[3.3] Noodle's Arc Trap + Lightning Spire Trap Saboteur (Budget 2.2M+ Shaper DPS)


kind of stucked dmg wise. any tipps wher ei can get some really nice dmg boost (i know its going to get expensive, i got a 6l carcass for sale for 5ex, no one wants it ... and other stuff...)


couldnt link my jewels from tree
Last edited by niksxs on Jun 14, 2018, 11:52:21 AM
Linley28 wrote:
Hello there,
Can i ask why you preferred picking the 0.3 life regen nodes instead of the 8% mana ones in the scion area near Shaper Node?Wouldn t the 16% more mana be more of a survival pick than it?
Haven t really played a trapper before and thinking i m gonna give it a shot anyway just curious.
Thanks and Gl!

Good catch! I had those initially on the "damage" version, but I think if you are going MoM (and I have actually done this myself so I'll update the guide to reflect that) getting those 8% mana nodes is better.
zorminster wrote:
Really enjoying this so far, started the league with a bf jug that i somehow managed to make not work worth a crap and got tired of spending money on gear without any significant improvements. Swapped to this and blew through all of the story with only one or two deaths (until I got into the whiskey...then i had a couple.)

Grabbed a couple of Ungil's Gauche boot knives from the guild stash (easy way to grab 80% crit each & a chunk of block chance from a very low level ), my 48 res belt, and a couple mana regen items and just steam rolled. I'm up to kitava but not killing him yet as I desperately need to take the time to buy new gear to replace many of these laughable leveling items. Sort of wanting to make sure I understand a couple things before moving ahead:

1) DPS variation vs MOM variation : for those of you have run DPS then swapped, around what tier map did you find it necessary to swap over? Essence worms are only about 15C now so it'd be easy enough to start as MOM if it's actually that good... i've not looked to see how much harder it is to find mana regen on all items though.

2) Phase acro: Are we simply avoiding this because we can manual dodge and those 4 points are much needed elsewhere?

3) Trap gloves > Deerstalkers because we grab triple res + move speed and life on boots but cannot get triple res + traps (and dmg) + life on gloves (traps are suffix, as are resistance) right?

4) Trap gloves - between trap/trap damage vs trap/additional trap - which should be used when? Seems like if i was running tinker, the additional trap becomes much more valuable since that's an extra proc every toss (assuming overlap). Also, i thought previously i'd seen we had a node or item that increased trap damage based on the number of trap-- but now i can't find it, am I dreaming? [[Edit: Found it, our Perfect Crime ascendancy gives 8% damage for each trap (placed). With this in mind, it means that an extra trap should be more than 20% damage AND because it helps you get your max traps out faster, it increases dps and makes it more likely that you one shot groups. Seems like extra trap is probably the superior modifier, no?]]

5) Helm enchants - whats BIS here? Do we know for sure if the ARC enchants will be factored in to our traps?


Glad you're enjoying it so far! My responses would be:

1. I didn't find it necessary to swap over until I was well into maps, around 80. However, I think you could get enough mana nodes/regen on the tree and gear by lvl 50 to make a safe switch.

2. We will get a good amount of evasion elsewhere and I do think the 4 points (since the rest of the build does not stack armour, energy shield, or block) can be used better elsewhere.

3. You can get boots with better life, movement speed, and resists. Plus your trapper gloves can have life and resists as well as the trap bonus. Deerstalkers are fine for leveling but I would not use them endgame.

4. Additional trap is BIS because you get additional traps for Arc AND Lightning spire, and that extra trap thrown in each group seems to really increase DPS (and easier life regen or Tinkerskin benefits if you choose to use Tinkerskin).

5. Arc chains additional time is BIS but Arc does increased damage isn't too far behind it.
DstrbdPerson wrote:
Double space kitties?? I see you are an exile of means and taste as well.

