[3.3] Noodle's Arc Trap + Lightning Spire Trap Saboteur (Budget 2.2M+ Shaper DPS)

Newbie here, so sorry about my dumb question. I know that i can most of skill gems from Lily but i cat seem to find the freezing trap you mentioned in you leveling part? can you tell me where i can find the the skill?
Im sure they meant Freezing Pulse
inpulsa's decent to use if thats the only armor i have on hand atm? ( i know the explosion doesnt trigger, but the shock effect increase still good right?)
xBeWarned wrote:
inpulsa's decent to use if thats the only armor i have on hand atm? ( i know the explosion doesnt trigger, but the shock effect increase still good right?)

Inpulsa's been discussed earlier ITT, considered rather poor choice for this build.
I dont understand passives tree in this build.

Crit build using Cracling speed instead of Throatseeker - more DPS

WWblades as movement skill, but no Coordination passive, like who wants to go fast right? :D

Nullification = 5% life and 8% all res + eva / es, well its good, but i would get Expeditious Munitions - 16% trap throwing speed! also trigger area + dmg

Scion life wheel nodes are great, but for MoM type of tree (you still get 5k life + 2k mana or 4k life + 1.6k mana with bad gear) i would rather get for my passive points little less life, but more dodge and dmg, so i suggest to go into right bottom section of tree instead of Scion life wheel and get this nodes:

Phase acrobatics, Heartseeker, Herbalism

Endgame optimized passive tree here - little less life, more dmg, more utility (dodge, spell dodge)
Last edited by Chimerka on Jul 3, 2018, 6:19:32 AM
Deus79 wrote:
Newbie here, so sorry about my dumb question. I know that i can most of skill gems from Lily but i cat seem to find the freezing trap you mentioned in you leveling part? can you tell me where i can find the the skill?

I did mean Freezing Pulse, as was pointed out. My bad! :)
Silvano13 wrote:
As you level farther, you'll want to look for daggers with:
1. Increased Global Crit chance (Golden or Platinum Kris)
2. Global Crit Multi
3. Mana regen
4. Increased %spell damage

Are those in order of importance? This is my first build and I'm looking to upgrade my daggers soon; want to make sure I'm getting my money's worth. Depending what I find these might be 'end-game' until I can afford Shimmeron. Thanks!

I would say for MoM it is order of importance; if not MoM spell damage > Mana regen.
xBeWarned wrote:
Would the Trap damage Daggers be good from the temple? or do the Spell dmg daggers just outright trump them? Are the trap dmg daggers good to use untill i get some Spell dmg daggers, is what im trying to ask :P

Absolutely! The build is intended as budget so if you can afford (or are lucky enough to find) daggers with good trap damage + crit chance, that's awesome!
broesi wrote:

What should I upgrade next? I don't have enough currency for 6L Tinkerskin (and I like the playstyle)

And second, how are my Gloves compared to +Trap and +1 Additional Trap? Would they still be an upgrade or is +%trap dmg and +%crit multi good enough?

Getting + 1 additional trap is huge, especially with chain reaction in terms of damage. It's a more multiplier of damage so it's a great upgrade!

Otherwise I'd say maybe look for better jewels. I avoid physical damage added because it doesn't scale as well as lightning, spell, or even elemental damage.
Why choir of the storm? for lightning dmg? I believe traps can't tripper he's lightning bolt?

Lightning damage + crit chance based on lightning resistance. You are correct you cannot trigger lightning bolt.

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