote:
Can you check mine too?
I got my second shimmeron, but I don't know what to do next step.
Please gimme a suggestion what should I improve first?

1. Lorewave
2. Any of the following (order doesnt matter)
a) Chaos res
b) spell dodge
c) phys dmg taken as ele dmg on helmet
Last edited by Sequel on Jun 21, 2018, 5:25:58 PM
Sequel wrote:
Spiritless wrote:
Alright I'm lost about the cwdt setup
Each time it gets triggered I can see on the buff list that blood rage is first, immortal call is next, soul of arakali (upgraded) is equipped, but after immortal call expires I still degen. Is that supposed to happen?

Yes. Bloodrage still degens you. But those 4% are easily counterbalanced by your trap triggers.

Quick follow up on this, maybe I'm missing something. I have my CWDT gems in right order - I see that IC procs, but I still have the 6 sec duration of Blood rage up. I'm assuming I "haven't stopped taking damage over time recently" yet, that occurs when BR fades, so if you get hit more than once every 6 sec its completely pointless (I understand that shouldn't occur with this much evasion/dodge/spell dodge/etc)? This seems... bad, you need the boost of regen right after you've been hit, not 6 sec after.

Thanks for the clarification, loving the build.

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