I'm currently enjoying my first trapper! I've gone CI for the first time to top it all off and am getting some cool extra durability out of Apep's Supremacy and Incandescent Heart. I'm slowwwww going and just killed Kitava and started mapping last night at like 73 or so, so I gotta go pump my resists back up, but fingers crossed on being bleed immune and negating an additional 25% of elemental damage taken! :D

Nice guide :)

Yes, I am a Noodle with excellent tastes of the Kitten Cat variety :D

I'd love to see how you're going CI! I've been thinking about it, since you chaos damage is a big factor this league. I'd love to hear more about it!!
Uroboros888 wrote:
What about Impulsa, its dont work? Mb ask of this before, sorry if i repit question-_-

Inpulsa's works at some parts, and not at others.

"(20-50)% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently"
Not sure if this would apply because "you" don't shock enemies. Difficult to tell with wording if you'd get the damage boost.

"(25-40)% increased Effect of Shock
Unaffected by Shock"

This should all apply

"Shocked Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (5-10)% of their Maximum Life as Lightning Damage which cannot Shock"
This will not work. "You" do not kill enemies, your traps do.
Uroboros888 wrote:
What about Impulsa, its dont work? Mb ask of this before, sorry if i repit question-_-

Inpulsa's works at some parts, and not at others.

"(20-50)% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently"
Not sure if this would apply because "you" don't shock enemies. Difficult to tell with wording if you'd get the damage boost.

"(25-40)% increased Effect of Shock
Unaffected by Shock"

This should all apply

"Shocked Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (5-10)% of their Maximum Life as Lightning Damage which cannot Shock"
This will not work. "You" do not kill enemies, your traps do.

Thanks for the answer, it was interesting to check how it works, but I not only do not have 6l of the impulse, while I did not drop the impulse myself =)
PS. Eldrich battery with tinkerskin good work, unlimited mana.

1) DPS variation vs MOM variation : for those of you have run DPS then swapped, around what tier map did you find it necessary to swap over? Essence worms are only about 15C now so it'd be easy enough to start as MOM if it's actually that good... i've not looked to see how much harder it is to find mana regen on all items though.

Hey Noodle at which point would you say the average player would start having problem with your DPS build?
I am level 81 so far doing maps 7 without too much problem (lag is my only nemesis), I wonder if I can do uber lab myself without changing to MoM/EW?
niksxs wrote:

kind of stucked dmg wise. any tipps wher ei can get some really nice dmg boost (i know its going to get expensive, i got a 6l carcass for sale for 5ex, no one wants it ... and other stuff...)


couldnt link my jewels from tree

It looks pretty solid to me but a couple things you could do:

1. Get an Arc helm enchant. Preferably +1 to Arc Chain
2. Stack more crit multi on your jewels (although your abyss jewel in belt seems great)
3. Use a Wise Oak's instead of your quicksilver (if you don't mind movement skill-ing around)
4. Depending on how high your crit chance is, you could maybe swap Controlled Destruction for Added Lightning Damage. This is a slight DPS boost but probably not necessary/might not be worth the crit chance loss.
EndruWiggin wrote:

1) DPS variation vs MOM variation : for those of you have run DPS then swapped, around what tier map did you find it necessary to swap over? Essence worms are only about 15C now so it'd be easy enough to start as MOM if it's actually that good... i've not looked to see how much harder it is to find mana regen on all items though.

Hey Noodle at which point would you say the average player would start having problem with your DPS build?
I am level 81 so far doing maps 7 without too much problem (lag is my only nemesis), I wonder if I can do uber lab myself without changing to MoM/EW?

Honestly, unless you're HC, I don't see any time you'd "need" to switch over. I switched mostly for the sake of testing/making alternatives. I did find it helpful (once I was fully balanced) during tough fights like Elder and Eradicator, although if you're NOT fully balanced with mana regen, it's almost worse to have MoM.

If I had to recommend when to go MoM, I'd say do it after you get to maps, before Uber lab. Just my opinion/experience.
Body Armour
Lightning Spire Trap - Increased Area of Effect - Controlled Destruction - Trap and Mine Damage - Added Lightning - Lightning Pen

Is increased iaoe better than a generic damage support gem for lightning spire vs non guardian bosses(or does it make a difference)?
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214

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